Hot Flashes
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Hot Flashes

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beautifulone (Mesa, Arizona) on 07/08/2012

Good evening Ladies! I am very happy to report that I haven't had a HF in 24 hours, it truly works and I am a very happy Women. I actually slept through the night. My HF were so bad that I would have water running down my legs! MY HF were constant daily and I thank God that I have found a cure. It works, it works, it works!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kim (Louisville, Ky) on 06/01/2012

YEA!!!!!!!! I was soooo happy to find this site! I have suffered from hot flashes for over 3 years now and had gotten to the point that I was having one several times an hour. I began taking 2 tsps organic raw ACV mixed with water and organic stevia extract in the morning and evening about a week ago. I can't stand the smell or taste of vinegar, but was at wit's end, so I tried it. With the stevia, it is tolerable. I am now down to approximately 1 hot flash a day!!!!!!!! Wow Wow Wow Wow. Thank you ladies for the info, I am forever grateful.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Denise (Tomkins Cove, Ny, Usa) on 07/31/2012

This is amazing! So simple and so effective. I'll be 50 soon and started having hot flashes about a year ago. Over the past month, they came much more often. Not terribly severe, but annoying and uncomfortable, especially when they happened throughout the night. As soon as I read this, I took 1 tablespoon of store-bought apple cider vinegar. It burned a bit going down for a few seconds, but was fine after that. Sometimes I take another tablespoon later in the evening. I always eat some food first. The miraculous results: no more hot flashes!!! Been taking it for over a week now... No hot flashes. It also fixed some mild heartburn I had started to experience. Yay!!!!! Try it... And spread the word!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzy (Swedesboro, N.J.) on 10/14/2008

11 Years of Hot Flashs Finally Cured!

Desperate-I found your site-I was ready to just give up living! I tried Black Cohosh, added Dong Quai and got a little relief in the day time but NONE at night. I have had 11 years of HORRID HOT FLASHES-except the few years I took HRT Therapy. I have had 2 precancerous conditions in my life and just did not consider HRT to be the right choice. I had taken NOTHING for 1 year up until 2 weeks ago and had not slept more than 1-2 hours in over 9 months! Suicide was getting to sound painless, as the song goes. I could not think, work, clean or do anything productive. Every hour the fever would hit and then the chills, IT WAS LIKE HAVING THE FLU, 24/7. I tried the herbs about 10 days ago and like I said, got a little relief in the daytime but THEN I FOUND YOU GUYS-I took 2 Tablespoons of ACV with a little stevia and water and the hot flashes STOPPED-I mean STOPPED COLD! I tried 1 Tablespoon a few days later and they started back-I switched back to 2 Tablespoons and they stopped AGAIN!

I can't believe it!!!!! I am symptom free for 7 days now and have slept for the first time in MONTHS!!! THERE ARE NO WORDS TO EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE-


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Vancouver Island, Canada) on 05/01/2015

Hello! I have been having intermittent hot flashes for approximately five years but, for the past eight weeks, they have been brutal. I believe this newest change coincides with a complete lack of menses. I realize that eight weeks without a cycle does not mean I am finished menopause, but I think there has been at least a major shift in my hormones. Nonetheless, whatever the menopausal stage I am in, I am finding it difficult to cope with sleepless nights and uncomfortable and embarrassing flashes during the day. I have asked my husband to buy some apple cider vinegar and I going to try it tonight!! I think I will start with four tablespoons. Bottoms up and wish me luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lori (Colorado) on 01/11/2016

I have been having serious issues with this for about a year. I have a week or two of them and then none for a couple of months. Mine happen mostly during sleep, although not always, and within seconds I completely soak the bed with sweat. Night after night this is disrupting both my sleep and my poor understanding husband who always welcomes me onto his dry side....until I soak that too. I have ACV on hand and will start back on it tonight. I am an RN and this thing is beyond me. I wake somedays wondering how I have any fluid left in my body after these nights. I am 50 so I am fairly sure this is menopause though I have no uterus to confirm this with the absence of periods. THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR SUGGESTIONS! Will report back! Here's hoping and praying something works soon....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris E. (Nebraska, Usa) on 12/02/2017

