Natural Remedies

Dermatitis Treatment and Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar, Calendula Cream
Posted by Sally (Perth, Wa Australia) on 10/29/2011

I'm in my early 30's and always had clear skin, much to my shock after several months on lots of antibiotics(had a severe pneumonia), I broke out with a rash around my mouth, just under my bipap mask which I wear 24/7. Anyway went to dr, told it was dermatitis and was prescribed topical steroids which I took for 10 days like everyone else it made it worse. Thankfully I found this site stopped the steroids (however I am on a low dose orally which I need for my breathing), and started the apple cider, which did give me relief. I used it topically twice a day, drank it twice a day and I started taking a probiotic. Within 10 days it was better then what it was, but my face was still very red and dry, I tried coconut oil, then I tried paw paw ointment and both made me break out. So I had read on here that calendular ointment was really good as its antifungal, antiviral antibacterial and anti inflammatory. I decided to stop using the ACV topically and I bought the pure calendula ointment and to my surprise 24 hrs later I could see a improvement, 10 days later it is nearly all gone. I put it on very regularly(every 60-90 min if I remember)and it really soothes the skin etc

Things might have cleared up if I had used the mother ACV but I couldn't get any in stock at the time, also having a mask over my dermatitis did not help as I never got any fresh air on it.

However if you don't get perfect results with the ACV I recommend the calendula ointment, thank you to whoever posted that initially, it has really helped :)

Avoid Fluoride
Posted by Ls (Stockbridge , Ma) on 10/22/2011

I developed PD for a short time in high school and my best friend had it as well. She went to the dermatologist and he told her to use fluoride free toothpaste. We both switched and we both had it clear right up.

I recently developed it again about two months ago. I was in Boston, (where they pump fluoride into their water, but I did not know this until later) I ran out of my usual fluoride free toothpaste and borrowed my roommate's (which contained fluoride) and had a huge break out.

I have been trying everything since, and although apple cider vinegar, yogurt and turmeric masks, a biotin pill and a probiotic made huge improvements on the PD, it was still not going away.

I did more research and found out that WINE contains high amounts of FLUORIDE! Even though I have read that you should give up alcohol to get rid of it, I figured one glass of wine here and there wouldn't hurt.

The second I stopped drinking wine completely it began to subside and now is almost gone.

After doing lots of research, it was such a relief to figure out why it wasn't going away. I also think it largely helped that I moved from a city with lots of fluoride in its water system to one without.

(I also found in addition to wine, that beer, soda, tea, processed cereals, juice, teflon pans and salt among many other foods and beverages contain high amounts of fluoride, so make sure to do your research and cut these things out.)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by John (Westlake, Oh) on 10/10/2011

After much trial and error I have found that the most simple is the most effective in treating this frustrating and annoying condition. I take probiotics 2x a day, plus Vitamin A and E and C. I don't use soap or lotion on it. I wash the area with water. I use Squiggle toothpaste. ( a little pricey, but let's be real, no amount is too much to spend to get rid of this right? ) The most effective change that I made was to stop chewing any kind of gum. I have been rash and itch free for a month now. Oh and don't touch your face! I hope this helps and I want to thank everyone who posts on this sight. So helpful!!

Natural Makeup
Posted by Shahin25 (Chicago, Illinois, Usa ) on 08/04/2011

Any makeup suggestions for PD? My friends have suggested Lush products any suggestions?

Natural Makeup
Posted by Alicia (Marshall, Tx) on 09/08/2011

Arbonne products are great. They have hair and skin care for face and body. Also makeup. All natural, botanical based.

Natural Makeup
Posted by Jo Ann (Usa) on 10/16/2016

I have contact dermatitis, I'm allergic to fragrance and fragrance mix.. cinnamon, citrus vanilla, cloves..propolis and tea tree oil.latex..

