This is the method I used. Start by filling a spray bottle with a 1/10* (bleach/water) ratio.
*IMPORTANT: If you have cracked/peeling/inflamed skin you may need to start with a lower bleach to water ratio and work your way up otherwise you can chemically burn your skin! Once my skin fissures healed up I was able to use a higher ratio all the way to full strength. But this was me, everyones different - use common sense please.
Once a day (twice is even better) while in the shower and after having thoroughly saturated yourself with water (I felt that saturating my skin with water kept any absorption of the harsh chemicals marginalized). Once soaked, just spray the infected areas and gently rub it in, let it sit just a minute or so and then rinse VERY well with warm water. If you have peeling flaking skin, use a round (egg shaped) pumice stone and gently rub the dead skin off being careful not to hurt any live skin. Dry THOROUGHLY and then apply some virgin coconut oil to moisturize.
Note, I felt that the pumice stone was crucial, especially if you have thick calloused skin like I did. My hands were especially stubborn to clear up, the fungi sends tendrils or roots into the deeper layers of skin, these in turn usually allow the fungi to make a comeback if you let your guard down even for a day. Keep this up until your skin returns to its normal soft and supple state. If your skin toughenshardensthickensreddens whatsoever its not gone and you will need to spray and rub some more- persistence pays!
Good Luck!