Posted by Sarah (Northern, NJ) on 03/24/2008
Unsulphed BSM for menstrual issues-YEA !!!! I can't find the words to say how thankful I am for this website & everyone that shared info on Unsulphered Black strap molasses for Menstrual issues. I've been on it for a whole month now, & it truly is a blessing for me. It's helped with the Pain & lightned it. I just used less than a tblspoon in warm-hot water daily. Again, Thanks you have no idea after many years of barely can't getting out of bed how much this has helped me.
Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Pauline (St. Helens, Merseyside) on 03/03/2008
re: BSM and the Periods from hell. I went to see the gynaecologist last week and he informed me that I have several fibroids and a polyp. It seems that the polyp will need to be removed as it could contain cancerous cells. I started my period last Wednesday, 2/27 and the flow was minimal, in fact, hardly anything there at all. I went shopping on Saturday and when I got out of the car, it was like a flood of blood coming away from me. It soaked through my underclothes, my skirt and my SUEDE coat. I was so disappointed as I really thought the BSM was making a difference. However, come Saturday evening, the blood flow had stopped completely and I haven't had any since. I cautiously believe that this is the BSM. Had I not had the polyp I wouldn't have gone for surgery but I need reassurance that it is not malignant. Once again, I'll keep you posted.