Avoid Moisturizers
Posted by Laurenmichele1 (Carlsbad, Ca) on 08/02/2011

I wanted to let you know that I tried a long list of remedies for my PD including ACV, yogurt, violet extract, diaper rash cream.. Ugh! Anyway, what ended up working, finally, was stopping all moisturizers! I would simply wash my face with a mild soap from Trader Joe's that has tea tree oil (might have helped) and then use NOTHING! I continued to take a probiotic, but it cleared up within a week or two. I battled it for years!! Good luck to you!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Eczema Cream
Posted by Earthgirl (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 07/06/2011

I have suffered with dermatitis in various places on an off for years. It seems to be more common in the cooler months for me. Currently I have an outbreak on my lower abdomen. I am using ACV dabbed on to the area, followed by Eczema & Psoriasis Cream by Moogoo (all natural ingredients). The cream feels soothing & cool, and keeps the skin from drying out. It has only been a couple of days but it's definitely improving.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt, Diaper Rash Cream
Posted by Sunnymummy (Seattle, Wa) on 06/24/2011

My daughter had a bad case of PD about a year ago. I think hers was brought on by stress because it was right around the same time she broke her toe (she was 6). So I looked on this site desperate for answers after

1. Our idiot doctor told us to use hydrocortisone cream which instantly made it 100% WORSE and

2. A dermatologist told me that the only cure is steriods which I did not want to put on my 6 year old. So I started first with the ACV. I put undiluted ACV on a paper towel and held it on the effected area for a few seconds and then would remove it and blow on the skin because it would burn quite badly. My daughter was a trooper and although she would cry when it was time to do it she would let me do it anyway. So I would use the ACV 2X daily and it dried the pustules within a few hours.

However the dryness and redness got worse so I added the yogurt. I bought plain yogurt and put it on her face 2X daily for one day and although it gave her relief and was soothing it made the rash worse again. So I stopped the yogurt and added the diaper rash cream. I used the Butt Paste on her face 4X a day or more and still used the ACV on her 2x a day and after a few weeks it was totally gone!!! I was amazed, as was she, and I am SOOO glad I came here where all three remedies were suggested.

Thank you SO much! We have also used ACV to treat my other daughters horrible athletes foot, the bananas for warts remedy, and this one and so far nothing but wonderful results! Thank you EARTHCLINIC!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt, Diaper Rash Cream
Posted by Dennin (Hemet, Ca.) on 06/24/2011

I relieved my skin of perioral dermatitis by washing my skin with baking soda. I have coped with this fungal based dermatitis several times over the years, the ONLY thing that completely cleared it and kept my skin glowing is the baking soda. In fact I no longer use anything on my skin to wash but baking soda. I brush my teeth with it also, no more costly bar soaps or toothpaste, yeah!

Acidophilus, Biotin
Posted by Liz (Elmwood Park, Il) on 07/14/2011

Thanks for your post! I was told I have PD due to an ointment with steroid I was using for over a year. A Dr had prescribed it to me so it kinda makes me mad that I would be going through this now, but anyway... After reading all these posts I went ahead and got some of the organic plain yogurt, acidophilus and coconut oil (moisturizer instead of my MaryKay). The yogurt feels so good I don't even want to rinse it off!! Lol The acidophilus works great, taken that before so I was ok with taking it again. I'm currently on Oracea 40mg which I started today after an awful few weeks with the 100mg. I'm using Metrogel (nights) and Protopic (mornings). I switched my toothpaste, shampoo and stopped wearing makeup. Dermatologist told me to no longer use anything to wash my face, only water. WHY AM I STILL MISERABLE?!!


WASHING: I would think that not using anything to wash would leave all the dirt on my face. ??

COCONUT OIL: Have you ever tried the coconut oil to moisturize? I laid off of it from my face because I thought it was making me break out more but I may use it again because my skin is so dry. I do use it on my body, hands, feet and it's wonderful! Not greasy at all and my skin feels & looks great.... Except for my face!!!

BIOTIN: Can I take the biotin supplement with the Oracea? How much are you taking? I have "Hair, Skin & Nails" supplement. Can I just use that?

PROTOPIC & METROGEL: Have you or anyone else used the Protopic and Metrogel. Just curious to hear how they worked for other people.

