The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Ted's Remedies
Posted by Rhonda (Lakewood, Ca) on 08/07/2009
I want to make this site my home page! Ted from Bangkok could just save my life if I continue to get better. I am using his baking soda remedy for a fungus I got from taking antibiotics. Although I still am suffering, I can now at least eat. Doctors I've been to have failed me and in fact, got me in this situation in the first place with their prescriptions for antibiotics and acid blockers. My fingers are still crossed as I am only on day three of his two-week treatment but at least I can say that I no longer feel like I'm on death's doorstep for most of the day. I look forward to healing completely with Ted's remedy. Thank you so much.
EC: Can you please tell us which of his baking soda remedies you are taking? He has posted quite a few of them! Thanks...
Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/28/2009
Hi Colleen...As a help to you here is a website showing much of the research on coconut oil in our diet:
There are many myths that have been spread around about saturated fats and the above web-site should explain all.
I use extra virgin coconut oil internally and externally on body every day, I regard this oil as far more curative even than olive oil because coconut oil is a stable saturated fat, whereas olive oil is a monounsaturated vegetable oil, therefore less stable and much more prone to quickly oxidise.
When I started taking coconut oil, I actually lost weight, my blood pressure went down, my cholesterol levels went down and rebalanced, I had more energy and it was a major factor in getting rid of my Candida.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 03/18/2010
Hi Maria...In answer to your questions:
1. How much lime/lemon juice and baking soda is you use?
Use 1/2 tspn Baking soda dissolved in the juice of one lemon or lime. Just slowly add the BS to the lemon/lime juice in 1/2 glass of water until it stops fizzing(Do not worry if you use a little more or less than 1/2 tspn BS). Take this at least 2 times a day -- at least one hour before or two hours after meals. Never take this remedy with meals. Take this 5 times a week with 2 days rest every week.
2. Milk Thistle - is this in a form of tea or powder. How much and how frequently do you use it?
I took Milk Thistle powder in capsule form -- Two 1500 mg capsules per day. Do not buy the tablets, buy the capsule form containing powder. I took this every day in order to help my liver cope with the Herx reaction or fungal die-off.
Kelp tablets - not sure I need it or do I?
Kelp contains minerals, but I took it mainly for the iodine to support my immune system. It is always a good idea to support your immune system as much as possible. You can also use iodine foot-painting (transdermal absorbtion) as well as described here if you like:
I use iodine painting now. For this you can use lugol's iodine or just ordinary iodine tincture or even Betadine.
Ted advises the best way to get rid of oral thrush here:
Although I've never used the ACV plus hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) combo, I have used these two separately for different reasons and they are both powerful anti-fungals. I also agree wholeheartedly with all his other advice.
Urine Therapy
Posted by Kavita Ballah (Port Louis, Mauritius) on 06/04/2009
Hi my name is Kavita Ballah. i am a Mauritian, married and mother of two kids 22 & 18 yrs. i am now 43 yrs old. i had surffered from candida since 24 yrs now. i have never known what it's like not to suffer & not take medicines. All my life i have struggled and fought for my health. i tried so many things but there has never been a cure. i was very sick. For a very long time.
i tried all kinds of herbs and chemicals that exist on the market home and abroad. i spent all my saving going around the world ( US,UK,India,malaysia,Indonesia,Reunion island) in search of relief.In 2001, i had hysterectomy followed by adhesion on the left which nearly killed me.
3 months back, i was told i had Pelvic inflammatory disease, adhesion on the left again, left ovarian cyst 5.8 cm for the 4th time( had ablation done once), vaginal yeast infection, chronic cystitis, sinus infections and chemical allergies.
i knew about Urine Therapy some 10 yrs back. a friend insisted i should do it. Did not trust it that much then until one night i was on my knees crying becuase of pain in my lower abdomen. i just remembere UT. Next Morning i started on it and immediately my pain reduced to 20%. That day i did it whole day and the next dat my pain was down.i was suppose to go for surgery on the 3rd day. i postponed it and for following week. i gave myself one more week to decide. within 5 days my cyst shrunk and all my pain reduced to 60%. i started beleiving in it and from that day till now i am continuously drinking urine in the morning.
