Health Benefits of Gallium Nitrate: Dosage and Uses

| Modified on Sep 11, 2024
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Gallium nitrate, a compound derived from the element gallium, is gaining attention for its potential health benefits, particularly for those suffering from bone and joint-related conditions. Historically used in cancer treatment, recent research suggests that gallium nitrate may also help manage inflammation and discomfort associated with arthritis, osteoporosis, and other bone diseases.

What Is Gallium Nitrate?

Gallium nitrate is a salt derived from the metallic element gallium. Although gallium is not naturally found in the human body, it has been shown to impact the regulation of calcium, an essential mineral for bone strength. This makes gallium nitrate a promising natural remedy for bone health and inflammatory conditions.

Health Benefits of Gallium Nitrate

Reduces Bone Loss

Gallium nitrate is known to inhibit bone resorption, the process in which bone cells break down and release minerals, weakening bones. Studies suggest gallium nitrate may help prevent bone loss in conditions such as osteoporosis and Paget's disease.

Eases Joint Pain and Inflammation

One of the most popular uses of gallium nitrate is alleviating pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Gallium nitrate appears to inhibit enzymes that degrade cartilage and may reduce inflammatory processes in joints.

Improves Calcium Metabolism

Gallium nitrate's ability to regulate calcium is particularly beneficial for bone health. It helps to keep calcium in the bones, promoting stronger, healthier bones while reducing calcium build-up in soft tissues where it can cause problems.

Potential Cancer Benefits

Although gallium nitrate’s role in cancer treatment is still being studied, it has shown promise in reducing tumor growth in bone-related cancers, such as multiple myeloma and bone metastases. By inhibiting the bone breakdown process, it can also reduce complications associated with cancerous bone lesions.

Dosage Recommendations

Dosages of gallium nitrate for bone or joint health can vary depending on the form and severity of the condition. Below are general guidelines, but it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

  1. For Osteoarthritis and Inflammation Relief: A diluted 1% solution of gallium nitrate can be taken at 10-20 drops daily for relief from joint pain and inflammation.
  2. For Osteoporosis and Bone Health: Higher doses, such as 200 mg per day of gallium nitrate, may be used under medical supervision to prevent bone loss and strengthen bones.
  3. Topical Use for Joint Pain: For relief from arthritis symptoms, a topical solution (1% gallium nitrate) can be applied to painful areas once or twice daily.

Always follow the dosage recommended by your healthcare provider, as excessive use of gallium nitrate can cause side effects.

User Testimonials and Success Stories

Below is a summary of findings on gallium nitrate based on testimonials from different sources, including George Eby's site, Earth Clinic, and Amazon:

1. Sinus Congestion Relief: One Amazon reviewer used a capful of a 14% gallium nitrate solution in his nasal wash for chronic sinus congestion, combining it with Alkalol nasal wash. He reported significant improvements, with gallium nitrate effectively clearing his sinuses, reducing congestion, and killing bacteria and fungus. The addition of DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) further helped penetration, although its specific effects weren’t immediately clear to the user. The combination also helped reduce joint and muscle pain.

2. Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief: Both Earth Clinic and the Amazon testimonial describe gallium nitrate as highly effective for relieving arthritis, joint, and muscle pain. When applied topically (typically in a 1% solution), it reportedly worked within days for more minor pains and weeks for more significant issues. Gallium nitrate interferes with the iron-dependent processes in pathogens, which helps reduce inflammation and pain.

3. Cancer Treatment: Earth Clinic includes testimonials about gallium nitrate's role in treating bone cancer. It acts as a "Trojan horse," targeting cancer cells while sparing healthy ones. One method involves mixing DMSO with gallium nitrate for better absorption and cancer cell targeting. This remedy may take a few weeks to show results.1

4. Autoimmune and Chronic Infections: Gallium nitrate has been used for autoimmune conditions, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. It helps target and destroy iron-dependent pathogens without damaging beneficial gut bacteria. Some have used a 1% oral gallium nitrate solution daily to treat conditions linked to mycobacteria, improving chronic symptoms. 2

Safety Considerations

Although gallium nitrate is considered safe when used at appropriate dosages, it's essential to be cautious. Excessive or prolonged use may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort or issues related to kidney function. Individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions should avoid using gallium nitrate without first consulting a healthcare professional, as it may interfere with kidney processes. High doses (greater than 5%) should also be used under medical supervision to prevent potential adverse effects, including electrolyte imbalances or localized skin irritation when applied topically.

