Dear all, I would like to share my successful case. After taking the contraceptive pill for many years, I decided to quit taking it because of its side effects. I was really worried because I was having a mestrual cycle every 3 months (if I was lucky) after quitting it. In order to return to my normal monthly cycle, I tried many herbs and dietary changes with little success. After trying and trying, I finally came accross She Oak (Australian Bush) flower essence. I took it every single day for several months until I had regular cycles once more (7 drops in the morning and 7 drops at night). I have been having regular cycles (28 -30 days) ever since (and I am not taking it any longer).
It was a very long time ago :) I hope this information reaches someone in need of hope as I was. It might not be a solution for everyone but It is definitely worth trying Xx