Pekmezi is made by boiling down slowly for hours the first juice you get after crushing the grapes (the very first step for producing wine before any kind of fermentation) until this juice becomes a mild-thick black-brown sweet syrup. Actually in Greece we can do it in our own kitchen provided we find tons of fresh crushed grape juice. It is a difficult home procedure as we need "gallons" of this fresh juice to produce a bottle of pekmezi. There are a lot of wine producing countries in the world but I don't know if any others than the two above have also this product -well, lazy housewives ? :-)
Even wikipedia doesn't mention pekmezi in its "grapes" page as a grapes product (although there is a petimezi page, mentioned above)
If you just consider the raw material grapes- the grape molasses is far better than any other molasses. There are a lot of "grape" diets but non "sugar cane" ones, and there are a lot of health claims for grapes.
Anyway the grape molasses is so rich in iron too, that you can taste it. One spoon per day is the best home remedy for iron deficiency anemia. In Greece this was a must have remedy for young girls with heavy menstruation, actually not a remedy in a sense of healing the heavy menstruation, but in a sense of rebuilding the body the blood and the stamina. Pregnant women used to take it also. It was a material difficult to produce and every home had bottle as a medicine in its kitchen. I said was because the big pharma came and now the population has been brainwashed to take iron pills for anemia and millions of synthetic vitamins. Also as it is a have it all super food- when a small child was very ill and refused to eat we gave him a spoon of petimezi and we were sure that its body had all the necessary nutrients to combat illness and we didn't mind that the child refused to eat. I remember when I was 7 with chicken pox and 40Celsius for a week and I was saying "I'm dying" my mother gave me pekmezi and water as my sole food. I do not know in other countries what kind of food they feed (before the mass products appear) the very ill children when they refuse to eat but I suppose those exact foods would be the richest in nutrients foods available locally. Check on them in your country!
Pernicious Anemia Remedies
The dietetic treatment of pernicious anemia is of more importance than hitherto generally recognized.
Forty-five patients with pernicious anemia observed essentially in sequence are continuing to take a special diet that they have now been living on for from about six weeks to two years but which was temporarily omitted by three. This diet is composed especially of foods rich in complete proteins and iron—particularly liver —and containing an abundance of fruits and fresh vegetables and relatively low in fat.
Following the diet, all the patients showed a prompt, rapid and distinct remission of their anemia, coincident with at least rather marked symptomatic improvement, except for pronounced disorders due to spinal cord degeneration. Improvement was often striking, so that where the red blood cell count averaged for all before starting the diet 1,470,000 per cubic millimeter, one month afterward it averaged 3,400,000; and for the twenty-seven cases observed from four to six months after the diet was begun, the average count was 4,500,000 per cubic millimeter.
Patients having had two or more relapses showed on the average slightly lower red blood corpuscle counts about one and two months after commencing the diet than did those who had started it in their first or second relapse.
Change in the frequency of bowel movements, temporary increase of reticulocytes in the peripheral blood, and decrease of the icterus index of the blood serum were among the earliest signs that heralded the patient's better health.
All the patients have remained to date in a good state of health except three, who discontinued the diet; two rapidly improved on resuming it and the other has just commenced it again. As the diet was advised for most of the patients less than eight months ago, enough time has not yet elapsed to determine whether or not the remissions will last any longer than in other cases.
1948 by American Society of Hematology, Inc.
Pomegranate Juice
I did nearly the same with prune juice. I just bought the bottled cheap stuff from Walmart. I took a half glass twice a day and within a week I was feeling noticeably better. In a month, my ferritin levels went from 10 to 14!
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
(Toronto, Canada)
(Los Angeles, Usa)
This actually works!!!
Sarsaparilla and Beetroot
I also came across beetroot this year. It's really improved my cognition and energy levels with this condition. I did not even know that my brain could function this well because I've been chronically anemic pretty much all my life. Anemia symptoms were my “normal, ” so I perceived my lethargy as laziness, difficulty with memory as a fault in my effort to memorize, and awkward speech and stutters as a speech impediment. Truly, I was just unwell.
When I have used these modalities to treat my anemia, all the symptoms are significantly minimized.
I am so blessed to feel empowered against this beast of a condition that oppressed me physically and emotionally for so long. My body, brain especially, has not been oxygenated like this in such a long time. —it feels so good to have more control over this condition. It literally felt like my life was enslaved by it and perpetually overcast with its symptoms.
Cheers to our journeys to better health. Wishing wellness to all.
It works! Thank you, Shooting Star! I have been "severely anemic" at certain points in my life. I haven't taken iron supplements in several months now, but tried the sarsaparilla instead. The lab tests confirmed that I am no longer anemic! My doctor took a notation about sarsaparilla and looked up information on it. I took it for only a few weeks, usually just one capsule a day. Now I'm going to look into the beetroot. Thanks again!
Vitamin B-12
(EC's Facebook)
People's body chemistries are different, & some have allergies to things others thrive on. I was forced to drink milk & eat tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers & eggplants, as I was raised on a small family farm. After nearly dying at the age of 30 (from a liver disease) I was carried by my husband into a gentleman's healthfood store, where I waited to be seen (at no charge) sitting on the floor in an aisle, as I was unable to stand. He had studied to be a veterinarian up until the middle of his last semester, then quit & began applying his observational diagnostic skills to humans. I was too weak to walk having lost 6 months of my life (more or less unconscious) & about 35 lbs. I already knew much of what was wrong with me, having been to the same local large clinic that had diagnosed my mother's cancer. He looked at my eyes, tongue, toes, fingers, etc. & wrote down everything (& more) that the clinic doctors had found out using their their X-rays, blood & other invasive tests. He then made a list of supplements & vitamins I should take & a list of things I should avoid. Three days after following his protocol, I got up & fixed my family breakfast. A week later, I was able to walk to the top of a small rise in the road a quarter mile from our house. By the end of the summer, my 5 yr. old son (I insisted my whole family be examined by this wonderful man & follow his recommendations) & I entered a local "1 1/2 mile Fun Run". I finished in 8 minutes. After having asthma my entire life up to that time, I came in 2nd (behind a younger regularly training runner). Anyone having health issues needs to allow a naturopath with an excellent reputation to determine what would work best for them.
(United States)
Vitamin C, Raisins
Vitamin E Deficiency
Heavy alcohol drinkers have a lot of nutrient deficiencies but in alcoholics, it is low B12 that is causing the anemia (megaloblastic anemia).