Dietary Changes, Supplements
The 9 cups of leafy greens and colorful vegetables and fruits, along with no processed foods, gluten free, low saturated fats and low sugar, per the above diets has helped. I lost 13 lbs on the diet. I was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis previously. I can now drive, as the vertigo and nausea is gone, and my leg strength is better. I have not been to the hospital with breathing problems from "ms hug" since starting the diets. The pain is better. I am currently excited about the biotin, as my energy has improved since taking it. There was a recent study done on biotin which had good results, so neurologists are recommending it and vitamin d3 now. If you take vitamin d3, make sure you take a calcium citrate supplement and magnesium to balance electrolytes.
I drink low sodium V8 juice to get the potassium so it all balances out. I do low salt diet, sea salt only to get the other minerals. Salt was found to aggravate ms, and I found it to be true. I drink a lot of water too, since I believe dehydration was worsening ms. You need about 9 cups water a day for a woman, about 11 cups for a man. I set timer on my phone to remind me to drink glass of water.
Pinching skin on back of hand and raising 1 cm and releasing it, skin should snap back quickly. If skin sinks back slowly, you are dehydrated. I thought I was drinking enough water, but I wasn't! Also take a good probiotic supplement. I still have good and bad days, but the improvement is definitely there!
Meine Krankheit MS musste viele Jahre mit der Schulmedizin mehr schlecht als recht zurecht kommen. Bis ich letzten Jahres von natűrlichen Mittel erfuhr. Mein Weg fűhrte mich zu DMSO. Seither ist dies mein tgl. Begleiter ( nehme 2-3 TL oral ein ).Ich fűhle mich seither schmerzfreier, vitaler...., außerdem wird es ebenso erfolgreich bei Insektenstichen, Verbrennungen usw.eingesetzt. Kann diese Erfahrung nur weitergeben.
Google Translation from German:
DMSO belongs to every home pharmacy
My illness MS had to cope with the school medicine for many years more badly than right. Until last year I learned of natural resources. My way led me to DMSO. Since then this is my daily companion (take 2-3 Teaspoons orally). I feel since then painless, vital ...., besides, it is equally successful with insect bites, burns, etc. used. Can only pass this experience on.
Eliminate Artificial Sweeteners, Ldn
She said I had R&R MS, and I disagreed because I said that I never had a relapse or remission. In any case I did not take anything and seemed to be fine except for the numbness in my fingers. Then 5 years later I started to experience weakness in my right leg, which I attributed to Planta Fascitus which I had in my right foot. I went to a podiatrist and he fixed the foot, and I then went to a physical theripist to strengthen it, she said that the problem was neurological. I than went back to a neurogist and he proclaimed I had MS. Over the next 3 years I steadily declined, never having a relapse or a remission. I saw 3 more neurologists and they all said I had MS.
I tried the Wahles Diet, lots of supplements, the Swank Diet, and acupuncture, all to no avail. Then last week I got a prescription for Low Dose Naltrexon (LDN). I initially got my Doctor to write it for 4.5 mg, but the pharmacist at Skip's Pharmacy in Boca Raton told me to start with 1.5 mg, then after 30days up it to 3 then after 30 more days go to 4.5mg.
Although it has only been a few days already I do not get fatigued by midmorning and my right leg does not cramp up or shake a lot in the morning, like it was. My disease progresses slowly, but I am hopeful that it will now stablize.
I have now retired to Costa Rica, where I got a Doctor to write the prescription for LDN. Since I go back to Florida to visit frequently I hope to be able to keep up the LDN.
(Uniontown, Oh)
I'm glad to hear you are doing well on LDN. It should stop the progression of your disease. Please be aware that if the LDN is stopped for more than a couple of days, you can get the MS symptoms back again. You need it to moderate your immune system and keep the MS in check. By the way, I believe Skip's ships all over the world and prescriptions can be faxed to them. He has been a true leader in the LDN arena, and has donated many hours and work for it's use to help those with autoimmune diseases. I have no financial interest or affiliation with this pharmacy. Best wishes!
General Feedback
[Information Removed]
EC: Dear Mathura Bhatta: You will likely get the best information on these subjects by searching on sites like and and then printing out this material for your friend!