My chronic cystitis and yeast infections has disappeared . After one months, i was a new person. Today it's nearly 3 months and i am happy to confirm that i don't suffer anymore. my sexual life is so beautiful and i see life full of values.
This is a message to all women who are suffering from Candida. Urine therapy is the answer girls.
Urine Therapy
Posted by Betty (Gainesville, Ga) on 07/14/2011
I don't think so :( I've tried many things on this site and feel that I am open-minded, but that is a little much. I have recommended this site to many of my friends and family, but after reading this bizarre post, I will stop never do that again. It also makes me re-think some of the other "cures" I have read about here on this site -- if anyone can just post anything, no matter how weird or disgusting. There MUST be SOME kind of filter by whomever runs this webpage so that you are not viewed as totally crazy and bizarre, and then the GOOD things that are recommended are overlooked because of things like this one. But, "to each his own", I suppose.
Urine Therapy
Posted by Tina (Princeton, New Jersey) on 07/15/2011
Betty, please do not dismiss a therapy just because of your 'ick' factor. This is a forum where people post therapies that have worked or pose questions about solving their health issues. Urine therapy is an ancient form of treatment and it's benefits have been well-documented, as you would have found out if you had cared to do a web search. Yes, it is not for everyone and I fully understand (being one myself) but I have personally seen it work for a family member with a chronic skin problem. So I know it definitely has something to it. You remind me of a friend who scoffs at acupuncture saying sticking needles into one in hopes of a cure is just hogwash! I think it just airs one's ignorance.
Urine Therapy
Posted by :o) (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/15/2011
Hmmm. drinking urine or having the constant aroma of the gainesville chicken plants... Decisions drive me nuts! Research before reactions please!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ines (New York City, Ny, Usa) on 04/07/2011
When you have runny bowel movements drink 1tbl spoon of Apple Cider vinegar mixed with water. It helps almost instantly. How is the H2O2 treatment going so far?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tamra Klosowski (Falcon, Colorado) on 02/23/2009
I'm a little confused, does AVC contribute to candida or cause it? I don't seem to have any (obvious) negitive reations but after reading something on your website I started to wonder. I do deal with candida and I am doing what I know to get it under control. The last thing I want to do is make it worse. As I'm sure you know it can be a little bit of a challenge to figure out where the real reason for not feeling good is coming from. I like simple. Thats why I like AVC (and garlic) I believe AVC has kept my health. Again I understand that candida recks havoc on any ones system. Thank you for the imput. Tamra
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 09/04/2011
That also happened in a suburb of Chicago due to a dry cleaner leaching perchlorate into the water supply.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 08/01/2015
HI U PJ, , , , , , , , , this is my second attempt to address your post.
First, candida is a tough problem to deal with. If you don't have jack then you have to go with Bill's program. But if you do have jack, like say $4600, then you can buy you a plasma GB 4000 Rife Machine and treat every known ailment. That is the way I rid my self of Candida. I am still working on my blood cancer using this and other protocols.
As far as poison ivy is concerned, stay away. Or do as a couple told us about in my chelation sessions. Chew on young tender leaves of poison ivy. They did this and are no longer affected by poison ivy. It's the homeopathic way. Just take enough that your system builds up a resistance to the plant.
I really don't know why or how you equate candida and poison ivy , but I am not in your shoes. I wish I had the answer, but I don't.
You are right about your MD's. They have no appreciation for candida and have no clue how to rid you of this critter.
I wish you well.
Reader Theories
Posted by Evie (Bristol, UK) on 11/19/2008
Hi all. Really interesting and helpful comments from everyone, thanks.
I have been struggling with a candida problem for about 6 years now. Sometimes I think I have it cured, but then get a relapse every now and then even though I maintain a fairly strict diet. I have had some successful with quite a few of the things evry mentions, caprylic acid, oregano, GSE, probiotics etc.
I am just undergoing a bad relapse but dont know why. However there are two things that I am still confused about even after masses of research and reading over the last 6 years, and I would love to know what others think.