Where to Buy

George Eby's website


Gallium nitrate offers a natural and effective way to support bone health, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. It is an excellent option for those managing conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, or even sinus infections. While it also shows promise in cancer and autoimmune treatments, proper dosages and guidance from healthcare providers are crucial to ensure safe and optimal results. Whether taken orally or applied topically, gallium nitrate provides a multi-faceted approach to improving overall health and well-being.

Have you tried gallium nitrate for joint pain or bone health? Please share your experience and let us know how it worked for you!

Antibacterial Properties of Gallium Nitrate

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Posted by Earth Clinic on 09/11/2024

The domain with this article ( was discontinued at some point, so we recovered it from The last snapshot was in 2016.

by George Eby
[email protected]
George Eby Research Institute, Austin, Texas.

The antibacterial effects of gallium are extremely broad, since they stop all iron dependent bacteria and fungi in their tracks by immediately terminating their growth. Bacteria and fungi need iron for their reproduction, and gallium looks like iron to them. However, gallium (III) can not become gallium (II), while iron (III) can become iron (II). Consequently, bacteria cannot replicate when given gallium. Gallium (III) may be thought of as a "birth-control agent" (bacteriostatic) for bacteria. Since it does not kill them outright, they do not become resistant to gallium.

According to this World patent application WO/2007/053581 iron-dependent pathogenic microorganisms comprise: Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Yersinia, Salmonella, Chlamydia, Coxilla, Ehrlichia, Francisella, Legionella, Pasteurella, Brucella, Proteus, Hilicobacter, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Tropheryma, Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Campylobacter, Capnocytophaga, Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Erysipelothrix, Listeria, Mycobacterium, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus gordonii, Atopobium parvulum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Eubacterium sulci, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, ß-hemolytic streptococci, Cory neb acterium minutissimum, Microsporum audouinii, Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis, Sporothrix schenckii, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Pityriasis versicolor, Exophiala werneckii, Trichosporon beigelii, Malassezia furfur, Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp. and the like; including the microorganisms that are known to have become resistant to first-line antibiotics. Such microorganisms include Escherichia coli O157 (a causative organism for gastroenteritis, haemorrhagic colitis or urinary and genital tract infections), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (a causative organism for endocarditis, urinary tract infections, and wound infections), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA; a causative organism for various skin infections, eye infection, wound infections, and so forth), Salmonella LO typhi (the causative organism for typhoid fever), and the like, and fungi, such as Candida albicans, Microsporum canis, Sporothrix schenckii, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Malassezia furfur, Pityriasis versicolor, Exophiala werneckii, Trichosporon beigelii, Coccidioides immitis, Histoplama capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Aspergillus fumigatus, Epidermophyton spp., Fusarium spp., Zygomyces spp., Rhizopus spp. Mucor spp., and so forth: including Helicobacter pylori.

Miscellaneous Applications of gallium compounds may be utilized in many different applications other than those described in the previous sections. For example, gallium compounds may be applied topically or directly to a body area, including an open wound and an internal organ or tissue exposed to an outer environment during surgery in addition to an external area, that needs to be protected from or is afflicted with various infections caused by pathogenic organisms. Such infections include, but not by way of limitation, skin infections, such as cellulites, folliculitis, boils, carbuncles, erysipelas, impetigo, erythrasma, paronychia, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, candidiasis (e.g., oral thrush), ring worm, tinea versicolor, etc. as well as eye infections, such as blepharitis, hordeola, conjunctivitis. Causative organisms for skin infections include, but are not limited to, species of Staphylococcus, such as S. aureus and S. epidermidis; Group A streptococci, such as Streptococcus pyogenes; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the like. Typical yeasts or fungi that cause skin infections include Candida albicans, species of genus Microsporon, such as M. auduini and M. canis; species of Trichophyton, such as T. metagrophyte and T. tonsurans, and the like. Causative organisms for eye infections include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Propionibacterium, Nocardia.spp, Bacteroides spp, Fusarium spp, and so forth. Nasal infections caused by Streptococcus penumoniae may lead to ear infection, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

The infections caused by these organisms have become more and more common because of the development of drug-resistant microorganisms, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), as well as the increased number of immunocompromised individuals due to HIV infection or AIDS, organ transplants, treatments for autoimmune diseases, and so forth. Thus, the applications of gallium compounds for human uses as well as veterinarian uses are very beneficial especially in view of their low toxicity and low risks for generating resistant microorganisms. Other applications in the fields of food industries, agricultural industries, fishing industries and so forth are also possible."

