Natural Remedies for Anal Fistulas: Relief and Healing

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Mohammed (Canada) on 05/20/2024

I suffered fistula for more than 30 years and refused surgery. It used to very painfully swell and burst. I tried so many remedies, and most worked partially, but the fistula remained dormant before getting active again and again every two to three years. The cure finally came by chance I was taking GSE (Grapefruit seed extract) 5 drops mixed with Food grade Diatomaceous earth, this broke the den of Fistula and finally cured it for good. But when it burst, its bacteria spread all over inside the body. So you need to keep repeating this one week every month for at least a year to clear it from all over inside the body. Also, you MUST drink lots of water.
