Regarding Psoriasis: A guy who works with me told me his mother cured her 30 years old Psoriasis with TAMANU OIL. She's psoriasis free for a few years already. He himself cured Psoriasis on its first show-up with the same oil.
Search it on the web. It's worth trying.
Vinegar and Olive Oil
When I was in elementary school, I had psoriasis on my elbows and knees, and all over the side of my face! It got behind my ears so bad I used to dream that my ears were falling off.
None of the doctor's remedies helped. Then my parents found this old home-remedy book from around the 1700s. It had what I call the salad dressing cure.
You soak the affected skin with vinegar for a few minutes, then you cover it with warmed olive oil (make sure it isn't too hot).
It got so I hated vinegar for years because of the smell (I think Apple Cider Vinegar would have been much more bearable), but it worked! The psoriasis went completely away, and I no longer felt like a freak at school.
Every few years I'll get a tiny patch on my knee or elbow. If it bothers me I'll use the treatment and it will go away.