Pregnancy Tonic
Here's my tonic:
In a cup of warm water I add:
1 tbsp organic apple cider vinegar (I use _____'s)
2 tbsp raw honey
1 tbsp molasses
I don't know if this is helping, but so far I have had NO morning sickness, very little dizziness, and feel much more energetic througout the day.
I also make a tea of raspberry leaves, lemon balm and plantain leaf in the evening. The raspberry leaves are said to help inhibit morning sickness, and help your body to create a strong amniotic sac to carry the baby to term; it also has a lot of calcium - a critical need during pregnancy. The lemon balm is soothing. The plantain leaf contains lots of B vitamins and is considered "poor man's spinach" - haha, I pick it out of my yard!
Hope that helps!
Premature Menopause
(Clinton, Ky)
I would consider adding Apple Cider Vinegar to your daily diet - 2-4 T. in water a day (spread through out the day). (This site has lots of ways people intake this. Just keep trying until you find one you can tolerate and will stick with. ) I am 46 and my cycles are better than they have been all my life in the last year or two. I think it is because I added ACV to my life a couple of years ago. Nothing else has really changed. I also no longer have gall bladder problems or reflux.
Many ladies find Blackstrap Molasses (1 T. daily) to help a lot with cycle difficulties. It is so nourishing and will not hurt you.
Finally, Red Raspberry Leaf tea is a wonderful tonic for women's reproductive health. There is an organic brand that also has nettle and alfalfa in it which is also very nourishing and many find it very tasty. :) Even three to four cups a day would be very healthy.
All of these things could be done safely together. As a last resort you could look into Natural Progesterone. Ed Lee has several books about menopause and premenopause etc. He recommends it. I have used it sometimes but only as a last resort as I am not convinced that it is really that "natural."
Hope you are able to get pregnant!
Minerals! ...Early menopause can be caused by having low levels of minerals.
I would take Organic Black Strap Molasses (1-3 YN per day) and some liquid fulvic acid, or Feroxin liquid minerals. Minerals supplementation have help many women to start menses again. As well as the minerals, some Black Cohosh and red clover may do wonders.
Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Donna Hyde. Lincoln, NE
[YEA] Blackstrap Molasses & Apple Cider Vinegar? I stopped my menstruation a year ago. I started black strap, and apple cider vinegar 1 month ago because my ankles were swollen, and redness was going up my legs. the apple cider and black strap did get rid of my swollen legs. I started a light period after 1 year of not having one. I said ''well hello''. I came to the conclusion that my body was so depleted of minerals that my body quit bleeding because it had nothing to give. I guess it will quit when it is ready to quit, I am not worried about it. I feel better than I have felt in years. if black strap was doing something to hurt me, then I would be feeling sickly. I feel young again. I don't suffer hot flashes anymore, my bones don't hurt, I am finally able to lose weight. I have lost 25 pounds since I started black strap almost 2 months ago. I take it with apple cider vinegar, and warm water. Thank God for His wisdom of what is good for us.
Posted by Rebecca (Sydney, Australia) on 01/31/2009
I stopped menstruating 2 years ago (I'm 47; my mother stopped at 46), and was pretty sure that I had gone through menopause. However, six months ago I started taking blackstrap molasses, and one month began bleeding. I stopped the molasses and the menstruation stopped too (it was very light). Now I have begun the molasses, the menstruation - very irregularly has begun again. I'm a bit worried why this is happening and whether it is normal. Anyone's informed feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
Posted by Juanita (Little Rock, AR) on 03/14/2008
[YEA] I was diagnosed with uterine fibroid cysts in Feb. of this year. I decided to take an active role in my health and see what I could do to shrink them(or get rid of them entirely) naturally. My doctor didn't want to do anything about them because I'm 48(he's hoping since I'm so close to menopause they will take care of themselves)and other than some heavy bleeding a day or two of my cycle(which were 9-16 days by the way) I wasn't having any problems, so he just wanted to "watch" them. Watch them do what? Grow? What if I'm NOT close to menopause and I'm one of those women that has a cycle until I'm 55?. No thanks!!! I came across this website and decided to try Blackstrap Molasses. It has been a miracle! I have only been taking it for two weeks(one Tablespoon each morning) and my oh my what a change! I had noooo PMS(even my sister noticed I wasn't as grouchy), very little cramping, no bloating, normal bleeding, and noooo clotting! A happy side effect(if you can call it a "side effect")is that my skin is as soft as a baby's bottom. I can't wait until I go back to my doctor next year and he finds NO fibroids! Oh, and I'm not sure, but the few gray hairs popping in around my temple area appears to have slowed. I will take BSM for the rest of my life! I will get back to you after my exam next year!!!!
Black Cohosh and Red Clover.
I did discover through all my research that red clover is also amazing
And those two, cohosh and red clover, are the best combination for late menses .. My period is never late. I still did not even hit pre menopause and I am 50? I think it is because I always take cohosh...always recommend it to women or young girls who are late with their menses. Even after years of not getting it they will get it again after a day or two...a friend was going to the doctor getting medication to get her period for 4 yrs.! And still did not get it..the doctor of course giving her some lame reason why?I told her just take 40 drops once a day or twice depending how far since your last period ..between one day and three your period will comeback...sure enough it came back also helps with PMS and for some people menopause ...I always buy more than three four at a time just in case I give it to people in desperate situations and always need to make sure I have plenty in stock... you won't regret it if this is your first time buying tastes horrible, but I do not use water I put the drops in orange juice ...and still works great...and the taste is bearable. But for the effect it is worth it, bad taste or not!