Honey Bee Venom
(Avon Lake, Oh)
I have had success using Bee Venom Therapy for various ailments including: herniated disk, muscle strains in the lower back and shoulders, and it removed a wart that I had for over 5 years on my foot. I have witnessed many MS patients make drastic improvements with Bee Venom Therapy to the point that they got off of the drugs that only made them feel worse.
Many people use BVT for arthritis, carpal tunnel, low back issues, etc... (even Cancer).
Mother Nature has provided the solutions for our health issues.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Steroid works but every time I get some, by the time I start to get back to normal, the problems slowly come back and I'm going down within two month again. It's very depressing. Now, I'm trying to be positive but right now I can't even walk again for ten minutes without sitting down for a rest. When I was diagnosed I was also told that I have EBV and they couldn't really tell 100% that my symptoms are caused by ms or EBV but most likely ms I guess.
I have been reading about Hydrogen Peroxide therapy for about two weeks and it gave me so much hope that I decided to try it. I am on 14 drops today now, climbing up to 25 and then do the whole protocol as it's in the books... I was wondering if anyone with the same problems has tried HP therapy? Please would you share your experiences with me, and maybe give me a little hope that I will get better one day. I am only 30 but I feel like my life stopped a year ago:-( I know I can't expect anything in a couple of weeks but I believe in this now so much that I tell myself every single day that this stuff will help me and I'm willing to do, even be patient for six months for results as long as I can walk, and after if I get better I am going to drink or inhale hp for the rest of my life.
Please give some good news here dear everyone or Ted! This site is great by the way!
I wish you all good health, and I'm looking forward to some answers. Also here's my email if anyone would share their experience with hp therapy in private orsika(at)
Thank you!
(Uniontown, Oh)
I have some good news for you. Please look at this website, LDN is an inexpensive, FDA approved drug, which when taken in a very small dose can help with many autoimmune diseases, and is usually very effective in stopping progression of MS. Additionally, please join the Yahoo LDN group that has over 10,000 members, at least half of whom have MS. They will help you very willingly and with much understanding and experience. You are not alone and help is as close as your computer. Best wishes!
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Hi Orshi - I don't know about hydrogen peroxide for MS, but you may find the following TED video very interesting.
TEDxIowaCity - Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria
Dr. Terry Wahls learned how to properly fuel her body. Using the lessons she learned at the subcellular level, she used diet to cure her MS and get out of her wheelchair.
Hope there is some valuable information in it for you. Take care, Bess
(Exeter, Devon, England)
(Denver, Co)
Hi Orshi, I have MS too, I have found oxygen therapy helpful. Hydrogen peroxide, and also Homozon. I did CCSVI treatment several times but while there were benefits they only last 6 months for me. I had it again and veins were open but symptoms came back. After lots of supplements, and continued progression, I tried stem cell therapy which stopped the progression and with exercise seems to be helping me get better. Went from wheelchair to walker outside the house. It's been 2 months.
Laura laura.laurapino[at]gmail[dot]com
(Syracuse, New York)
This is exciting news to me: stem cell therapy. Is it available in the USA at this time ? ...Oscar
(Denver, Co, Usa)
Hi Oscar, Yes, I know of one place in the US the rest are out of the country. I went to Mexico.
(Vancouver, B.c.)
Just found this site and have been reading all the interesting posts.
My yoga instructor was telling us about Hydrogen Peroxide food grade and how it might be beneficial for people with MS, which I have had for 6/7 years now. Not sure if I can get LDN in Canada but will look into it.
Orshi, if you are still looking at this post every now and then, just wondering how you made out and if you have tried the LDN ??
I am 50 and also have extreme numbness in both legs/feet as well as bladder/bowel/eye problems as well as others.
Anyone in Canada purchasing the LDN? Thanks for any info. Best to everyone, Pete
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Pete, re your MS;
Also look into a substance that Dr Robert Adkins used as his number one go to for his MS patients that he would give to them in IV form, although the oral consumption I have seen is amazingly effective for the symptoms you describe; "Calcium AEP" and the "calcium" part is not the is the AEP part that is the miracle. You can google "Nutrition Review Calcium AEP" and find an amazing article on the 20 different things AEP can do to help the human body, To deal with leg symptoms, especially when stressed, up to eight tablets of AEP are needed.
