Maximize Health with Magnesium: Key Benefits & Sources


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Posted by Arora (Karachi, Sind / Pakistan) on 02/10/2011

My dauther is using magnesium sulphate last 6 months, half teaspoon with water in morning and her Epelipsy is in control. She is in her 8 week of pregnancy. Some experienced friend should guide whether to continue magnesium sulphate or stop. Is there any bad effects on fetus? Please reply

Replied by Dianna
(Austin, Usa)

I'm sure you have an answer by now since this is so long ago. But I wanted to say that I have had a seizure disorder for most of my life and eventually realized that it had something to do with constipation. Evidently when I was constipated some nerves were being pressed upon which triggered my seizures.

Epsom salt has really helped with this. I either bathe in it or take about 1/2 tsp. And/or I take magnesium citrate. I find both help.

Epsom Salts as a Source of Magnesium

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Posted by Rhonda (tallahassee, Fl) on 12/12/2007

Epsome salt may be more appropriate for soaking, as the magnesium diffuses into the bloodstream more slowly, however heed to the warning labels on the bag. If you use Epsom internally as a supplement for magnesium you want to avoid giving yourself a potassium deficiency, and that goes with any magnesium supplement, but is especially important for those on a diet low in potassium, or have low blood potassium levels. Diarrhea is a sign you have taking too much, unless you're intentionally trying to use it as a laxative. I would include grapefruit and oranges in my diet especially if using Epsom, and would not use Epsom internally long periods; have a blood test done, or watch out for signs of potassium deficiency if you're a chronic Epsom user. I read that magnesium taurate was once said to be the best form of magnesium, citrate being next, especially for those with mineral imbalances and prone to heartbeat rregularities.

General Feedback

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Posted by Grannyguru (Oro Valley, Az, Usa) on 10/12/2010

I am really confused! Will magnesium make my blood pressure skyrocket?
Should I take it with meals or on empty stomach?
Should I dilute it?
Should I take it with calcium or get just magnesium. I am taking the angstrom sized magnesium for 100% absorbtion without diarrhea. Is that good?
Am I supposed to hold it beneath my tongue or swallow it?
Please help! Here is what I have read:

Magnesium is supposed to lower blood pressure. It pushes calcium out of the cell after a cell "event" (example: contraction), and thereby allows the cell to relax and to allow toxins to be removed from the cell. How then can taking magnesium cause blood pressure to skyrocket? They give it intravenously in hospital to make blood pressure drop. Also, I read to take it with a meal, then I read to take it on an empty stomach, at least an hour before or after a meal. I just got the angstrom calcium 1500/magnesium 3000 because I read the magnesium might not be absorbed without the calcium, then I read I should take the calcium separately at a different time. I read the magnesium in this form will be absorbed directly in the cells, even in the mouth. So I held it briefly sublingually, then swallowed because of its strong taste and besides you can't hold it in your mouth forever. I want to correct magnesium deficiency, lower blood pressure, and finish ridding myself of the numbness in toes and feet. I have been taking fat soluble b1 and B12 and soaking feet in epsom salts, and it has really helped get rid of the numbness, but it's still sort of numb in the toes and ball of left foot and sometimes in right foot. Please help! Thanks

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Grannyguru... I've been taking Magnesium in various forms for several years now. Magnesium Chloride IV is usually the first thing that they give heart attack patients in hospital ER to lower blood pressure and to relax the heart muscle and lower blood pressure. Magnesium is also essential to regulate body Calcium against the other electrolytes -- Sodium and potassium -- in your blood and cells. Magnesium is also used in over 300 enzyme processes in your body, so its a very important mineral. Most of us lack proper magnesium levels in our body now because of diet.
In answer to you questions:

Should I take it with meals or on empty stomach?
I always take magnesium on an empty stomach. The best forms to take are Mag Chloride, Mag Citrate and Mag Gluconate -- these are the most soluble and absorbable forms. Avoid magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide -- they are badly absorbed by the body. My own favourite now is Magnesium Chloride. See this link:

Should I dilute it?
I make my own Magnesium Oil(70%-80% magnesium chloride crystals and 20%-30% water) and just take 10 drops once or twice a day in a glass of water or orange juice and drink it. Or you can also just rub the magnesium oil onto your forearm to be absorbed transdermally. You can also take it in larger doses quite safely transdermally with no intestinal or diarrhea issues. You can buy magnesium oil in most health shops.

