There are many factors that could possibly contribute to a gas problem with your pet. The quality or brand of food that you are feeding the animal may be the cause and as a result is not being digested properly before it reaches the large intestine. Alternately, the animal may have a negative chemical reaction within the digestive system, which is causing the gas problem. Or, if your pet is one who gulps down their food quickly, it is possible that in the process they may be swallowing large amounts of air, which in turn causes the gas. There are numerous potential causes for excessive flatulence, some of which may present the symptom of gas as that of a much more serious medical problem, or however it may simply be a reaction to a particular food or to how quickly that food is consumed.
Try using Nux Vomica to reduce or eliminate the problem of flatulence. Nux Vomica (otherwise known as Poison Nut) is a homeopathic treatment that is very successful in the remedy of indigestion and flatulence in pets. You can purchase Nux Vomica through online sources or even at your local health or homeopathic stores.