Also, I have found Colloidal Silver to be effective in killing viral infections. It is theorized that MS has as a trigger a virus.
I am taking hydrogen peroxide for my MS and find it very beneficial. :)
(Melbourne, Australia)
Oxygenation of blood through any means seems to do the trick with many illnesses. Eg Jim Humbles chlorine dioxide, wim hof breathing method, it all makes sense to me, not withstanding issues with nutrition and over toxicity.
Hydrogen Peroxide
(Clute, Texas)
Increase the 35% food grade hydrogen perxoide from 6 drops once a day to 8 then 10; 12; 14; 18; 20 drops at least 3(three)times a day then level off at around 8 to 12 drops twice a day after a couple of weeks. This increase from once to three times a day will continue to over oxignate your body and keep any fungi or paracite dead or dormant since these parasites can't live in an over oxignated body.
I'm 69 years of age and live in Texas, USA.. Haven't found an ailment it won't cure if done daily.
(Barrie, Ontario, Canada)
Scott from Texas is correct. H202 Hydrogen peroxide food grade is only oxygen, increased intake is absolutely harmless. (withing reason) I have done up to 15 drops at once 3 times a day ( always diluted in water). It also cleans out the bad bacteria in your digestive tract, which most practitioners agree is 80% of your immune system.
(Texas, US)
Best wishes to your wife. Where do I find the details on HP % and the number of drops, etc? I've seen this topic before, but it was actually my doctor who whispered/suggested I look into this, including ozone therapy, so will want to look that up, too, but for now I'm looking for info on the HP protocol. (MS for almost 25 minutes) Thanks!
This hydrogen peroxide book might help. You can also look at the reviews on Amazon for food grade hydrogen peroxide and books on hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Look up food grade hydrogen peroxide reviews on Amazon. Do you know about the diets for multiple sclerosis? I don't know if your wife is already on a diet, but that would be helpful for her.
yes, try to find the book: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE
Medical Miracle
by William Campbell Douglass, MD
around page 104 there are stories of people curing MS by hydrogen peroxide IV therapy. Perhaps intravenous Vitamin C would work as well since it turns into h2o2 inside the body. good luck!
Inclined Bed Therapy
Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT)
I would like to suggest people with MS look into Inclined Bed Therapy, which by definition, is the process of sleeping on a bed that is inclined by 4 to 6" at the head of the bed so that the entire body is sleeping on an angle(not just the head, or top half of the body, like with a pillow). The easiest way to do this is to put risers(square, plastic or wood blocks) under the two posts at the head of the bed.
Inclined Bed Therapy takes the pressure off the spine, allowing circulation into the brain stem, allowing new stem cells to develop. People with MS that have practiced IBT nightly for several months report MS symptoms going into remission. There are several websites dedicated to Inclined Bed Therapy and several testimonials, even one man that claims he can walk again due to IBT after only 6 months.
Some of the other reported benefits of IBT include sleeping better through the night, reduced back pain, reduced snoring, reduced sleep apnea and reduced acid reflux, reduced need to urinate in the middle of the night(due to gravity separating the heavy particles from the water particles forcing more water elimination through the lungs as oppose to the bladder). For testimonials regarding many other benefits to sleeping this way, refer to IBT listed here on earthclinic and other websites online, or refer to Andrew K. Fletcher, he is the original person trying to help get the word out. He claims that even the Egyptians, who were brilliant, knew to sleep this way!
If you do have MS, and decide to give IBT a try, please talk to your doctor first and report back your experience here to help others.
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
I subsequently went on LDN in 2021 and this year (2022) the tests from my neurologist showed that I have improvements in all of my nerve tests and no new symptoms. Of course he tries to sell me new pharmaceuticals at every visit but I say no and continue with the LDN.
It must be filled at a compounding pharmacy and it costs $105 for 100 capsules in Victoria, Australia - I take 1 x 5mg tablet daily.
I found this website helpful -
It may not be a cure, but I have experienced zero side effects and the regular MS drugs have a massive list of side issues.
My partner has MS for a long time, his walking is deteriorating. He is taking Ampyra. I wonder if LDN would be a benefit for him.
