I was wondering if anyone has heard of Blue Toe Syndrome and if they have what remedies have worked. I take prescription from my doctor but it is not working. I have googled remedies but very little to no information was found. I could not find any information on Earth Clinic regarding Blue Toe Syndrome. Thank you!!
Vitamin K
The researcher starts out by mentioning vitamin K is good for circulation, so thought maybe it would work for chilblains - which has to do with circulation. I gave my son one capsule a day and it cleared up the problem within days. I kept up this dosage for a week and now give it to him a couple of times a week. I will do so until it warms up outside.
General Feedback
It is important to keep your hands and feet protected from cold.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I believe there must be something out there that is natural and I can use safely. It is an uncomfortable problem to endure - wool socks etc do nothing to help.
Thanks for anyone's help. This is a great site, and I hope Codex never comes into play as it will affect all of us who value Earth Clinic.
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
The extent of hypothyroid symptoms usually is dependent on age. Here is a link that describes the body's use and essential need for iodine(not just for the thyroid): http://www.iodine4health.com/overviews/uses/panam_uses.htm
All western diets heavily lack iodine now. Dr Brownstein, from the Iodine Project, did a random research study on 500 people in the US. The outcome was that he found that 94. 7% were deficient iodine in their diets. See this link: http://www.iodine4health.com/ortho/brownstein_ortho.htm
Taking Lugol's Iodine or Kelp (larger dose Lugol's is better for the whole body's iodine needs), Vitamin C, Magnesium capsules or Magnesium Oil, Selenium, L-Tyrosine, and Zinc would also help your problem. Vitamin C is necessary to aid iodine absorbtion problems caused by bromine in the diet(from bread). Selenium aids in the conversion of T4 to the more active T3 form of thyroid hormone. Tyrosine, with magnesium, also help to convert and store iodide as iodine in the thyroid gland and zinc stimulates the thyroid gland by suppressing excess copper uptake which tends to inhibit thyroid activity. Iodine also helps to remove cadmium, aluminium, lead and mercury from the body.
Daily Dosages:
Lugol's Iodine: 2 to 4 drops in a glass of water twice a day. Work up to this dose slowly.
Vitamin C(powdered form): 1000 mgs twice a day.
Magnesium Oil(70% solution of Magnesium Chloride): 10 drops twice day. Or take capsules of Mag Citrate or Mag Gluconate -- 250 mgs twice day.
L-Tyrosine: 500 mg per day
Selenium: 200 micrograms twice a day.
Zinc: 25 - 50 mgs once a week.
Using Fulvic/Humic Acid drops would also benefit your condition by supplying all the minerals necessary for your body in regard to body enzyme processes, hormones etc. Fulvic acid solution contains 70 minerals in their most bioavailable and natural form. See this link for all the benefits: http://www.supremefulvic.com/documents/html/fulvic_acid.php
Coconut Oil
If you have thyroid issues, the easiest thing to try, if you live in a fluoridated community, is to drink distilled, or spring water for a couple weeks and see what happens. Showering and bathing are a bit harder to control, but you can shorten eposure times here. See what happens. You can watch: aninconvenienttooth.org and scroll to the second-to-last interview, for the chemistry professor who solved his thyroid problem this way.
Coconut Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses and Cayenne
Thanks...I look forward to it's benefits
Be Well
Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses and Cayenne
Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses and Cayenne