I made an appointment for him with my chiropractor.
Meanwhile, one night his room was really hot so he slept in the guest room. The next day his back wasn't hurting like usual. The mattress he had was on the newer side and the guest room mattress was an older one (thought probably expensive) that had been my dad's. We switched mattresses. His back pain continued to be much less.
I took him to my chiropractor anyway. She says he has some mild scoliosis.
So, I think the work he does and his scoliosis contribute to his back pain risk and a bed that didn't work for him made it all much worse.
Just changing the bed made a huge difference.
I once slept on a bad mattress for a week on vacation and had significant hip pain for a year.
So, the moral of the story is, if you have back pain, consider your bed!
~Mama to Many~