I immediately put it under cold running water for many minutes to take out the heat. (An important step, because the heat retained in the skin can continue to burn the skin.)
I had just restocked my silver gel supply with a new for me brand. (Silver Miracles.) The pain stopped instantly when I applied the gel. I never reapplied the gel or did anything else. The pain did return but was not bad.
The next morning, in a hot shower, I didn't even notice it. (That is when I usually am reminded of a burn.)
I mentioned this to my neighbor. Interestingly, he said sliver gel works the same for him, but for his wife it doesn't seem to help as well. Everyone is different!
I had actually restocked the silver gel because my son uses it as part of his poison ivy regime.
Anyway, Silver gel is worth keeping on hand! (No pun intended. :))
~Mama to Many~
Colloidal Silver Gel
Colloidal Silver Gel
I bought some to keep on hand. (Silver Shield is the brand she told me about.)
My daughter and I have both used it for kitchen burns and have been very impressed! It stops pain for hours and then can be reapplied. I love that it is so easy. I tend to get a kitchen burn when rushing around the kitchen and don't have time to trouble with anything complicated at the moment.
~Mama to Many~