I had my chalazion for a couple of months and was trying different cures on and off (ex: ACV, castor oil, colloidal silver, etc) Nothing was as effective and fast as the saltwater rinse.
I did the saltwater rinse two to three times a day using an eyecup. Now my chalazion is hardly even noticeable and it's getting smaller every day. Thank God!
My recipe
1 teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in 1 cup of water. This recipe will last about a week.
I hope this helps anyone else with this problem. If not, everyone is different, so keep trying different natural remedies. Above all trust in God, He will guide you to the right cure.
Salt Water Rinse
I already had a chalazion removed on my other eye lid and was so scared!! Not anymore!!! Good luck everyone!
Salt Water Rinse
Salt Water Rinse
He used salt water to rinse his eye, when I first saw this video I was skeptical about doing it but anyway I did it just to see if it would work, well it did worked!!! I rinse my eye with clean previously boiled water that cool down to room temperature and added sea salt to a point that I could rinse with my eye and holding the water (open eye) for 5 seconds or so, I repeated the eye rinse 4 times a day, washing my eye before each rinse with baby shampoo.
Note: (I used one of those measure cups that comes with nightquil or liquid vitamins they have 2 tbspoons maximum capacity so I used that and cleaned it very good before each use and yes I rinse with the eye open, stings just a little but I'm telling you it was like a miracle, as soon as I felt one coming I inmediately did it and it would go in 2 days. Good luck everyone!