NOTE: Probiotic (beneficial intestinal) microorganisms including species of the genera Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Bifidobacterium are not affected by the presence of gallium because they are not iron-dependent. Since probiotic bacteria are NOT adversely affected by gallium, this is why gallium does not cause intestinal problems in animals or people. It is harmless to beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Gallium III (gallium nitrate) is antiviral to HIV/AIDS. See this article.


1 User Review
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Posted by B Jones (London) on 08/27/2019

Gallium nitrate as a cure for arthritis George Eby in Austin Texas has posted various articles about curing arthritis in people and navicular disease in horses using gallium III. Some of his research has been published in respectable journals. An internet search will easily find his sites, including a sales site. As there seem to be no known side effects I would be willing to try this at least topically (he recommends soaking an arthritic joint in his liquid gallium nitrate for an hour). However, he's elderly now and it doesn't look as though his site has been updated for a couple of years, though it will still accept money. No-one answers the phone or responds to emails. Does any chemist out there know how to acquire the necessary ingredients in the UK or how to concoct a similar solution? I can't find anything similar elsewhere.

Replied by Bethbs

Update. Eby Pharmacy did finally respond by email, though both telephone numbers are permanently on answer phone. If you want to buy his gallium from the UK, be aware the cost is high. In addition to the selling price USD250 for 500 ml of the 42% solution, express postage from the US is a further £58; then VAT and further handling costs are charged by ParcelForce in the UK to the tune of another £76.(2019) . I'd be interested to hear whether anyone has had any success using gallium.

Autoimmune Disorders

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Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Washington) on 03/07/2016

That is a typical response to get nowhere from conventional doctors. The trouble you are experiencing is caused by mycoplasma infection and biofilm in your lungs. Most autoimmune disorders are a not so good response by the immune system at trying a feeble attempt at eradicating this organism. Your lungs fill with fibrosis scar tissue slowly reducing your airspaces. If left untreated you will eventually struggle just to try and breathe. Lucky for you came to the right place.

Now you got some serious home work to do but I will point you in the right direction.

Go to youtube, look up "weaponised mycoplasma" Dr Garth Nicholson, then study serrapeptase a systemic enzyme. Google serrapeptase /pulmonary fibrosis or serrapeptase copd they are very similar. Our lungs are being filled with fibrin. Serrapeptase a systemic enzyme tones down an over reactive immune system and literally eats the fibrin plugging your lungs. Serrapeptase also acts against biofilm and attacks mycoplasma. It destroys biofilm and eats foreign proteins found in your blood that germs require for replication. This is the only known way to stop the disease.

Doctors give steroidal antiinflammatories for this condition. This increases the speed of disease progression since mycoplasma feeds off of preformed sterols.

Next thing go to george eby research and spend a few days there studying gallium nitrate. These two things are 99 percent of what you need to reverse the disease. Other treatments that will help are uvbi, whole body blood ozonation, blood electrification or simply buy a hbot chamber. Blood ozonation kills the mycoplasma that drives the disease. Hbot only slaps it around a bit being much weaker than ozone. Once you learn about mineral solutions like gallium nitrate you will see it is able to help a wide variety of seeming totally unrelated diseases. For example pulmonary fibrosis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, lupus, crohns, various std's, arthritis, and a mind boggling variety of other autoimmune diseases are all helped by one simple mineral solution, gallium nitrate. Yet 99.9% of the world has never heard of it. Drug companies never teach doctors about using non drug items. It competes with their interests. Imagine a cheap mineral solution that cures arthritis for a year or more after a single 90 minute exposure. If this info got out they would go broke. Thank God for Earth Clinic!

Bladder Cancer

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Posted by Ben (Bremerton Wa) on 04/30/2016

In 1984 my mom was diagnosed with inoperable bladder cancer. 9 months later she died of a cancer easily treatable by naturopathic medicine.

In my opinion, the baking soda /molasses or maple syrup route is a weak cancer cure. The thing that makes it even weaker is eating a poor diet while trying to recover your health. Cancer demands a learning process with hard lessons learned to those who fail to study.

Extreme careful attention needs to be focused on diet. Let Charlotte Gerson advise you on proper diet in her excellent videos such as "The Gerson Miracle" or a favorite of mine "Dying to have Known".

In all situations where healing is required the body must be supplied with an over supply of essential nutrients because of poor intestinal function and absorbtion of nutrients. Much of what goes through you does not get absorbed with 100 percent efficiency. This means juicing is essential for cancer recovery.

