316 User Reviews
I decided to travel abroad for a year as the economy was already spiriling downward at the end of 2007 and I had some money saved up. During this journey, I spent a couple of months in Cuba at which time, most likely due to poor nutrition and hygiene in the country, acquired my first Staph Infection which I initially thought was a spider bite. The reason I believed it to be a spider bite is that my cousin came back to The States from the Dominican Republic with a bunch of spider bites that looked almost exactly the same as my Staph Infection. I began to take some left over Amoxicillin prescribed from the removal of my wisdom teeth that I was traveling with. The amount I had was not enough to completely attack the virus so it came back stronger but this time on my neck. Here's a picture.
The pain was excrutiating and I literally felt like I was going to die. My neck throbbed with every heartbeat and gave me a horrible constant piercing headache. I never get sick and this put me down for almost a week with soarness throughout my body. I hate taking meds but broke down and went back on the Amoxicillin. After a few days it started to go away finally. A few weeks later I got a horrible ear infection in my right ear that eventually shifted to my left ear and then apparently came out of my middle finger as a huge boil. My finger was literally three times as thick as normal. Again Amoxicillin was taken only to have dozens of more small boils continously appear throughout the rest of my trip.
A third large infection in my nose began to appear in Colombia two days before my trip was scheduled to end. When I returned to The States the infection had grown enough that my upper lip was ridicolously inflated and my family was really worried about me. Again, the throbbing pain was excrutiating enough that I felt like I was going to die. My entire body was sore and I had this constant fierce headache. I was seriously considering flying out of the country again for medical treatment as I don't have insurance at the moment. One night I stayed up not being able to fall asleep because of the pain and started surfing the web on my bed with my mobile. I came across the typical 'western medicine' websites and read people's depressing comments about how they have suffered with MRSA for years and have no hope in site. It really got me down. I googled the same string as before but this time adding 'natural cure' to the end and came across Earth Clinic. There are no 24 hour supermarkets in my area so first thing the next morning I went out, bought some Turmeric, and literally poured some in my mouth chasing it with some juice I had also bought. Within four hours my lip started to go back to a normal state enough so that my cousin noticed and asked what I did. I couldn't believe how quickly this worked without having to take Amoxicillin. It actually reacted faster than the Amoxicillin did with previous infections. I hate taking Amoxicillin because after five days on it I feel horrible and of course theirs the toxicity factor of continuously administering it.
Looking back a lot of things make sense now that I researched the disease and apparently a lot of it has to do with an individuals immune system. I first got the infection in Cuba where basic nutritious things like milk and meat can be hard to come by and expensive. After a few days of heavy drinking I noticed it was more likely for the boils to appear or if already midly present they would intensify. The last few days in Cuba I partied pretty hard with friends while the neck infection was in a mild state. By the time I got to Costa Rica it was huge. Also on the last few days of my trip, of course, I had to go out with a bang and partied non stop which probably caused the most recent one. As soon as I got back family and friends that haven't seen me in a year wanted to catch up so the partying didn't end in Colombia. Another observation was that during my journey through Brazil I fell in love, not only with Brazilian women, but also with their smoothies and drank a couple a day. Looking back, I didn't get any boils while in Brazil though I partied hard there as well. In conclusion Turmeric worked amazingly, it might have prevented me from getting boils, and heavy drinking for a few nights in a row would cause boils to either appear or, if already present, intensified the infection. I thank Earth Clinic so much for this great information and God for always having an answer within nature so as not to be exploited by western medicine.
(Miami, Fl)
this is for mel from miami,fl.....i too live there and i'm hoping you can help me by telling me were or what store did you find the turmeric at? either you or someone answer that please i need some asap! thanks guys!
(Sanford, Fl, Usa)
Luis, I live in central florida and I buy turmeric at any grocery store (Publix, Albertson) at the spices rack. You can also go to a produce store. In Miami should not be hard to find. Good luck and good health!!!
Let me first say i really cant believe how fast this worked. I noticed a sore red spot cropping up on my penis (of all places) Of course it started growing into a boil about 3/8 inch across. It hurt like hell. so:
day 1 - did nothing
day2 - started using Smile's Prid Drawing Slave and taking minocycline.
day3 - it is growing and started to form a head, but still hurts like hell
day4 - this thing flippin hurts and seems to just get worse
day5 - same thing - it has come to a head but no drainage
day6 - i stumble across this web site, and the rest is history.