We are living in Ireland but I don't know where to get LDN. Has anyone bought LDN in Ireland or Europe?
The following article suggests that LDN could be useful for maintaining several aspects of health in MS in some people while not in others because studies have varied in terms of improvement to MS :
Here is a relevant quote from the article :
' A review of LDN research published in 2018 noted several beneficial outcomes from peer-reviewed studies using the drug to treat MS, including:
- Significantly reduced spasticity
- Significant benefits for mental health
- Improvement in quality of life
- Reduced fatigue
- Use as a single therapy resulted in stable disease state
However, not all results have been positive or consistent. The review cited:
- One study showing LDN treatment resulted in no significant differences in quality of life, which conflicts with a later study
- One study reporting side effects of insomnia and nightmares in a minority of cases
- A survey that found treatment with LDN didn't reduce the amount of disease-modifying therapies people were prescribed '
Given the mixed studies for LDN and MS and then taking into consideration the very good safety profile of LDN, it certainly seems worthy of consideration.
LDN for my celiac helps great deal. I had read + saw a chart showing 3.5 mg max for MS patients helps majority MS prescribers best. May want to check that info. 🦃🇺🇸✝️
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
EC: Read more about LDN:
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
(London, England)
I have a friend. he is 42 been ill for 2 years now. just released from 4 month stay in london hospital. he has been disagnosed with progressive ms. I have never heard of ldn. what is it. and where can he buy it. many thanks pat .x
EC: Low Dose Naltrexone..
(Virginia Beach, Va)
Naltrexone is a cheap generic pharmaceutical approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating drug and alcohol addiction. In very low doses, it is proving to be remarkably effective in treating multiple sclerosis--with minimal side effects and at a price anyone can afford.
For more information about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), visit
The above site features links to LDN-related research, case histories, discussion groups, books, articles, and video clips.
Hi Hristanad,
LDN is an inexpensive prescription drug in the US. It is gaining recognition among doctors and many will prescribe it. If, however, you can't get a prescription, you can buy it overseas, online. There are also several doctors in the US who will prescribe after a phone consultation. You can buy 50mg pills that can be diluted with 50ml of distilled water to make your own solution, where 1ml of solution equals 1mg of LDN. Measure the dose with a $1,5ml dropper, available at any drug store. Very easy to do. It will keep in your refrigerator for up to 90 days. The new updated, comprehensive book, "The LDN Book" by Linda Elsegood is available on Amazon. If you join the LDN Yahoo Group and ask how to get some, the members will give you details about where you can buy it. I'm not sure that I can post it here. If you look on the site, it will give you a list of reliable compounders in the US to use if you get a prescription and the Yahoo LDN Group address. My doctor told me LDN would be very helpful for my autoimmune problems, and to try to get some because she wouldn't prescribe it off-label. I buy mine overseas for the past six years and have never had any problems, and about half of the 12,000 members also buy their own. I think you can google "buy LDN" and you will see some sights, but most buy from the one run by Ian, who also takes it himself and donates to the LDN community. It does not come from China. If you have any further questions, please join the Yahoo Group that is listed on the LDN site listed in this post, and you will be welcomed and your questions will be thoughtfully answered. By the way, for the Crohn's people here, there are several posts right now from experiences of member users, about the current research and Dudley(the moderator) has posted links to first-hand accounts from other Crohn's users, and many links to research and helpful information. LDN is completely non-toxic, taken by mouth, with no side effects except possible short lived sleep problems, and that can be remedied by taking it in the morning. It is helpful with many autoimmune diseases, including Crohn's, IBS, Hashimotos, RA, (many others listed on the LDN site)by modulating the immune system, not killing it, is extremely helpful for MS, and mitigates the damage to healthy cells in cancer treatment. Some have successfully used it with other supplements and/or allopathic or holistic treatments for cancer. Best wishes! You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

LDN must be prescribed by a MD & comes from a compounding pharmacy. Around $20 a month. I think you should start low to see how you react 1 to 1.5 mg, then 3 mg, then 4.5 mg if it doesn't bother you. It makes me VERY dizzy, then nauseous. Good luck!
