Parsley and Spinach Tea
South American Herb
The plant grow in Santa Marta Columbia, S.A
One teaspoon in the morning with breakfast and you be Ok.
I have been taking it for a couple years, no side effects as matter fact it will help for other ailments
EC: Unfortunately we can find no information on "Paralpal" (either text or image) on Google. Is there another name for this plant?
Spicy Flu Drink
- 1 cup hot milk
- 1 tsp curry powder
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 1 tsp ginger
- 1/4 tsp clove powder
Mix it all up and sip it, it gets rid of the chills, aches and pains. Better than coffee. Try adding nutmeg or cocoa. Especially good with cantaloup and oranges.
Steaming, Apple Cider Vinegar Baths
And baths with apple cider vinegar (you can use the cheap kind for baths), a cup per bath, are supposed to make viruses take a hike. I've seen it happen, esp. with young kids who spring out of the bath ready for action afterwards, if it was a virus, that is. I'm just soaking my feet tonight, too lazy for the bath. But the bath is supposed to create a ph that makes a virus split. Let me know if anyone finds this works, as I've seen several cases.
Hope this helps and stay well!
Tamiflu Ingredients
Oseltamivir phosphate, black iron oxide (E172), Croscarmellose Sodium, FD&C Blue 2 (indigo carmine, E132), Gelatin, Povidone, Pregelatinised maize starch, Red iron oxide (E172), Shellac, Sodium Stearyl Fumarate,Talc,Titanium dioxide (E171) and Yellow iron oxide (E172).
That'll take your mind off the 'flu.
EC: Google "TAMIFLU INGREDIENTS" and you will see some interesting stories!
In 2022 we have more options! If your doctor will prescribe Tamiflu and your insurance won't cover it or the price is high, look into Mark Cuban's costplusdrugs com, goodrx com, and costco's pharmacy program for costco members. As I check all of these sites today, Cuban's comes in at just $3.59. Keep these sites in mind whenever you are about to fill a prescription.
Tea Tree and Oregano Oils
Also, studies have shown that taking N-Acetyl Cysteine reduces the chances of getting the flu, and its severity if you do get it. It is good for liver, lungs and much, much more. Well worth a little research.
Ted's Remedies
EC: Hi Peter. Yes, he meant to take the baking soda in a glass of water.
Ted's Remedies
"The simple remedy not to get disease during long distance flying is to take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 2000 mg of vitamin C before, during and after the trip. The negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) of a chemical of vitamin C is strongly negative in an alkaline solution of baking soda, which will counteract quite easily the positive charges of static electricity caused by the plane as it flies high in the clouds."
EC: Hi Peter. Yes, he meant to take the baking soda in a glass of water.
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
Is it really possible to cure flu in one hour? Yes, but it's usually less than an hour. Not that I wanted it to but as a necessity. One case told me (one of my students) had only one aspirin. The other case is the owner of LPG gas, whose store had to close due to 5 p.m. closing time and didn't want the employees to go home with a bad flu (two of them in fact) and the fact that she hates the idea of taking aspirin more than one.
So the remedies, assuming you have them, is in a full glass of water, aspirin is dissolved, added with 4 drops of 0.1% methylene blue and 8 drops of concentrated Hydrochloric acid. 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt is option to stop the mucus that sometimes occur. Lysine 1000 mg is optional, although lysine is a rare commodity here in Bangkok. It will go stop the flu in less than an hour.
There's just one catch: make sure you wash your hands before eating food and clean the enviroment otherwise you will catch it again the next day or two, and obviously avoid picking nose, a bad habit my students have and recaught the flu 2 more times, before he stopped that habit and never had a flu since.
In case some people are low on aspirin, and by chance happen to have methylene blue 0.1% and hydrochloric acid, this remedy would work. How it works is relatively simple. The methylene blue raise the energy level it works on the same principle of caffeine in a strong black coffee is used instead, and this can be mixed with the aspirin. In case hydrochloric acid isn't sitting around, I think plain distilled vinegar say 2 tablespoons with lemon juice one tablespoon is mixed can be substituted to have a similar effect as the one hour flu cure.
It is important to wash the hands after flu is gone. I prefer to wash my hands in vinegar, or a very weak solution of hydrochloric acid such as 10 drops per glass as antiseptic solution, as virus in general do not die in alcohol gel and other alcohol antiseptic. They also resist fairly well with most chlorine antiseptic solution, but they do not survive well in vinegar, hydrogen peroxide solutions in general. The hydrogen peroxide antiseptic solution should preferably be about 1% concentration when using as hand wash or general cleaning the area to avoid reinfection. Of course if a person were to get necrotising fasciitis, the preferred remedy is not this one, they don't survive well in betadine iodine solution mixed with other chlorine washes.
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
At least for this form of virus, it has some similar characteristics a fast form of virus invasion, similar in its speed in infection as in bird flu virus, or perhaps it's variant.
After long trials the single most important remedy is 1500 mg of Lysine taken every 3 hours. Even the first dose of 1500 mg of lysine there will be a marked drop of 90% of the symptoms within a couple of hours to a maximum of 6 hours. As for my own experience here in Bangkok I can see a marked reduction in about 2 hours.
The supporting remedies for the lysine are, 50-250 mg of aspirin, strong black coffee, and especially hydrogen peroxide 3% 10-20 (preferably 10 drops) drops per glass of water. In case of a dire emergency for me, if I cannot get a food grade hydrogen peroxide, I might get an ordinary brand hydrogen peroxide for temporarly use only to kill off the virus, just to kill it off. the effect of hydrogen peroxide may wear off within about 2 hours, so the frequency of dose is more important to prevent virus from overtaking the body. A strong black coffee raises the metabolism necessary by increasing the energy to ward of this particular virus. The aspirin, which is acetylsalicylic acid dissolves the virus coating which protects or gave them stealth where the white blood cells cannot detect them. So if aspirin were taken, the white blood cells were able to detect and engulf them, or at least the aspirin alone in the bloodstream dissolves the virus coating that protects them killing them.
In any event this high fever virus is worrying, but unreported in the media and I found it to occur, for any new strain of viruses at a tourist hub, as people from all over the world come into this one place to spread it throughout the world. As a result the best place to look and find a remedy for any new strain of virus I see usually comes from tourist places, hotel, pubs, where people from many nationality come see each other and go back to their home country to pass on the newer virus in their hometowns. This peculiar strain of virus first appeared about October or November 2008 and now seems to be widespread.
A baking soda 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of water ever 3-4 hours reduces the pain by neutralizing the lactic acid that is found whenever the virus infects the system, so any acid causes pain and the baking soda neutralize the acidity. If a person lack zinc, then he might take one, but currently zinc is in vogue in killing off the virus, thus reducing their effectiveness to a certain extent, but at least two major remedies the lysine and the hydrogen peroxide were most effectively ward off with this particular strain.
Next year, or the end of this year - who knows? I have to find another new remedy for that one! In the past for each year certain supplements were effective depending on the kinds of viruses such as BHT, zinc, potassium, aspirin, clove oil, etc. I have to make changes from year to year as much as what authorities do to determine the "next year's vaccines". The differences of course is the ones I used don't have the assoicated risk of heavy metal poisoning from mercury and other strains that may have "accidentally" introduced such as the Simian viruses found in certain vaccines.