Gradually building up from 1 drop in 6-8 oz of water 3x's daily of h202 until you reach 25 drops 3x's daily over a course of 2 weeks(for those who can stomache this, please note this is only for CHRONIC ailments and 35% FOOD GRADE h202 ONLY, purchased online or at health food stores). After 2 weeks, once you are up to the full doasge, continue for a week (may need to keep going for weeks, even up to 4 months, depending how bad your case is) and then slowly taper off, decreasing each dosage by 1-2 drops until you reach a maintaining level of 1-3 drops daily, or every other day, depending on what is best FOR YOU. Note: 35% food grade h202 needs to be handled with kid gloves. It is very strong and MUST NOT be abused or taken in large quantities. Death can occur if taken at full strength. Keep in refigerator and if contact with skin, rinse area immediately.
I think if I had to do it all over again, I would have gotten our ph levels balanced BEFORE starting course of h202 therapy, but as it was, I was already in the middle of it when I stumbled upon this site for using ACV in hopes of curing other ailments we all had. For the ACV therapy I used the standard 2 Tbl ACV (organic unpasteurized is best, NOT white vinegar!) mixed with 1/4 tsp baking soda.
Finding the right dosage for your younger children will have to use some smart thinking and regulating. Only you know your child best. Always start with smaller amounts when in doubt and gradually build up. My 16 year old could not stomache more than 20 drops of 35% h202 3x's a day. For my 11 year old I did a max of 14 drops 3x daily and my 6 year old, 8 drops 3xs daily. I have heard lecitin can be used to help lessen the nausea that is often associated with taking h202 orally, though I have not personally tried it.
As for the ACV, my teen was ok with the adult dosage and my younger two by cutting it in half.
Ted has stated on this site that h202 and ACV should not be mixed, so either do one or the other, however, I found for my husband as well as myself, alternating days has been working out so far. In other words, one day doing h202 and then the next day only using ACV.
Oil pulling has also proved beneficial for us, 1 Tbl EVOO (extra virg. olive oil) swishing and pulling through teeth until it turns white and liquid like. Twice weekly.
Ok, here is the list of ailments we had that have been greatly helped by, if not completely cured by doing the 35% food grade h202 drops, ACV/baking soda and the oil pulling:
-CHRONIC systemic candidiasis
-CHRONIC vaginal itching (would get pap smears and tested for yeast infections which would all come up negative, found out from another Dr that lab results for the testing of candida have a 55% inaccuracy)
-MRSA (kept re-occuring and Dr's could not find the reason for it, have spent weeks in the hospital for this)
-numbness in whole body (was running 20 miles a week, had to cut down to zero because of this, Dr prescribed anti anxiety medication for this and of course it didn't work)
-heart palpitations
-fungus (Dr's could not cure for years and years)
-allergies (we have taken EVERY known allergy med out there, none worked)
-bloody nose (2-3 x's a week)
-night time bed wetting (one son did not have a dry night since he was born and now is on his way to never having to wear "pull-ups" ever again--we got all types of conflicting medical advice from different Dr's over this one and not one of them worked to "cure" this)
-acne (Dr put him on 3 month course of tetrycycline to no avail)
-insatiable appetite
-weight gain (we have all lost 3-4 inches around waist)
-chronic mucous in lungs (one son was diagnosed with asthma and put on meds, only to aggravate the stuation, my son was going nuts,to the point of a mental melt down; he would also wake up in the middle of the night gagging on this mucous-phlegm like substance, eventually leading to him throwing up...not fun)
-low energy (I would need 14 hours of sleep some days)
-aggression/irritability(my temper was so bad that my family was becoming scared of me!)
-acid reflux
-stomache ailments (husbands stomache was terribly distended)
-sore joints/muscles (to the point where I needed my sons and husband to literally POUND on my back as hard as they could in order to alleviate the achiness)
-headaches (800 mg of ibuprofen was no longer working)
...basically being a part of the dead, rather than the living!
Thanks to all who have passed on info in order to improve the quality of life for others. You guys rock Earth Clinic, (and a shout out to Dr. David G. Williams for h202 therapy as well)!
Coconut Oil
Monarda Tea and Frequency Generator
I began to avoid the food that was suggested, but I also began to take supplements, we increased some and decreased others. I will tell you I was tired and defeated and just wanted a normal life back, so this is my story of what worked for me.
I have a lot of metal fillings in my teeth, so there was a thought of possible mercury sensitivity, and yes they wanted me to get the filling replaced, but I couldn't afford it. There was also the mention that the yeast encircles heavy metals safely eliminating them from your body. I started my morning with a glass of water and a drop (starting at one and increasing to five) of liquid Selenium. I found this made a large difference in either the "fog" from the dye-off or the general Candida feeling. I was more alert and awake, my energy level increased from taking this.
I was tested with a lower thyroid by taking my temperature every morning. My doctor suggested taking edible Iodine. I also took this in water after my Selenium, 2 drops twice a day, or I just did four in the morning.
I was to avoid the food I was tested to not respond well too, and that included for me, wheat, gluten, dairy, chocolate, coffee, beef and pork. I didn't even look at sugar items at this point, and had been doing low-carb diets for sometime now. So I was allowed to included red potatoes and brown rice, lots of leafy greens(twice a day if possible), non-starchy veggies, and the rest I filled in with protein, nuts, and on special occasions berries (raspberries or blueberries)
If I was to advise someone on a product it would be the Tanalbit I took. I took it twice a day before lunch and dinner, two tablets each time. There is another version of it I took that had no dairy, starts with a C. It's a type of Zinc. I also tried taking Zinc supplements but everything I took made me nauseous. The only one I found that could stay down was Optizinc, probably the type or compound. I took pro-biotics an hour after each meal.
Those items helped me most of all. Also taking a very good food based vitamin to make sure I was covered. I was successful for a few years and then decided I wanted to taste some of the sweet life again. I still keep up with the Zinc and Pro-biotics, but I'm now back on the diet working to get rid of some nail fungus. I'm taking Oregano oil for 6 weeks to see how it goes, on top of using the topical remedies I've read from your site here.
Just wanted to share what has helped and worked for me. Thank you, and just to let you know, there is life after Candida... just keep at it, the fog will lift and your head will seem clearer again!