Dakin's Solution
But, the angular chelitis on my lip corners has been very resistant. That is where the infection started, but until the Thrush went inside my mouth and turned white, I thought I had cut myself with dental floss, or burned my mouth on coffee and maybe it had gotten infected--therefore, I treated it incorrectly until the entire inside of my mouth, tongue, tonsil area and palate were covered with white plaques, and the corners of my lips cracked so that I could not talk for 4 days-- until I started the Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide anti yeast diet heavy acidoplilus.
Even when this was clearing up well, the lip corners did not respond. That is when I tried OTC antifungal (some result), tea tree oil (no result), lavender oil (very soothing but no rememdy)...the application of ACV did not help, nor did (name brand) lip ointment with alantoin (sp?) to reduce keratin formation.
But, this Dakins Solution has worked a treat...so I wanted to let you all know, in case you have a similar problem.
I found a recipe for Dakins Solution: 1/4tsp household bleach (sodium hypochlorite only) in 1/2 cup water. Pinch of Bicarbonate of Soda optional.
I rinsed with this and within a few hours the inflammation was noticably reduced, and the cracks were less "oozy". For the first time, I feel that my lips are actually healing, rather than just not getting worse.
I wanted to put a little lavender oil on them, but I am just holding off and letting them dry out a bit.
I will continue on the anti-yeast diet and ACV, H202 tonic--because I have had such a bad sinus for years that I think I might have had a long-term yeast problem and not known it. I catch every flu around, and my sinus infection is chronic and I don't treat with antibiotics anymore for fear of developing resistance.
Does anyone know how to get the Allantoin that reduces keratin formation in some other form other than that popular ointment? It is very expensive here in Africa, and it works so great on anything chapped or scar forming?
Thank you all again for all the great advice and I have sent this site to several friends, whom I know will love it!
EC: More about Dakin's Solution: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakin's_Solution
Flax Seed Oil
The last month, however, has been very promising indeed. I now look 98% normal as opposed to 80%! I think this is due to me taking 4 flaxseed capsules a day (2 in the morning, 2 at night). But I have also been eating a lot of unsweetened ('greek') yoghurt, more milk than usual, more B vitamins, plus a drop of clove oil a day. Could be the combination but I reckon the flaxseed is the main contributor at work.
Flax Seed Oil
Folic Acid
Folic Acid
Folic Acid
General Feedback
EC: New page created, thank you for the suggestion!
Heavy Metal Detox
(Portland, Or)
You do realize that once an amalgam filling is placed in your mouth, it only releases MINISCULE amounts of mercury? You would get more mercury from eating a tuna fish sandwich than you ever would from all your amalgams over a lifetime. When the amalgam is placed, and when it is removed are the biggest times of risk for ingesting amalgam. Bits can escape the assistants suction (I know, I am one) and as vigilant as we are, we can't catch it all. In fact, when an amalgam is being removed, it's ground into a fine dust all over your mouth, which of course is impossible to completely remove. Don't swallow, haha! Basically, don't bother getting your amalgams removed. They last years longer than composites (unless you're replacing with gold inlays, which could last forever) and you'll be exposing yourself to MUCH more mercury than you would by leaving them there.
(Bozeman, Mt, Us)
As an ex-dental assistant I used to fall for that line too. Until I started having so many problems that I realized there was only one other option left, it had to be the fillings. Don't listen to your dentist who says you get more mercury from a tuna sandwich then you do from a filling over your lifetime. They are just as misinformed as you. Amalgams break down and over the life of the filling (usually 10 to 15 years) little tiny toxic pieces break away. At that point they aren't getting sucked into the suction from the dental assistant they are going into your body and usually parking somewhere deep in your cells to cause havic with your health. If you take charge and have the ability to remove your amalgam fillings I say do so. You will be toxic for a shorter time than if you leave them and let them slowly deteriorate. Not to mention if fillings last for 10 to 15 years guess what happens when its time for a new one. The dentist drills the old one out causing toxic fumes to cause problems for the dentist, assistant, and definatly for you the patient. So go for it now and get rid of the poison while your still healthy enough to detox the mercury from your system.
