Natural Remedies to Deep Vein Thrombosis (Blood Clots)

Enzymes + NAC
Posted by Susy (ny) on 06/27/2024

First of all I would like to thank all the wonderful open minded people that are here to find natural ways of coping with health problems.

I have to admit that I have never been very trusting of the medical industry for most of my life, and have dodged them along the way. The last years have only confirmed my gut feelings of distrust.

I recently was sent to the ER and diagnosed with a blood clot. Followed by a barrage of ill medical advice along with ill bedside manners which added to my mistrusting situation. Was prescribed Eliquis with lots of fear porn added and threatened that if I do not take it, I'll be doomed.

It's all a bit strange, since my health ... does not fit the clot profile. I am very healthy, work out, not obese, no smoking. Am 68 and am on no prescriptions whatsoever. Zero... Only vitamins. I am also a pureblood... No MRNA vaccines have entered my system. Shedding anyone???

So I decided to take the chances on my own terms. Took the prescription for Eliquis for a week (due to pressures I cannot begin to explain and educated myself very quickly) and then said NO to Pfizer's 600 dollar for 2 weeks medication. BTW look into the the Eliquis ingredients.. They might make your hair stand up. So.... Went to the Nattokinease, Serrapeptase, and Lumbrokinease protocol. This is not an easy thing for anyone to do with all the medical pressures around trying to squash you down. But I do recommend that you question all that is going on.. Not being a doctor you always seem to be questioning your decisions, that's the way they set it up... but I am one to tell you.. do what is right in your gut.. Not what people are screaming at you to do. There are a lot of lies going on. More than you can imagine.

Well... so my situation went down 4 months ago... and I guess I am still here to tell the story. My journey has been a painful one, because of the medical industry. I can't go to my regular doctor because she has no clue about anything except freaking out if I don't take the Eliquis. Very hard to find people out there Naturopaths etc. to connect with. Guess that's the time we are living in. Suppression of heath.

On the recovery note? Things went better after the enzymes, but I was still having concerning moments about the lingering pain of the clot. I have added the NAC supplement in the past 3 days and????

I have to say... 6 hours after I took the NAC my pain went away. now only three days later.. Maybe I'm being too optimistic? All the pain is gone.

It has not come back after the initial 6 hours of taking NAC.

Will keep on going with this plan until the medical industry kills me or I prevail.

To me that's the way to go.

Again thank you for all of your inputs on this site. True warriors.

Any comments or suggestions are much appreciated from you.

And TED?? Thank you. Big shout out to you. A great soul.