Prenatal Hydronephrosis Remedies
I am 26weeks pregnant with my third baby and have been having bad back pain. I had an ultrasound and was told because of the way the baby is sitting I have severe hydronephrosis (fluid around my kidneys)
There are no kidney stones or obstructions. Is there anything I can do at home to help this?
(somewhere, europe)
E, dandylion tea is a wonderful diuretic, if that's what you need. But start slow: one cup a day, for example.
Prenatal Vitamin Suggestions
(Tennessee, Usa)
Dear Diana,
I too have had issues with vitamins in pregnancy. Prenatals are especially offensive, I find! They make morning sickness worse for me.
So, with my babies I have mostly not taken a multi-vitamin. I do always take Folic Acid though 800mcg a day. That is critical for pregnancy. But you can get tiny little folic acid pills and they do not bother me.
I also take Blackstrap Molasses when pregnant. It keeps me from being anemic and is inexpensive and very nutritious. Sometimes I do not take it in the first trimester as I just can't tolerate it when I have morning sickness.
I would suggest a pregnancy tea. Traditional Medicines makes one that is very tasty. I have taken up to three cups a day of this. You can make your own blend, if you prefer. It does have nutrients in it that are very healthy for expecting moms.
My midwives were always fine with me not using vitamins. They knew I was generally healthy and had a pretty good diet. All of my children were born healthy and I had full term pregnancies. (Of course, you can have a healthy diet and do everything "right" and have a premature baby or a baby with health problems. My point is just that this process did not appear to harm my children in any way that I can tell.)
~Mama to Many~
(Flagstaff, AZ)
I've been taking New Chapter Perfect Prenatal for a couple weeks now. I've always had good luck with their vitamins. (I tried Rainbow light prenatal but made me feel funny, nauseous) New Chapter vitamins are rather expensive, but they are high quality and to stretch them I just take 1 tablet a day rather than the recommended 3. That way I know I'm at least getting a portion of the recommended value I'm supposed to, in addition to vitamins that I'm getting from food. Amazon, Vitacost, and Swanson's have a pretty good deal for a large quantity or otherwise.
(I also take extras of things I read to be extra important for pregnancy~ 800mcg of Folate, 1000mg vitamin C (ester C{for energy! }), 1-2 tsp cod liver oil, 233mg chelated magnesium, 200 mg calcium. All have been working out well thus far :)
Progesterone for Nausea
Magnesium deficiency also can cause nausea in pregnancy as can B6 deficiency- when you take one B, take the whole complex- B50 at Walmart even- should help. 400 mg of Magnesium also- if you can't keep mag down, take a warm bath in epsom salts- magnesium sulfate- it will absorb through the skin.
Thank you, Dilraj and Vijay
(Austin, Tx)
I had PUPPS with my first pregnancy, my son is a about to be a year and a half, it was TERRIBLE, SO ITCHY!!!! So I went to the dr and they said I should take topical steroids and Ingestable steroids, I did the topical but WOULD NOT EVER IN MY LIFE take steroids, ESP while pregnant since I believe natural is best, the topical didn't do didly squat for the itchies so I searched and searched for natural anything, I started taking dandelion root capsules and that did wonders but it came back with a vengence! AH, I ended up letting them induce me at 38 weeks, I wish I could go back and stick it out, but my son is healthy and perfect, anyway, I am now 29 weeks pregnant with my second baby and started getting little red bumps just like before but THANKFULLY my midwife started me on a dandelion root tincture several months ago so I just upped my dosage and the little red bumps went bye bye. My advice to anyone experiencing this horrible ailment is to take the dandelion root tincture, email me I can get it to you. christaleddleman(at)
May the Lord richly bless you
(Winnipeg, Mb, Canada)
Raspberry Yogurt
Schuessler Tissue Salts
(Karachi, Pakistan)
After reading from Ted. Mails. To control my epilepsy I am taking EPSOM Salt Magnesium sulphate, half a tea spoon early morning with orange juice, since last one year. Now I am in the seventh week of pregnancy. Please guide whether to stop taking epsom salt, due to risk of having adverse effect on new born. Mrs. AroraDarjellin, Karachi. Pakistan
To Promote Labor
(Boca, Florida)
I don't think it is in the aliments list????
(Flint, Michigan)
Hi, I just noticed your post on Toxemia. I came here searching for information on that as well. I believe it is also referred to as Eclampsia, or PreEclampsia which is briefly discussed here.
Essentially it is the combination of High Blood Pressure and Protein found in the urine of the mother later in pregnancy. So I suspect your daughter may have already had her baby at this point, but I thought I'd post anyway for anyone else.
I'm going to follow some of the recommendations listed in the general High Blood Pressure/Earth Clinic page which include taking ACV daily as well as aloe vera juice with a whole lemon and honey and sipping hibiscus tea throughout the day. All of these things, in moderation should be safe for pregnancy. I wish your daughter well. :)
(Flint, Michigan, Usa)
I forgot to mention that I believe protein in your urine is a sign of ketosis, wherein your body is using your stored fat for energy and nutrients for mother and baby instead of what the current diet provides. While this may be a good thing for losing weight if you're not pregnant, the goal in pregnancy is not to lose weight!
So in addition to controlling blood pressure, and NOT eliminating sodium from your diet, you need to eat well, salt to taste. A good diet to follow that has shown success with preeclampsia is The Brewer Diet. This should keep you at optimum health.