I used to sit there and listen to my boss who was a dentist give the same bs line to every patient who asked. I feel terrible having been a part of that now that I know differently. I fell for it too. Dentist's do not perform any studies on mercury and how much goes into your system through your life time. Nor does anyone else for that matter. They are using data from short term studies. There is no way to get that information on a human without constantly testing the persons blood, hair, saliva, urine, etc... over thier entire lifetime.
If you are ill and you don't know why and you have amalgams I would suspect them if I were you. Composites are much stronger now days than they used to be. You can even get composite build ups for crowns that last almost as long as amalgams. There are also inlays and onlays as well as glass ionomer fillings. Any dentist who tells you that your health is not in danger by getting the amalgam fillings is just as much a fool as the rest of us. Many dentists are becoming aware of this. You can google Biological Dentistry to find a dentist who removes amalgams in a safe manner. They have all been trained on the dangers to them, you, and thier employees so they practice safe removal. Here is a site to check out.
Honey, Athlete's Foot Cream
What didn't work for me:
Garlic and honey paste, teabags, cucumber, Vaseline, aquaphor
What ended up working:
I switched in between applying local raw honey to the cracks, rinsed it off after an hour, then applied athletes foot cream (from CVS), throughout the day. Burt's beeswax chapstick (original), helped with the chapped lips, and vitamin e oil helped with the flaky skin. I also stopped using fluoride gel toothpaste when brushing my teeth and used just basic white fluoride toothpaste, as it doesn't sting the cuts at all.
it's been under a week since I've been using this regimen and I'm almost healed.
Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda
During the times I did not have the baking soda on, I washed my lips and affected areas with the hydrogen peroxide and left it for a minute or so and then I applied a product called correctx(my wife is a rep for essential oils and she gave that to me) basically I kept water and or moisture from getting into cracks this way. Don't confuse water in hydrogen peroxide as regular water. I flushed regularly with the peroxide and did half hour stints during day when not working using baking soda, then washed area with hydrogen peroxide and applied something to keep water from saliva and drinking water out. 4 days later it is almost completely gone. But remember it will sting at first, the less it stings indicates progress. Just for those who say they have a high pain threshold, if u cant handle this don't say u have a high pain threshold but couldn't hack it
I am not cured but I accidentally came upon something that helps with the worst of the symptoms, the cracks and sores, but does not stop the sloughing at the corners of the mouth nearly to my chin and I am also convinced the same sloughing around my nose. My husband brought home some dried fruit, which I was unfamiliar with but immediately fell in love with - so delicious! It is dried Mango from the Phillipines. If I eat half a dozen pieces daily the sores are gone. Now if I can just get rid of the skin sloughing! I am not sure which ingredient in the dried Mango helps, but I suspect it is at least in part to the Vit A. Now I am off to try the MSM and flax seed which is such a lovely assist and I do not mind using it at all.
I have another embarrassing symptom (sounds worse than it looks) that I am curious if anybody else has because I think it is related to the AC. In the nares of my nose I get hundreds of white heads, not pus, just white heads. If I run the side of the tweezers with a tiny amount of pressure, they just explode! I have always had a few over the years, but it seems if the AC is active so are they. ( no it isn't visible! ) Anybody else experience this? To treat this, I have been using Frankincense oil applied directly to the inside of my nose and it seems to help significantly, & no I do not use a carrier oil just because I want the full impact and it doesn't burn, sting or blister! I have had AC for nearly 15 years, tried many remedies, this is not a remedy, but it keeps the discomfort and sores at bay. So eat your Mango~
Milk of Magnesia
Milk of Magnesia works!! Any time I feel that dry/tingly feeling like the corner of my mouth is about to crack again- I do the following and have had great results nipping it in the bud before it actually becomes red or inflamed.