On day 6, I bought some turmeric and took 1tsp with 1/2 glass water at 11:35 and also made a bandage mixed with turmeric and neosporin. At 1:52 i replaced the bandage with a new one because i notice a small amount of drainage and i am thinking wow - this works. At 3:45 i took another dose and changed bandage - again small amount of drainage. At 6:04 i go to change the bandage and the core is poking out. Holy shyyyte i said. I could not believe it.. so i got some antiseptic and tweezers and pulled the core out. 10:00 that same night i replaced the bandage and took another dose.. and in the morning it is totally gone. Even though i was taking antibiotics (just 100mg) a day - i dont think it made this happen. I cant tell you how much i am grateful for this site. Thanks! thanks! thanks!
![0 out of 5 stars](/images/side-effects.png)
EC: Were you taking capsules? People who take the powder haven't reported this issue.
(Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
No, I initially started with the powder in water as directed, but was unable to drink a whole teaspoon. This past week I tried again by getting empty gelatin capsules and filling them with regular turmeric spice powder (Frontier brand). See my other message for results of that and what I found that worked.
EC: Amy's other message is posted under "SILICA": https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/boils.html#SILICA
(San Jose, California)
I get a little annoyed at some nay sayers who like to "warn" people of supposed side effects that have nothing to do with use of certain products. Turmeric does NOT cause yeast infections, because it does NOT throw off the bodies PH balance, so these little warnings are basically false doctrine and it only serves to scare people away from taking a beneficial product.
(Salina, KS)
![0 out of 5 stars](/images/side-effects.png)
Actually, I am very thankful that people post their reactions to a cure, whether positive or negative. I have realized that many respond differently to the same treatment, and it helps to get a balanced view of a certain supplement. Although Turmeric has dramatically helped me with fatigue and brain fog, I have noticed definite hormonal reactions to it such as flushed face, and irritability and insomnia if I take too much. When I took a whole tablespoon, my heart pounded for 2 hours and I was wiped out. My friend took that amount (because the smaller doses did nothing), and still felt absolutely nothing. My brother is being helped a lot by it (energy, clearer thinking, etc.), while my husband noticed nothing, even though we keep going up on the dosage. We are definitely all different, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if a hormonal imbalance caused by turmeric would start off a chain reaction of different physiologic responses in the body that could lead to a yeast infection. Who are we to tell someone else how their body does or does not work? I want to hear both sides. Thank you to everyone who gives an honest report.
(Lyman, Maine)
This is regarding Tanya from Alberta Canada. I too have a boil near my groin area. It once got so big as a walnut and drained. But it keeps filling up, but I don't let it get big enough, so I bust it open to let it drain. I don't want to ever go through that excruciating pain again. But I don't know how to get the core out as well. If anyone knows how to get the core out, please let us know! My email address is [email protected]. Thank you so much!
(Calgary, AB)
In response to the ladies wondering how to get out an intractable core -
A bottle (pop bottle, milk jug). Boiling water. Emerse the bottle into the hot water but do no let the water get into the bottle. Quickly take it out of the water and position it over the infection. You need to make sure the rim is firmly sealed against your skin.
This will cause the bottle to cool and the bottle to start sucking the area in the bottle.
This works for stubborn breastmilk duct clogs too.
Thank you all!
I read about using Tumeric a few days ago to help with boils. (2 teaspoons in warm water every three hours during the day) I immediately started taking it. I didn't see results for about a day, but it is working. I had two boils, one that came a day or two before the other. The one that appeared later started to drain earlier. And just like others have written, the tumeric caused the boil to come to a head and drain. The tumeric also helped with the fluid build up around the infection. I've taken antibiotics before to treat boils, but they left me feeling drained and sick. Taking tumeric has kept me feeling energetic.
I have also been using apple cider vinegar to help my body regain a more alkaline state, Kyolic (aged garlic extract), and barley grass powder to help my body cleanse itself.
(Wendell, North Carolina)
Hey- I know its been almost 2 months. i hope your children havent suffered this long. Both my 3 year old and 20 month old and ME get MRSA boils every few months but since 9 months ago they have been really infrequent and no where near as the hassel. More mild discomfort rather than EXCRUITATING PAIN. I down a tsp of tumeric as soon as i feel like i'm getting one. I cannot for the life of me get my children to come near it. I found a website that claimed Manuka Honey helped. The stuff is expensive at Wellsprings/ Whole Foods $36 for a small 12oz jar. But I swear by it. I dab it with a qtip on a the site along with the antibiotic ointment the doc prescribes us and its gone within a day or 2. My kids also get a spoonful to eat when they get colds. They heal cuts in no time. I also noticed they come on after we ingest lots of sweets. My son just a birthday so lots of cake and junk food. On Earthclinic there was something about a possible link to sugar.