Thanks for your help. Feeling overwhelmed with it today. Thanks for "listening"


Acidophilus, Biotin
Posted by Sara (Charleston, Sc, Usa) on 07/17/2011

I'm sorry to hear that you're still having problems. I am too. :( From what I understand, it is the sodium lauryl sulfate in cleansers (soaps, face washes, dishwashing liquids, shampoo, etc. ) that are contributing to the PD. I recently switched all of my cleansers to SLS free (which is not easy to do, there's sulfates in everything! ) along with my toothpaste that is also fluoride free. You should also switch to fluoride free water since most tap water has added fluoride. I am taking acidophilus and biotin supplements. I also use the yogurt mask and am eating yogurt all day pretty much. I stocked up on Good Belly from Whole Foods to add even more probiotics to my system.

I was on antibiotics a lot growing up and have been fighting this for years. Only in the past few months has it gotten this bad. It started spiraling out of control when I was prescribed Metrogel. 3 or 4 days of that and it seemed that I had really made it angry. It has been getting worse ever since then.

I hope you are feeling a little better. I understand feeling overwhelmed... I haven't left my house in 4 days. Good luck.

Acidophilus, Biotin
Posted by Marie (Indianapolis, In) on 07/19/2011

Liz, So sorry for your suffering. I have had PD for over 2 yrs now. For about 8 months in the beginning it was unbearably hideous. I was unbearably hideous. PD felt like it was ruining my life. My partner and my best friend both have perfect skin. I felt alone. It was truly agonizing. Multiple trips to the Dr. and Dermatologist led me to use a series of different products.

I tried Metrogel, Tretinoin Gel, Clindamycin, and prescription strength cortizone cream. I couldn't tell you which was the worst, but none seemed to have any effect at all. Quite honestly they all made it worse. The "it gets worse before it gets better" rule does not work out when you work with the public. I also took antibiotics which just got my hopes up because it would go away then come back about a week or so after I was done taking them. Not to mention leave me with infections in other sensitive parts of my body(if you catch my drift. ) So next I tried the natural route. AV, Tea tree oil, coconut oil, Tamanu oil, Neem extract (I'm sure I am missing a couple in there somewhere)

Then I discovered a life saver (for me) "Nixoderm". This was the first thing that had any real lasting effect. Just put it on the effected area and slept in it over night. Burned like H*LL almost to the point that I was about to wash it off then the sensation goes away. I woke up the next morning in amazement over my face because at least 50% of it was gone. It is super cheap. I bought it online & it lasts forever. Nixoderm did not cure me completely, but it makes my PD managable and at the time I was desperate for anything just to lessen it.

I also found a product from a place near my hometown called "Skinmagic" It contains Burdock root, gotu kola leaf & echinacea root. Also very inexpensive. The web address is I use this ointment twice a day in combination with the occasional use of the Nixoderm if I have a bad flare up. I do sometimes use the yogurt mask but aside from just feeling good on my skin I never really noticed a difference in the PD. I will soon be trying the acidophilus and biotin, as I am on the eternal quest for a natural cure that will CURE, as my PD fluctuates from 75-80% better for most of the time. I try to maintain a healthy diet as well. Little sugar, rarely eating anything fried, lots of water etc.

This is what helped me. Hang in there.


Acidophilus, Biotin
Posted by Diane (Ottumwa, Ia) on 08/12/2011

Re: Biotin. Thank you Lisa from Miami. Nutritional deficiencies are one of the causes to suspect in any kind of rash. Biotin deficiencies develop easily and the symptoms will look exactly like PD. If your rash is non-itchy, try Biotin. I realized that I had been really good about taking my B-complex for the past couple of months, and when the rash first started, I doubled up on my B-complex, of of course made the Biotin deficiency worse and escalated the rash. Even my very good B-complex doesn't have proportionately enough biotin in it, and since the B vitamins are used in specific proportions, I was actually draining myself of biotin every time I took my B-complex.