1. Wash area with dish soap and let air dry.
2. I take a dab of Milk of Magnesia (plain only) and well saturate the crack/corner of mouth. Let air dry.
**I think the main way this works is that it gets deep into the cracks and dries- keeping that area dry and unable to sustain yeast or bacteria.
3. After about a half hour I rinse it off and put a thin coat of plain aloe gel. Let dry.
I have found that doing this before bed is a huge help. Normally when I wake up, it is gone or in the process of healing. I like to keep the aloe handy and reapply before eating (this seems to help it from tearing when taking big bites or chewing).
I hope that this helps someone! I was really surprised how well Milk of Magnesia worked for this. On a side note- MoM can also be used as a deodorant. It works really well for stinky armpit sweat. Apply after shower- let dry completely (I stand in front of a fan :) and off you go. No pit stains, no smell and no residue on your shirts.
Milk of Magnesia
Around 3 months ago I noticed little horizontal cracks at the corners of my mouth. Soon very dry lips appeared, and I never have dry lips. I started putting vasaline on my lips which seemed to help but it never completly went away. I found this website and others which advised using an anti-fungal cream, which I did. It worked and I thought I had it beat, but a month later it was back and worse.
Not only did I now have the cracks and the dry lips, the inside of my mouth became very sore and it was unbearable to eat or open my mouth very wide. I used more vasaline and since I suspected it was yeast related I started rinsing my mouth with 1 part organic apple cider vinager and one part water. It was pretty painful at first, but after a week it seemed to go away, or so I thought.
Two weeks later, I noticed my lips feeling different and the inside of my bottom lip becoming very sensitive and sure enough the next day the cracks were back!
I came back to this sight and read about people using Milk of Magnesia to combat yeast and if its in the mouth, its called thrush. I thought only babies could get that and I'm a mother of three breastfed babies who never got it, so why me and why now at 40 yrs old am I having to deal with thrush!
Well, last Friday I tried it and it worked like nothing else has. 2 days after my first use, my mouth looked completely normal. I'm on day 5 and its like nothing ever hapend. No cracks, no sores, no dry lips!!!!
Here is what I did:
Step 1- Buy plain, unflavored milk of magnesia. Generic works, peppermint flavored and cherry do not.
Step 2- I shook it up well and, swished it around in my mouth, for about a minute. No, it does not taste good and do not swallow, spit it out but do not rinse. When you spit it out you will notice white stuff immediately coming out of your mouth. I do believe that it is dead yeast.
Step 3- Apply a nice layer on, around your lips, and inside lips. It is runny, so it will be a thin layer. Let it dry like a mask with your mouth slightly open. Use cotton balls to soak up extra saliva if you dont want to swallow.
Step 4 - Let it dry completely. Yes, you will look like a clown but the results are worth it.
Step 5 - Rinse off with plain water. And you can rinse your mouth out to.
Step 6 - After 15-20 min, brush your teeth with baking soda and rinse with 1part Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 part water. Be sure and brush your tongue and gently brush the inside of your mouth to help exfoliate the dead skin.
Step 7 - Apply vasaline to keep lips and surrounding area as moist as possible.
You will notice the skin on your lips and around your mouth, that has been infected with the yeast, will dry to a thin scab. Please do not pick at it. It will come off, but you can irritate and tear your healthy, delicate lip skin if you try to pull it off too soon. Not fun, I know. The skin will start to come off on the second or third day.
I did this 4 times on the 1st day (morning, mid-morning, afternoon and before bed). 3 times a day for two days. 2 times a day for 2 days and now just once a day.
Good Luck!
(Houston, Texas)
(Manchester, Uk)
Over The Counter
I believe mine was caused by old lipstick. Suffered for 2 weeks plus, complained to my friend about it, who said try the ointment not the cream... worked.