Thank you so much for this post! I started ACV in January 2017. It was a miracle cure. I was taking 2 tbs twice a day. The flashes completely disappeared after using the first bottle. I got my life back. But then I house sat for a friend for three weeks and didn't use the ACV. The flashes resumed, although they were not as bad as they had been. I resumed taking ACV at my normal dosage but to my dismay -- nothing! It's simply does not work for me anymore. From reading here I've learned that it is safe to increase my dosage. I will be doing that, promptly. Thank you for the hope your post provided.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jillery (North America) on 01/22/2014 88 posts


I was thrilled when the ACV helped my hot flashes. but it really only helped me for a week or so. I continue talking ACV for other health benefits-- maybe in the future it will work again for me. (i take 2T with a bit of water before bedtime)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stormy (Pueblo, Colorado) on 08/26/2012

i really love this site, I was at my wits end with hot flashes, when I came across this site. I had tried everything from prescriptions to just dealing with them. I cannot take the over the counter stuff out for hot flashes because of the soy in them. I am estrogen receptive for breast cancer, so all I could really do was deal with them. When I read about apple cider vinegar helping with them I tried it and to my suprise it worked!!!! Right away. I have been on it for about 2 weeks, and they are almost down to none. The ones I do have are really light, I can handle them. And sleep at night!!!!! Yea! Thanks for this site!!! I would never had thought to try apple cider vinegar. Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Sfv, Ca) on 05/06/2012

So happy I found this thread. I tried ACV and my Hot flashes are almost gone and if I have one it is very mild. I also sleep through the night. Hope more women try this and get some relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nevrsetl4less (Seymour, Tx Usa) on 03/22/2012

Re: Apple Cider Vinegar for Hot Flashes - Just thought I'd let you know it's only been 12 days and the relief started @ day 1 and now I'm only having an occasional hotflash. Cannot tell you how happy I am to have learned about this site and ACV. Thank you so much.. Life is good again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ann (Gainesville, Fl) on 03/02/2012

I was taking the store brand of apple cider vinegar for hot flashes. It was working very well. Then, I switched to the organic brand with "mother" in it because of testimonies I had read on the importance of using the raw organic ACV. Immediately, my stomach gurgled, churned, and I had terrible diarrhea. I stuck with it for a few days figuring it was just detox. Finally, not being able to stand it anymore, I switched back to the store brand that is filtered, and I am well again. Either way, my hot flashes go away. I take 1 tablespoon of ACV with 1/4 tsp. Baking soda mixed into about 1/2 cup water. It works perfectly!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Monica62 (Houma, Louisiana, Usa) on 09/21/2011

Wow, I am so happy I ran across this page while doing a search for hot flash home remedies. As I read I could not get over how many of us (women) have this problem. Mine started in 2006 after a hysterectomy I was then put on a low dose HRT. In 2008 I had my first heart attack at 45 just two weeks before my 46th birthday. My doctor took me off of them. Then the dreaded hot flashes and night sweats started. I was having them like every 15mins. I became very depressed and angry. I begged my heart doctor to let me get back on them he said ok and I did. Then heart attack #2 came in 7/09. Once again I was off of them and within no time at all BAM they were back. Was put back on a low low dose of HRT just to taper them out and by 12/09 I was back in the hospital with another heart attack. I have been HRT free since only trying Black Cohash only to find it doesn't work for me.