1. Most antifungals are also antibacterial. People with Candida are trying to kill off fungus and encourage good bacteria, and are usually taking antifungals and probiotics at the same time. But I am wondering how this can work? Surely by taking antifungals which are also antibacterial the good bacteria are going to be killed off as well? And we are therefore wasting our money buying expensive probiotics that are just not going to survive? The anti bacterial antifungals cannot discriminate between pathogenic bacteria that need to be killed off and the good friendly bacteria that we desperately need to be healthy.
2. Am I right in saying that candida needs an acidic encironment in which to flourish (ie less than pH7)? So we are all trying to alkalise our bodies. However, I have an outbreak of vaginal thrush currently and most people seem to reccomend curing it by applying an acid of one sort or another ie apple cider vinegar or similar. But how can applying an acid kill off the candida if it prefers acidity? I am confused! I was also told by several 'experts' when I first became ill to avoid all vinegars because these feed yeast / candida, but perhaps this is incorrect?
If anyone can clarify / answer these points I would be most grateful!
Posted by Lance (National City, California) on 10/21/2008
selenium deficency and anemia appear to be the biggest factor in promoting candida growth. years ago when i had hypot i also had a severe candida infection. i found a book titled candida silver (mercury) fillings and the immune system" which eventually led me to getting my mercury fillings removed. following this and supplementation with zinc and selenium, my candida and hypot both ended. Experiments with animals show that candida growth can be increased by selenium deprivation and reduced by selenium supplementation. Since mercury depletes selenium,it makes sense that candida is higher when there are mercury fillings in the teeth. Other studies show that anemia and iron deficiency increased candida growth. there are some studies suggesting that b12 and folic acid deficiencies may be involved in candida, since deficiencies of these lead to anemia. In anemia and iron deficiency friendly bacteria cannot grow well in the body. A lack of these bacteria probably is a key factor which promotes candida growth, since candida is a fungal growth rather than a bacteria growth. Another study showed that women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis correlate very with the deficiencies associated with hypothyroidism. the key nutrient deficiencies are probably selenium, zinc, iron and folic acid. Taking multi vitimins just doesnt seem to work. You need to buy the vitimins minerals indivudally its worth it to rid your self of candida. I found this cure after months of research. If you sweat under your arms, taking magnesium will help this a lot. Took 3pills 3 times a day execpt for the iron, zinc 2 times a day. This really does work it doesnt take very long for this to work less than 5 days. There will sill be some itching from the fungus is still in your skin.
Posted by Ann (Los Angeles, CA) on 08/28/2008
Candida and beneficial bacteria: I have Candida as I took lots of penicillin over the years. When a friend who is an acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine doctor, began to help me, she had a stool sample sent to Great Smoky Labs. It came back very high for Candida and some of my bacteria was very low. And we need that bacteria in our systems to balance the Candida, and also specific bacteria. So she told me to go to health food stores and purchase the ones I needed and take them before addressing the Candida, to more ensure the Candida would not easily return. Ann
Posted by Mona (Vista, CA) on 08/26/2008
Probiotics are the best way to aleviate and eradicte Candida yeast infections. These attack people with many different symptoms. I give Threelac to my dog amd takes care of all yeast related problems. Also human consumptable.
Garlic, Dandelion, Turmeric, Cayenne
Posted by Kathy (Ozark, MO) on 08/08/2008
Hello, Because of this wonderful site, I used many of the remedies and my candida is in check. I swallow a half of teaspoon of minced garlic twice a day plus I take 3- 00 capsule of dandelion (which I harvested in fields and dried myself then I grinned them in a coffee grinneder and fill the 00 capsules). I also take 00 capsule of turmeric and cayenne pepper daily.
Thank you all for the wonderful imputs. :)
Caprylic Acid
Posted by LuAnn (Rapid City, SD) on 12/07/2008
My local Walmart carries organic virgin coconut oil 16 oz. I prefer this over expeller pressed coconut oil. It has a different tast. So cold process or virgin does taste better. I use it in my teas. I cook my eggs with it. I use it in my hair as a conditioner. I have even used it up my nose for the sinus issues candida cause. I put some each nostril and lay down with a warm compress on my eyes. If you were congested you will get up and blow your nose and it feels great.
