Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Finally, I quit eating refined sugars and now I don't have to take any vitamins; I haven't had the sores come back for years.
However, just recently, I had to take antibiotics for over a month following a serious throat infection and surgical removal of an infected abscess. After a few weeks on the antibiotics, I was so surprised to see the angular chelitis flare up in the corners of my mouth after all this time. A little research turned up the fact that some antibiotics cause vitamin B deficiency with long-term use (and in return, B vitamins can actually interfere with the absorption of the antibiotics). So it is NOT recommended to take B Vitamins while taking these antibiotics. Instead, start popping B complex after you are done with the drugs.
Finally, a great source of B vitamins worth trying is Nutritional Yeast flakes. They are commonly found in the bulk sections of health food stores. 2 Tablespoons contain from 35 to 100 percent of your daily value of every B vitamin. You can safely eat tons of it. It is really tasty sprinkled on popcorn or cooked veggies. The advantage of Nutritional Yeast is that it is a natural source instead of a synthetic (lab made) source. So instead of eating Vitamin B made out of petrochemicals, you are just eating dead, dried yeast cells (sounds yummy, eh?) that were grown on vitamin B-rich molasses, which was removed from (guess what) sugar! Coming full circle now. Some say that vitamins from whole foods are much easier to absorb. At any rate, either natural or synthetic will work. Good luck.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
I had to share my findings with the annoying discomfort that comes with cracks in the corners of the mouth that is often confused with Cold sores. I tell all my friends as soon as I see that they are suffering. They are always so thankful as they tried everything else. Just TAKE Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin containing foods and it will go away in days. As the cracks are usually caused from a Riboflavin Deficiency.
These foods will provide your body with B2 at an uptake rate of around 15%.
Beef liver, cooked 3 ounces 1.71mg
Mushrooms, cooked 1 cup 0.47mg
Raw, unpasteurized milk 1 cup 0.34mg
Mushrooms, raw 1 cup 0.29mg
Organic egg, cooked 1 large 0.27mg
Almonds, raw 1 ounce 0.24mg
Organic Beef, cooked 3 ounces 0.19mg
Broccoli, boiled or steamed 1 cup 0.18mg
Spinach, boiled or steamed 1 cup 0.18mg
Organic chicken, dark meat, roasted 3 ounces 0.18
Asparagus, boiled or steamed 6 spears 0.13
Salmon, broiled 3 ounces 0.13
Daily requirements:
Adults 19-years and over: Males 1.3mg Females 1.1mg
You can also just eat a Breakfast Cereal with fortified vitamins, take a multi B-Complex or source the foods. Good Luck!