Posted by Amber (Salt Lake City, Utah)
When I turned 19, I started getting a rash on my legs in the heat. Then it gradually got worse in the cold. After I would get out of the shower my rash would get worse. Pretty soon my rash was there all of the time. I went to my Doctor and he gave me medicine -- it didn't work. He referred me to a dermatologist who gave me steroids and antibiotics, and cream. None of it helped my condition. Finally I started taking apple cider vinegar with 8 OZ. of water twice a day. In three days my rash was gone. I couldn't believe the results. I drank 2 TBS of ACV and @ TBS of Virgin Honey. It really worked for me. I have not had any bad effects with my teeth even though I have been taking it for three years.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Felicia (Cincinnati, Ohio)
I had what I believed to be Poison sumac/ severe contact dermatitis. I soaked my arm in oatmeal bath, then applied ACV with a spray bottle. I did this 3 times a day. It has only been 4 days it is almost gone. My skin began to get very dry & itchy, so the last 2 days I've only applied the ACV once a day. The last time I had this. I had to get a steroid injection & was on oral steroids 3 weeks. It took 3 weeks for the dermatitis to go away. It took 2 months for my skin to return to it's original color. My skin in the healed spots is already my original color.