After reading about ACV and water I told my husband and we rushed out and got some last night. I am happy to say that after drinking 2tblsp with 8oz of flavored water (strawberry Kiwi) I am hot flash and night sweats free. So I want to thank all of you who share on here from the bottom of my heart. No more snapping at the hubby and getting some awesome sleep.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Earthystuff (Nicholson, Ga) on 08/12/2011

Well, think about it! For how many years have our elders been telling us that an apple a day keeps the doctor away? Well what is ACV but pure apple. The best you can get is _____ organic with the mother in it! You want the mother, thats the real good stuff. You can find _____ at health food stores! I started using ACV for the flu I had real bad and almost had to go to the hospital. ACV 2-3 times a day pulled me out of it. It is actually reccomended for many problems. Sinus, congestion, weight loss, acid reflux, ect... So I am not suprised to find it for hot flashes. I just take a big ol swig out of the bottle or use a shot glass and chase with lots of water. I still dont like the taste but I dont like to be on any medications that I dont have to be on. The taste doesnt last that long. I have had night flashes after I pee off and on for a couple of years and now they are coming in the day. For many years now after finding this site I have been reccomending it to many people for many things. My friends husband has gout.....ACV!

You can google ACV and find many sites that give you all the uses or you can just look here. Earthclinic has been my doctor now for a while. I always come here first before going to the doctor if I know what the problem is. It is an immune booster plain and simple and it wont hurt you! I can even take it on an empty stomach which is saying a lot.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rebekka (Netherlands) on 08/19/2017

Apple Cider Vinegar does absolutely nothing. Been taking it for hot flashes for over a month. I take 1 tablespoon in a huge glass of water 3 times a day. Nothing. It also does not do any of the other things people say it does. My skin and hair look the same. I have no more energy than I had before. I still get headaches etc. The only difference I have seen is I'm having problems sleeping. Would not recommend it at all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jillery (North America) on 12/31/2013 88 posts

2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar diminished my night time hot flashes soooooo much last night. I had the ACV in water and drank down a cup and didn't have ongoing hot flashes. It was great!!! I have been drinking ACV on and off for a number of weeks but I never corrolated it with less hot flashes. Enjoy!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Too Young For Menopause (Cape Cod, Massachusetts - Usa) on 10/23/2012

Menopause came on like a hurricane 5 months ago and the hot flashes were soaking me 8-10 times a day. I tried taking 2 tbs. of ACV in the morning and 2 tbs. At night in a glass of water - after gagging it down, decided I would rather deal with the hot flashes. Skip ahead a couple of weeks of waking up 4-5 times soaked every night and realized I could not deal with them!

I resolved to try the AVC again. This time I used 1 tbs. In a small glass of orange juice in a.m. and p.m. After only 2 days I started seeing a difference. At night, I've been getting a bit overheated but just kicking the covers off for a few minutes will cool me down. I haven't had a single soaking hot flash for the past few days. It has now been 1 week and I am totally hot flash free! I will continue to take this magic drink until I'm post menopausal. Thanks for all of your information - it has truly changed my life!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Actsup2 (Goodyear, Az) on 10/21/2012

I just want to CRY - I am having hot flashes that last 2 to 10 mins every half an hour. I no longer know what sleep is. When I found this site I was so excited. I called my wonderful hubby and told him and he brought home 2 bottles of ACV - both organic, believing it would be better for me. Well, the first time I tried this I had an instant hot flash and then got the chills. I was able to sleep about 2 hours straight. So I thought - it will take time. I will stick to it. Now it's 2 weeks later and and it's as if I'm taking nothing.

I'm so desperate - I don't know what to do. ACV it's helping (with or with out the baking soda) that estroven isn't helping, evening primrose, wild yam, black cohosh, nothing so far. where do I turn. I'm now begging for help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindy (Phoenix, Arizona (az)) on 10/08/2012

YEA--I read the comments about ACV working for hot flashes. Tried it 2 nights (1 TBSPN ACV--with the mother in 8 ounces of water), and the horrible hot flashes that have been around for 4 years (waking up 3 times a night) are completely gone. This site is amazing!

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