I have friends who have exemia and most of them said it is gone in 3 days.
I just tried the collidioal silver tonight in a nazal spray bottle. What a wonder full relieve not only 2 hours later, the 4 day headache is gone. Still have pressure by no where like before. Thanks
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kimberly (Scottsdale, AZ) on 02/20/2008
Please web search 35% h202 and look for any and all titles with Dr. David G. Williams. He has a very detailed dosage chart and lists what to do and what NOT to do while doing the hydro-therapy. There are a few important factors I have failed to mention in my previous entry that are important. As you become more comfortable taking 35% h202, you can adjust accordingly with slight variations like I have.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by David (Oregon) on 06/08/2022
Ozonated magnesium is a form of oxygen that will also facilitate expelling the evil orange fungus.
ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 10/26/2010
Reply to Jason.. No no no to using baking powder instead of baking soda.. Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate, while baking powder is a mixture of sodium bicarbonate, potassium tartrate and a starch such as cornflour to assist freeflow.
ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Jenny (Jersey, Uk) on 12/05/2010
My partner had a course of antibiotics and within days had a white coating on his tongue which I instantly recognised as candida. I had had systemic candida a few years before and wished I had known then what I know now about the illness. I cured my candida after two years of feeling like death with oregano oil. I still take a course of it every now and then so I had some with me and got my partner to swill his mouth with the oil several times a day plus take it orally. The infection cleared up in four days.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Steve (Naples, Florida) on 01/17/2008
re: poor digestion -- yeast overbalence -- sinus congestion -- oil pulling (remedy). I tried the sesame oil pulling for the first time at the early hour 3:30 Am -- I could not sleep due to sinus congestion - my heart was beating 90 - 100 beats per minute mainly due to the yeast in my mouth and sinuses -- I took the unrefined sesame for 20 minutes and during the treatment my sinuses opened up completely -- after I finished I was so relaxed I could not believe it -- the thrust taste in my mouth was gone and my upset stomach had calmed down -- it has been 9 hours since the first treatment and I am as calm as a cucumber -- I can't wait until tonight to take my second treatment on an empty stomach right before I go to bed -- please spread the good word about OP and lets nip the pharma business in the butt - God bless everyone
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Veroanique (Melbourne, FL) on 07/22/2009
Try adding a pinch of baking soda. According to a lot of comments, that alleviated negative stomach reactions to ACV.
Heavy Metal Detox
Posted by Emma (Logan, Utah) on 02/16/2012
Cilantro is a great heavy metal chelator.
Check for Sjogren
Posted by Basela (JAX, usa) on 06/30/2007
Check to see if you have Sjogren Syndrome: Sjogren Syndrom causes dry mouth and eyes and thrush in the mouth due to Candidas.
Check for Sjogren
Posted by Anon (San Francisco, CA) on 04/13/2009
RE: Dry Mouth. Are you on medical drugs? Toxins often make your mouth dry. Pesticides on plants, herbs, etc. also can cause dry mouth. Ny dry mouth goes away when I stop taking food or herbs that cause dry mouth. (I don't take "meds," since many are too toxic.
For DRY EYES, I juice about half a small onion with other vegetables, which makes my eyes quite moist. (Recall how you tear easily when peeling onions?) Also, for dry mouth, I eat mung beans SPROUTS. It naturally cleans my eyes and makes it moist. This might work for dry mouth. too.
Cream of Tartar
Posted by David (Pennsylvania) on 03/16/2017
According to Dr. Wong's formula, the probiotic you want to include is Lactobacillus sporogenes, which is the same as bacillus coagulans, or the trade name Lactosporin (not sure if that is the proper spelling)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Stephen (Indianapolis, IN) on 12/28/2006
H202 therapy cured stiffness in the back and candida big time. I would wake up in the morning energyless until I did my regular kidney flush, now after the therapy, i woke up feeling good.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Phil (Dearing, Ga) on 12/27/2009
Hello Rhonda. I do not know what Stephen used to flush his kidneys since he did not specify. And since his post is way back in 2006, chances are unless he is a daily reader he probably won't respond back to your question.
