Coconut Oil
It's easier to take if you melt the VCO first. Simply place the entire container of VCO in a pan of hot water. VCO becomes liquid at 76 degrees. Then you can easily measure out a teaspoon or tablespoon.
Coconut Oil
It's much too early to tell which way my Father is going as he is quite stubborn, but so far, it's hard to believe his progress. Will post every month or so and keep everyone updated, but today he did a happy dance that made us all burst out with laughter. If you could have seen him about 6 weeks ago, you would swear he was on his last legs.
Coconut Oil
Once my father was "officially" diagnosed my parents began to finally listen to my diet advice. I have since put my father on coconut oil (building up to three TBS three times a day), phosphatidylserene and vitamin B3.
One theory of Alzheimer's Disease is that it is a type of diabetes. It has been discovered the brain makes is own insulin (sugar regulating factor, I'll call it). If there is a problem with the brain making it, or the cells of the brain not being senstive to it, then the sugar the brain needs for fuel will not be available. Cells begin to weaken and die. When enough cells have been affected symptoms appear, but the damage begins decades earlier.
The alternative fuel the brain can use (besides sugar) is ketones, produced by the body from coconut oil. (The other two supplements I listed with the coconut oil are important for strengthening aspects of the brain cells themselves, simply put.)
My dad also takes many other general nutritional supplements like liver (copper, vitamin A) and iodine (in the form of kelp, but I use Lugol's), eggs (minerals and choline, vital for the brain), meat, raw milk, limited whole grains, fresh vegetables, fruits (limited) sea salt, vitamin D, B12, cod liver oil (vitamins A and D), magnesium, vitamin C. He is in otherwise very good health (other than weight being low due to Alzheimer's Disease). He haas good BP, heart rate, etc.
Bottom line, Dad experienced a recent more accelerated decline due to the Alzheimer's Disease. He was becoming withdrawn, more confused, glum, grumpy, non-conversational, etc. Upon starting the coconut oil he showed a marked improvement in mood, concentration, socializing with some improvement in memory (more progress may be made long-term in the memory areas we hope). He has stopped declining and that is key.
Please do research on ketones and coconut oil and Alzheimer's Disease for yourself on the Internet and then try this for your loved one. There is nothing to lose and lots to gain.
Other neurological diseases such as Parkinson's also respond to the coconut oil.
I'm writing this post to give back to the community for all the direction I've received in the past for other conditions... Including the idea for further researching coconut oil for Alzheimer's Disease. I'm so glad I did.
As an aside, elderly folks often feel cold (as do some younger folks like me). A nice side effect of the coconut oil (and iodine) is a general warming.
Coconut Oil
Yours Nimrod
Coconut Oil