Posted by Jarret (Calgary, Alberta) on 06/11/2014
Good day Earthclinic, I am a long time follower of your website and wanted to share a back pain/sciatica remedy. I don't usually get back pain, but every so often I will get a horrible lower back/sciatica pain that is excruciating. Massages, stretches, physical activity only offer mild relief. What I have discovered is that eating raw thyme herb with my meals consistently for a few days will get rid of my horrible back pain. This has worked several times for me and just recently has proven to be the only thing to help as I have had excruciating pain for nearly the past 2 weeks.
I believe it is some kind of infection, likely bacterial that occurs in the intenstines and refers pain or causes inflammation which pushes things out of place..I'm not certain, but what I know is that chewing raw thyme herb has fixed my excruciating back pain several times over now and I am confident in recommending this 2-5$ natural solution to others.
Best regards, Jarret