Should I take it with calcium or get just magnesium. I am taking the angstrom sized magnesium for 100% absorbtion without diarrhea. Is that good?
Western diets these days contains excess calcium anyway -- everything is now fortified with calcium nowadays so I would just avoid taking calcium supplements altogether. This what I did, and, together with taking magnesium -- this is what got rid of my own arrythmia problems in the past. Excess calcium also thickens the blood, makes your heart work harder and also acidifies your blood and cells if you are low magnesium or potassium.
Am I supposed to hold it beneath my tongue or swallow it?
Best to take it just as an oral supplement or transdermally as suggested. Magnesium sulphate(Epsom Salts) can also be used transdermally for magnesium intake.

General Feedback
Posted by Diana (Warsaw, Poland) on 08/16/2009

I wonder if you do recommend to discontinue Magnesium supplement after some time? I am curently taking 500 mg of Magnesium since 6 months, is that OK or could be harmful? I take it for stress and insomnia. Regards

Replied by Hans
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

as a 65 year old, I recomment making magnesium a life-long mission. Your friends and family will thank you for your knowledge. Read Dr. Carolyn Dean. Magnesium chloride oil and flakes are a staple. I've been experimenting for a couple of years, and everything I read seems to be true.

Hair Loss

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Posted by Bobynn (South Royalton, Vt, Usa) on 03/26/2013

A tip for the itching is to dilute the magnesium oil with more water. Separate into another small spray bottle and dillute it by 50 percent or more and then gradually increase the amount of the magnesium. I like to apply coconut oil over the magnesium and then go to bed. No reason to go full guns and be uncomfortably miserable with stinging and itching. I find that I can apply it to my scalp much stronger than to my face. So I get my hands wet and apply more water where it runs down behind my ears and on my forhead and cheeks full strength is too itchy. A splash of water and rub it in and I still get the benefits of it on my face. My hair by the way was falling by gobs. For the last 5 years in my hair brush and the shower drain. It was getting thin and my hair line had changed. My eyebrows were disappearing. Within a month or so my hair stopped falling out. And it is now coming back in even my eyebrows are starting to fill in. I like to rub into my scalp and sleep with it all night. When I wash it out in the morning my hair is exceptionally shiny with good body after leaving it on my scalp all night.


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Posted by Kaylin (Hampton, IL) on 07/23/2009

Regarding magnesium and diarrhea... Use magnesium oil instead of taking it internally. I put it on my neck and shoulders and it melts away my knots so I don't get headaches. When you put it on your skin your body absorbs what it needs and you don't get diarrhea or strain your kidneys like you can when you take magnesium internally.

Heart Palpitations and Anxiety

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Posted by Val (Savannah, Ga, Us) on 01/22/2012


Milk of Magnesia Helping Heart Palpitations but Causing Moodiness

I have been taking 1/4-1/3 tsp MOM 2x a day. It is AMAZING with totally curbing the muscle tension that leads to my migraines (cutting both of those out! ) and helping to slowly tame the heart palpitations that have gotten really frequent the last 2 months.

The problem I seem to have (It MAY just be a coincidence) is that I sure have been moody!

Is that a possible healing/work through it thing, or ? Any ideas? I am trying to find some other form of magnesium, but in the meantime I will cautiously use the MOM.



Heart Palpitations and Anxiety
Posted by Jackie (Cape Coral, FL, USA ) on 12/19/2008

Magnesium for heart palpitations/panic attacks: I thank God for this site. I was having scary heart palpitations at night, and I knew it was panic attacks. The only course my doc offered was xanax, and as I was rushed through the visit there was no time to talk alternatives. I am not one of those people who thinks happiness is a pill away. I did my own research, and decided to try a magnesium supplement. The FIRST NIGHT I was heart palpitation-free. I can't believe doctors would rather throw a dangerous pill at you rather than discuss the effects of diet, exercise, and soda (caffeine&aspatame) on your body. Try Magnesium first, and make sure you are getting your potassium too!

Heart Rhythm Issues

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Posted by Jrizzuto (Dallas, Tx) on 01/31/2010


I have a heart rythmn issue called Accelerated Junctional Rythmn and some PAC/PVCs. I read so much on magnesium so I decided to try, only I'm pretty chicken when it comes to taking (and don't laugh) I tried taking Rolaids....ingrediants are mag Oxide and calcium. for 3 weeks, i was palp free and very calm.

Unfortunately it is starting to come back despite using the Rolaids. Maybe the relief was in my head? Maybe Rolaids is not the best source of Mag? Who knows !!!

Replied by Leezurd
(Stuarts Draft, Va)

You may want to try switching from oral Mag to transdermal Mag. I spray 5 times on to my chest each morning and do not experience heart palpitations (I suffered from palpitations daily). If I skip a day, the palpitations come back.