(Los Angeles, California)
LDN must be prescribed by a MD & comes from a compounding pharmacy. Around $20 a month. I think you should start low to see how you react 1 to 1.5 mg, then 3 mg, then 4.5 mg if it doesn't bother you. It makes me VERY dizzy, then nauseous. Good luck!
Google Burt Brekson MD PHD.. Dr. Brekson sen uses LDN & IV Alpha Lipoic Acid for everything, cancer, MS. Start low 1 to 1.5 mg, then 3 mg, then 4.5 mg. call a compounding pharmacy ask if anyone in your area prescribes it, they'll know. It makes me very dizzy.
Hi Tom,
The moderator of the Yahoo LDN site has given me permission to post his page on Crohn's here. He is very generous with his knowledge and time. I think you will find it helpful. Best wishes.
Dudley's page can be found about half way down this page that displays. There are also other LDN sites listed.
The one caveat I didn't mention on my current post that is important, is that LDN can be taken with ANY other drug, including steroids during flares, if necessary, but CANNOT BE TAKEN with OPIATE based drugs. They both compete for the same receptors and LDN will always win, which could throw an opiate user into an unexpected and potentially dangerous withdrawal. LDN will block the effect of an opiate. If surgery is anticipated where opiates will be used afterwards for pain, LDN should be discontinued a few days before the surgery or another kind of pain reliever needs to be used for a few days.
(Cincinnati, Oh)
I find LDN therapy for MS interesting. I have been on 2 mga twice a day everyday as it's in combination with my pain med. I actually notice more pain within 45 mins of taking it. I was diagnosed at 16 and I am now 32 so being so young and independent I sought out less acceptable ways of dealing with effects of MS. (i.e.) cocaine, which actually worked, I had no symptoms, amongst other dumb street drugs that numbed the depression and helped me block what was going on with my body.
Long story short when I wised up I found that the crap the docs gave me was making me worse so I sought out natural alternatives and I have felt much better without the injections and percocet and zoloft etc. I happened upon this H2O2 therapy and am going to try it along with all my supplements. The biggest thing through it all that I want to try and eliminate is the pain I experience so hopefully this helps and I can get rid of pain meds even with LDN altogether
Hi Heather,
I have been taking LDN for more than six years for autoimmune problems. When you take the LDN, it will block your opiates and opiate receptors for four to six hours, which may be why you experience an increase in pain after taking it. It is during the next 18 a 20 hours that LDN will make your body think it is in short supply of these, and it will make more of both. This is usually where the healing is found, especially with MS. If you take LDN more than once in any 24 hours, the blockade will begin again and interrupt the healing time. May I suggest you try taking 3 mg. LDN once a day, and see how it goes? You could then experiment with 4.5 mg. once a day, but if you experience any muscle cramping at 4.5 mg, which sometimes happens at this dose with MS, then go back to 3 mg once a day. I hope you have joined the Yahoo LDN Group with over 13,000 members who take LDN, about half for MS. They can give you their personal experiences and guide you with what has worked out best. Wishing you relief from your pain soon. Best wishes!
(O! For This Reason.)
Hi Heather,
I forgot to mention that if you are taking opiate based pain medicine, the LDN will block it, which also may be why you feel more pain after taking the LDN. This has the potential of throwing a person who is dependent on the opiate pain meds into a dangerous withdrawal. The ONLY thing that LDN should NOT be taken with is opiate based drugs, for this reason. Some people take pain medicine (Tremadol - sp?)in the morning, and LDN at night, 12 hours apart, and this seems to work for them. I would join the LDN Yahoo Group to get specific information about this from people who use it this way. LDN seems to work better for people with MS when they take it at night, between 10PM and 2AM.
When taking LDN, you work up from a dosage of 2 mg to 4.5 mg. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or get headaches at 4.5mg, try taking your dosage back down to 3 or 3.5mg. You've arrived at your correct dosage when you feel good again. Very small people or those with poor liver function can't handle 4.5mg. Many people do well on 3mg.
3mg. of LDN is often recommended for those with MS due to spasticity problems in some at 4.5 mg. If muscle cramping or spasms occurs at 4.5mg/day, reduce your dose to 3mg/day and see if you feel better. You will still reap the benefits of LDN.