1. First, brush and flush, use tongue scaper to clean your teeth.
2. Use Sesame Oil for Oil pulling.
3. Use salt
4. Use special mouthwash called Chlordioxine Glugonate (not sure of the spelling) which you can get from your dentist. This may cause discoration on your teeth so consult your doctor first.
5. Use baking soda to try and cut down on stain on teeth from the mouthwash and proxide later.
I hope this helps and don't forget to go see your doctor about the reflex problem.
This seemed to help me more than anything.
Tongue Scrape
This is how to do it: Brush your tongue repeatedly in all areas, especially as much inside the throat as possible--even if it causes a small regurgitative spasm. Before you rinse the brush, smell the bristles to see if the foul smell is still there. Repeat this process a few times; of course, keep on rinsing the toothbrush, and stop after the bristles have no bad odor whatsoever.
It is important to remember, "not to use the same toothbrush that you use for your teeth." I do this in the morning before I go to work, after meals and before I go to sleep. It is a fantastic natural cure. I really thank God that I am free from fetor ex ore!
P.S.: To gargle with concentrated salt water once or twice a week is also a very good idea. This enhances the process explained above by getting rid of build up in the tongue, which harbors foul-smelling microorganisms.
Tongue Scrape