I can tell you that ASPARAGUS is very good for flushing the kidneys. You can smell the asparagus as it passes from your urine. I have also read something in the asparagus actually will disolve kidney stones. So load up on the asparagus or google and find you a good organic asparagus extract. You can also type in kidney cleanse in the search box here and see if anything comes up...
Hope this helps!
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)
Posted by Tamara (Richfield, UT) on 09/17/2006
Niacinamide- This needs vitamin c and vitamin E to be absorbed. There is a book called Mega Vitamin Therapy that talks about the synergystic effects of B vitamins and needing C and E to be absorbed. I usually take 2000 mg Vit C, 1000 Vit E, a good B vitamin complex with no yeast and 500 mg of niacinamide daily. This is very good for stress also as many people that have candida raise their PH by having stress in their lives
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)
Posted by Pam (Seattle, Washington) on 11/04/2010
I would like to comment on niacin for fungus infections and ask Ted some questions. I read about using niacin in the form of "inositol hexanicotinate" for acne. Within a week of taking 500mg per day of niacin/inositol hexanicotinate all my cysts are gone and other acne is totally gone. I have had acne for over 30 years and this to me is a miracle. My acne has always increased after antibiotic use and also is accompanied by fungus or candida symptoms. My fungal symptoms have lessened substantially in just a week too! The only problem is my insomnia is much worse now. I notice that the niacin seems to block my calcium because I get particular symptoms from low calcium and when I take niacin my calcium no longer works for my insomnia or my low calcium symptoms.
Questions.. What is your advice or thoughts on the niacin blocking my calcium? And.. Is the inositol hexanicotinate form of niacin also considered antifungal in the research you mentioned? Thanks much!
Reader Theories
Posted by Amanda Rene (Anderson, CA, USA) on 10/27/2008
Believe me! I hear you! It's difficult finding a cure for this problem especially when you have to do it on your own. Doctors will treat your symptoms, not your actual problem and I'm willing to bet most people here are self-diagnosed. Before attempting to solve your candida issues, you first have to understand why you have them and what will solve them. I have found a very good webpage which explains candida infection and has a very easy diet to follow.
For me, change in diet has really helped out the most so far, but I know it will take a long time for my body to get balanced again. I am far off from that point. This is what I understand from the research I've done. Candida overgrowth is due to decreased levels of good bacteria in the body. I am focusing on increasing the level of good bacteria in my body while simultaneously decreasing the levels of fungus in the body. This means I don't want ANYTHING anti-bacterial. Yes, ACV will kill fungus but it will also kill bacteria. So to me, ACV is a BIG no. You would think yogurt would be off-limits because it is a dairy product, but since it contains good bacteria that should help boost the levels of good bacteria in the body, the good outweighs the bad and yogurt is a big YES. Anti-fungals are good. This includes oregano oil, oregano juice, garlic (raw AND capsule form), calendula tea, among many many others. I have also read chamomile has anti-fungal properties. Probiotics are definitely a yes. Make sure to buy the best kind, most likely found at the health food store. You keep them in the fridge to make sure the bacteria is still alive. Probiotics with dead bacteria are no good. Fruit juices are a no, because usually they contain a ton of sugar. In fact, most fruits are a no because of the sugar they contain naturally. I know this is a frustrating problem as I am having to deal with it myself due to overuse of antibiotics. I had been so sick for several months and the fog is just starting to lift. I just try to remind myself that my body is basically an ecosystem and ecosystems take much time to rebuild after devastation of one of it's inhabitants (bacteria). If anyone would like to contact me to discuss candida issues and exchange theories and possible remedies, please do email me! Remember two heads are often better than one! :)
Wheat Grass Juice
Posted by Bliss (USA) on 02/06/2006
In addition to all the other cures mentioned, Wheat Grass is what I call green is an elixir that purifies one's blood almost immediately. It may cause you to feel a bit of nausea initially, but that means it's working. Good Health to All.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/17/2006 392 posts
I agree with your reader. Jan's recommendation is rather bizarre to say the least. Atkins diet is not an acceptable diet, even Dr. Atkins STILL had high blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol when he died. The proof is in the pudding.