Replied by Kelly
(Albury, Australia)

Hi. So pleased to have read these comments, makes me feel like I am not a hypocondriac. For maybe 30 years I have suffered with palpitations, missed heart beats which made you feel like your heart was stopping & sometimes would nearly faint. Went to heart specialists, GP's & all they would say was what am I worried about & would suggest Xanax for nerveswhich I did take for a while but did not correct problem. Ended up in hospital with severe of palpitations & high BP recently where a nurse mind you not a Dr. Suggested I take Magnesium powder. That was 3 months ago & I am a changed woman. I cannot believe that something as simple as Magnesium changed my life. So good to read your emails & know that your not on your own & to talk about it. Thank you.


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Posted by Carla (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 02/08/2011

I was doing research and found out magnesium was one common remedie for about three different things I was trying to deal with incontinence being one of them

i took two capsules everyday until I knew my body had absorbed it (this came in the form of mild diarrhea) it only took a few days and I didnt have and incident for another year! Everytime I feel it happen I go take another capsule and wahlaah! Instantly cured!

i hope this helps someone else out there! By the way im twenty two.

Replied by Hans
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

you have discovered the tip of the magnesium iceberg, there is much more to magnesium supplements. Some like magnesium chloride oil and flakes can revitalize the body. Dig into transdermal magnesium. I wished I knew about it 40 years ago.

Replied by Arcticlily
(Anchorage, Ak, Usa)

I've had incontinence about 6 years. Less than a week ago I read about magnesium for incontinence on this site. Within two days I was out walking hills without needing to make pit stops and without leaking. I haven't leaked a drop since taking the magnesium. I just spent $1000 co-pay to hear from the urologist that my options were surgery or physical therapy. I'm so disturbed that my gyn or urologist didn't know the benefits of magnesium, but I'm so thankful for this site and all that participate. I have a new lease on life because I can exercise again. Thanks!


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Posted by Kathy (New Brunswick) on 08/05/2018

I have realized just this weekend that my daily evening magnesium malate or citrate supplementation is likely *paradoxically* at least partially responsible for insomnia issues I've been facing. I went off the supplement for a week because I ran out and was amazed at how well I was sleeping without it. I got a new supply of magnesium malate, took (~200 mg elemental Mg) at 9 pm on a Friday. My brain was "on" at bedtime -- could not fall asleep until after 3 am. Weekend ruined! I slept a little better Saturday night w/o supplementation, hopefully will be able to get back to where I was before Friday.

I say paradoxically because Mg has in the past definitely been a HELP for falling asleep, and it has also helped me to overcome migraine pain. A few articles online show I am not the first to notice this issue.

Posted by Anna (Dayton, OH) on 07/10/2009

I take two 200 or 250 mgs of magnesium every night to help me sleep. I have tried other products to help me sleep like phosphorus and melatonin. Phosporus is also very good but makes me too groggy when I wake up. Melatonin also makes me too groggy. I take Melatonin when I have had caffiene before bed and it knocks me out. I get the tablets and nibble the tiniest bit off of the edge and it works everytime but seems to be too strong for me and makes me tired during the day. For me magnesium is gentle and when I wake up I feel relaxed but not tired. We stayed overnight in New York City at my daughters boyfriends apt on a busy, noisy, avenue. I took my two magnesiums as usual but woke up in the middle of the night because of the terrible street noises. The next few nights I took 3 magnesiums (200 or 250mg's)and slept thru it all. At home I take two every night. Thank you so much for this website!! People helping People!! YaY people power!

Insomnia, Migraines

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Posted by Louisvillemom (Louisville, Ky) on 12/09/2011

I've also experienced restlessness with the Magnesium Citrate. I tried the powdered "Natural Calm" and it did NOT calm me... Quite the opposite. So my doctor suggested MagOx which is Magnesium Oxide. I take two at night and sleep better than I have in years. It's also lowered my BP a little and my migraines have almost gone away. I've heard negatives about the oxide form of magnesium (absorption, stomach upset, etc) but for me it's worked miracles. I think everyone must figure out which form works best for them.

Kidney Stones

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Posted by Dr Fronk (Indiana, Pa 15701) on 02/14/2012

Magnesium is excellent for dissolving Kidney Stones!! Take 3 or 4 capsules a couple times a day and avoid the hospital stay.

Replied by Pbird

I have been using Mag for years to keep kidney stones at bay. Its best to also get some B6 with that. But yeah, it works.


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Posted by Lorena (Usa) on 10/09/2015

I started having laryngospasms last May 17th due to a bronchitis and virus I believe... cough wake me up at midnight chooking and searching in different blogs. Read that someone got cured using magnesium, and I started using magnesium and no more spasms. I'd like to spread this information to anyone that suffer with this condition, because is horrible feeling thinking that you are gonna die... so you can take magnesium glycinate... I took around 400 mg and after a week no more spasms....

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