On the other hand toxins built up from many years of exposure need to be removed placing an additional burden the system. This is why such careful attention needs given to diet. Your body can not heal until chemical toxins are chelated out and super nutrition supplied.

If you watch Charlotte Gerson's videos it will all make perfect sense. Nothing artificial should be eaten. No cooked foods should be eaten. Cooked foods become a lifeless useless dead substance which burdens the body. The living enzymes are destroyed which give life to both the plant and the body. You can not thrive on dead devitalized non living foods and expect to survive. Juicing puts mega nutrition into a tired sick body. God designed fruits and vegetables to heal our bodies. Most foods in their natural fresh raw uncooked living state have anticancer properties to them. It is when we corrupt them that they fail to work for us.

Be a raw food junkie and regain your health! never eat pesticide laden produce, its best to grow your own or shop at farmers markets where you can trust the grower.

This is your first lesson, for your second lesson learn about a mineral which attacks certain cancers and iron dependant bacteria, its called gallium nitrate. This mineral solution has extreme anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties to it. It has been proven to work on severe late stage bladder cancer even after all other drugs have failed


Burning Mouth Syndrome

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Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Wa ) on 05/03/2016

Here is an article for you. Http://

Burning mouth can be caused by infectious organisms and certain drugs but you definitely do not have an antidepressant deficiency so that wont cure it but may create additional problems.

Some types of virus are controlled by dmso so that would be a cheap easy way to start and see if it will work for you.

A more severe organism that can be the cause of trouble like this is mycoplasma infection. If doctor prescribed antivirals don't work, if dmso fails to work then try colloidal silver or a big gun virus / mycoplasma killer called gallium nitrate. Certain types of nerve infection are horribly painful until gallium nitrate comes along and nukes the germs responsible. Have a great day.


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Posted by Ben (Bremerton Wa) on 03/23/2016

Your struggle with mrsa can soon be over. A mineral solution with incredible germ killing ability can wipe out mrsa and many other drug resistant organisms that are no longer sensitive to antibiotics. Germs can alter their protein coatings somewhat giving them drug resistance. In addition, germs create a substance called biofilm which allows them a safe haven and increases their resistance to antibiotics 1000 fold.

The two things I religiously preach about are serrapeptase, a systemic enzyme, and gallium nitrate, a mineral solution with incredibly powerful germ killing properties unlike any other substance.

These two substances can affect a cure in a mind boggling number of different diseases.

Germs cannot get around galliums method of action. They can not build a resistance to it. Yet gallium is harmless to beneficial microorganisms such as lactobacilli intestinal flora. Those germs like mrsa which go into biofilm can wait out an attack of antibiotics and then come back later thats why they are so hard to get rid of.

To eliminate nasty germs and heal from disease you must first eliminate their biofilm fortress.

Throwing antibiotics at an infection is a waste of time and causes more harm than good. A low ineffective dose of antibiotic only serves to teach germs how to become drug resistant. As long as the biofilm remains the germ will remain encased within it.

So how do you eliminate biofilm? Do you use a stronger antibiotic? Nope, you dont use antibiotics to wipe out biofilm, you use enzymes! Serrapeptase a systemic enzyme which eats biofilm for breakfast. It strips germs naked leaving them no where to hide from the immune system.

Serrapeptase does something magnificent to stop viral replication too. Virus depend on surface proteins to develop adhesion molecules by which they can attach themselves to a cell they wish to infect.

Serrapeptase strips the virus of its proteins making it unable to infect cells. Now thats a powerful enzyme!

Enzymes are so powerful at stopping germs and virus that the us navy developed an enzyme blend to protect soldiers from biological weapons attack where unknown organisms might be encountered. Enzymes can even help you survive ebola.

As for gallium nitrate, a wide variety of disease causing germs all have one thing in common, they love iron. They depend on iron for their growth and survival. Take a leukemia virus for example, they have 1000 times the requirement for iron as a normal cell.

When you give a nasty microorganisms such as mycoplasma, cancer cells or virus gallium it takes it in thinking it is iron and then it is destroyed.

Here is a list of germs which are attacked by gallium nitrate.

Replied by Michelle

Gallium Nitrate can harm kidneys, and you shouldn't take advil, tylenol, aspirin, injected antibiotics, etc when taking it. Also, do not take if you have kidney or heart disease, or if you take a water pill. Gallium nitrate is given via injection, did you inject yourself?