I have had halitosis (bad breath) for many years. I don't have cavities and I am meticulous with flossing and brushing my teeth and tongue. I have tried every kind of mouthwash, gums, mints, toothpastes, etc to no avail. I recently found out the reason- I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 23 and according to my current dentist, cavitations (pockets of infection underneath the teeth) formed because the extractions were not done right. I have been battling bad breath (poo breath) and it has made my life miserable all these years and no one was able to tell me why until now. I had 4 wisdom teeth removed by 2 different dentists. The 1st one savagely butchered my gums and they got very infected on my left side of my mouth- this is where the bad smell has come from all these years. I did not have bad breath all all before this dentist removed my left upper and lower wisdom teeth.
Find a dentist who knows how to treat cavitations- many don't even know about them let alone how to heal them. I have tried the 3% hydrogen peroxide- a few drops in 2 oz warm water and gargle with it for a minute after brushing, flossing and brushing my tongue. I then repeat it and it really does help. I think it helps to kill the surface bacteria but does not cure the infection in the cavitations so it keeps coming back. It helps if you do these gargles in the morning and at night. You have to continue to do it until the cavitations are dealt with. It is expensive to treat the cavitations!