Normally the cause of candida issue has very much to do with maintaining a proper pH alkalinity rather than acidity. While Apple cider vinegar is alkaline forming, it is also antifungal, yes. And apple cider vinegar is and does indeed used for treatment of candida. Malic acid the major component of apple cider vinegar is antifungal and therefore anti-candida.
Eating low sugar died it a sensible way to go as sugar is what fuels candia, but this is only half the story. The other is eating more foods that are alkaline forming. Certain processed foods can also trigger candida as well because of high heavy toxic metals.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Jane (Boston) on 03/07/2006
As most of you probably know, Candida can be an extremely difficult, chronic, scary and devastating condition. Unfortunately, it is difficult to learn about it because most Western Doctors are clueless about it or flat out say it's not a real problem, everything on the internet or various books on the topic have contradicting information and this basically means there is no solid resource with definitive answers. In fact the only thing everyone seems to agree on is cut out sugar!
Therefore, in all fairness I think her feedback is reflecting the reality of this condition (which can cause desperation, confusion, and some trial & error). It also reflects the reality that human beings can have different reactions to different methods depending on many variables (e.g. body chemistry, allergies). I appreciate her willingness to share what has worked FOR HER. Any person that reads an individual's experience/comment online hopefully should see it for what it is: that person's experience, not FACT. I thank her for the possible resources (which we are free to check out or research elsewhere) and I think people need to remember to take responsbility for using common sense and do enough research to make their own sound decisions.
As a side note, it also would be nice to see some possible healthy solutions or other suggestions for what information is being looked at as incorrect (e.g. diet, how to get healthy balance on the anti-yeast diet which is extreme & restrictive, even borderline crazy depending on where you get your info. & who you talk to). However, as mentioned before, it's tough to weed through it all when much of the information provided differs, sometimes significantly.
Posted by Samantha (New York,ny) on 07/30/2013
You are so right about eating live, unfermented, raw fermented foods like sauerkraut (and Kimchi! ) to help fight yeast! I found kimchi works best for a sinus infection. Sauerkraut & Kimchi also both clear up acne in days (my whole life I had cystic acne so bad I was on rounds of the very dangerous drug Accutane! ) I am convinced that yeast is a causative factor in acne. Please try these remedies!
Posted by Samantha (New York, New York) on 08/28/2013
Go to your local heath food store to find a great brand of Kimche or Sauerkraut. Remember, look for brands that are live and unheated and unpasturized. A farmer's market or farm near you may have in and advertise on the internet. Don't buy commercially available brands found at supermarkerts. They're heated and they have lost their nutrients.
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jeff (WI) on 08/17/2024
Kill all stomach, small intestine and large bowel bacteria with the threefold attack:
Hello EC, I hope you can put this up as an overarching commentary on all stomach, small intestine, and large bowel infections.
- The Exposure!!! Baking soda 1/4th to one half teaspoon in water between meals to alkalize the body and intestine and get the bacteria out of the biofilm. Take between meals.
- The Kill!!! You know, turmeric, manuka Honey, black seed oil, humic and fulvic's all here on earth clinic. Take also between meals but one hour away from the baking soda.
- The rebuild!!! Strong probiotics like Florastor and V3 etc with meals.
- I'll add, The soothe!!! Aloe juice or Aloe Vin, glutamine, slippery elm. Take somewhere between the others.
That should about do it for... H pylori, small intestine infection or candida, and c diff.
Enzyme Formulas
Posted by Abc (Abc) on 03/08/2023
I want to take interfase plus for candida biofilms however I have severe gastritis so I want to know if it can be taken with honey water . Taking interfase plus with honey water will decrease it's efficacy?
Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Reba (Colorado Springs CO) on 10/01/2022
When is the best time of day to take it and how often?
Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Trista (Sydney, NSW) on 05/23/2023
Hi there, what is the brand and type that you use?