I've only been taking one small tablet most days for the last week because my right eye weakens now and then. I usually step its performance back up using NAC and fish broth, but I heard such good things last time about Vinpocetine I thought I'd try it myself.
T'is fantastic. My mind is sharper, not that I was fogged-up before, but I don't drink coffee/caffeine; I'm feeling the sharpness of mind.
My eye wasn't *that* bad, but I always recognised things got blurrier when I hit the sugar or alcohol (just in that eye) which isn't often. I'm in my late 40's and read a LOT in dim light. (My eyes aren't ruined yet Mother! ) I don't wear glasses either because there is no need.
One single week and though not 100% (or 20/20 like the other eye) I'd say it's at least back up to 93%, having dropped to maybe 85% clarity. I could see through it well enough for fine print and in darkness etc., but there was a vague opaqueness around the periphery- that has absolutely gone.
The thing is- it has unmistakably improved the quality of vision.
(I also routinely take iodine and have plenty of fish/bone broth usually. Paleo/Mediterranean diet.)