I struggled through a terrifying month of afib with no idea why it was happening. I wasn't doing anything differently. And that was the problem. I no longer needed the bovine thyroid glandular (I had been sub-clinical hypothyroid at last testing) but had continued to take half a dose daily (65 mg of New Zealand bovine thyroid glandular.) Well, that had flooded my system with T3 it simply did not need and didn't know what to do with.
Take note of ALL of the supplements, medications, OTC drugs you have been taking and do a meticulous search of side-effects.
It took 72 hour after stopping for my heart to stop its afib that had been quite violent at times and even kept me up every other night, nearly all night.
PS - Another supplement that aggravated my heart while the BTG was in excess was passion flower. It added ventricular pounding to the atrial. Look at everything you're taking!