Because I happened to have a bottle of turmeric capsules in my cupboard as well as baking soda, I decided to try it. Well, let me tell you, after suffering for nearly four days, in less than one day the boil started to shrink and the pain was gone. In two days, it was completely gone! I made a paste with turmeric powder and coconut oil as well as some other antifungals that I had, such as garlic oil, olive leaf extract, capsaicin and grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil. I mixed them all together and applied them to the boil and put a band aid over it. I changed it three times a day. I also mixed about two teaspoons of baking soda in two ounces of water and had my son drink this morning and night. What a relief, to say the least! After two days my son's boil was nonexistent. Truly amasing! I hate to think what the outcome may have been if I had not discovered Earth Clinic. Oh, yeah, my son also took a couple of turmeric capsules orally as well as olive extract, capsaicin and garlic oil for a few days. These are all natural antifungal, antibiotic and antiviral. I also read an article online by a doctor who has cured MRSA using olive leaf extract as well as bentonite clay used topically. If my son should get another boil, I won't be so worried because I have found a remedy that works and it is not pharaceutical antibiotics that don't work! Thank you so much Earth Clinic, I love your website and I tell everyone I know about it. My son especially thanks you!
Sally from Louisiana
Turmeric and Homemade Salve
There is a salve i concocted just this evening that is very soothing for the boils...I mixed baby oil gel with desitin diaper rash cream as a base, then added turmeric powder (careful, too much can stain your skin yellow!) the powder from one of the red clover capsules, oil of oregano, and tea tree oil. The diaper rash cream is brilliant because it is thick and helps it to stay in place, it also reduces friction to those boils between the legs...and causes the other ingredients to stay in place and not get wiped off.