Acidophilus, Biotin
Posted by L.b. (Lexington, Ohio/usa) on 12/15/2011

I just wanted to responed to the person who is only using water to wash and still has trouble. I did all those things you did also and would still have trouble in patches on my face. From reading this site it has really helped. I take a good brand of vitamin b complex it helps and so does the acidophilus, but when I washed my face with manuca honey only and tried the vinegar rinse it burn to much. So I deluted the vinegar to 50/50 with water and still to much. I came up with an idea to try because I was wondering if the tap water was maybe some of my problem? I put 1 cup of distilled water in an empty bottle, 1 tsp of manuka honey, 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar with the mother. I shake it up and at morning and night I use a cotton ball to wash my face with it. Afterwards I put a small amount of Grapeseed oil on my face. It really has made a huge difference. I use the grapeseed oil on my arms when they flare up and it helps them very much too. I hope this will help someone else.

Posted by Ruthie (Madison, Wisconsin) on 05/25/2011

Flaxseed ground, seems to be an effective treatment to help with the PO dermititis symptoms. I use 1Tbps in a cup of plain yogurt (no added sugar) each morning and evening. High fiber, so drink plenty of water! The oil is an "inner" moisturizer, so I don't put other lotions or aloe on. I also take 1 floragen (acidophilus) in Am and Pm.

General Feedback
Posted by Kirsten (Denver, Co, Usa) on 05/02/2011

I just developed PD in March, and I am certainly not ready to deal with this the rest of my life! I visited a natural health food store today where we asked the manager what she would recommend. She suggested taking something with hydrochloric acid, Vitamin B, and evening primrose oil. My parents have mass amount of fish oil, which is very similar to the primrose oil. We purchased a bottle of Vitamin B, and I am going to test this combination of remedies for a week. After reading many of the posts from others, if it does not start to clear up, I will be purchasing a remedy with hydrochloric acid and will perhaps start using ACV and a yogurt mask. I will respond in a week and let you know how well the fish oil and Vitamin B worked. :)

Apple Cider Vinegar, Sea Salt
Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 05/02/2011


I was using ACV when I contracted contact dermatitis. The ACV dilution w/water helped soothe my skin rash, BUT I'm not sure if helped or maybe made my other symptoms worse since I could have too much potassium, or be salt deficient. It's been over a week now, and I'm not completely over the contact dermatitis. My extremely dry skin is almost gone, but the rash seems to have spread. I'm stopping consumption of diluted ACV, and will now consume the sea salt flush after reading a snippet of "The Water Cure" on allergies.

I started developing hives and painful swelling around both my eyes just a few minutes ago, so based on what I learned from here and the water cure about sea salt's benefits, I drank 1/2 tsp of sea salt in 1/2 cup of warm water, chased it down with 12 ozs of filtered water, and my eyes feel SO MUCH better and the swelling around them is almost gone.

My guess now is I'm abundant in potassium (ACV), and now need the sodium to cure the rash, swelling and any hives that develop.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Sea Salt
Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 05/04/2011

Update: I definitely need to get some tests done!

I used the saltwater flush a few more times and the angioedema around my eyes was worse. Someone on another messageboard I'm on wrote to keep flushing although it was counterintuitive. Well, I didn't continue it since my eyes started to swell more and I didn't want to land myself in Urgent Care with anaphylactic shock. Ugh.

I gotta stop going back and forth, and just stick to what I know now for this bout of dermatitis: diluted ACV topically to alleviate the itchiness and dry skin caused by Benadryl; consume nettle tincture in water for itchiness; Benadryl to alleviate the swelling and the itchiness, primarily at bedtime; exercise to increase adrenaline; green tea in moderation to reduce the swelling; drink plenty of filtered water to hydrate, flush and balance. Doing the above has brought me closer to normal.

Face Products
Posted by Nf (Corvallis, Or) on 04/28/2011

I wrote here that I was trying the apple-cider approach, and then the peroxide and borax. Nothing was really working. I was hoping it was, was hopeful, reported it here. These had been the worst outbreaks I've ever had in my life. Itchy, oozing small "blisters", all the similar descriptions. Etc.. On a whim, I tried my son's Proactive products. I was desperate. Just the cleanser and the lotion- steps 1 and 3, the peroixide or whatever it is immediately stopped the itching. The sores dried up completely.

My skin has not been this clear in 25 years. Occasionally I may have a small blister flare up, I just wash or just use the lotion it goes away overnight. It is absolutely AMAZING. I had to come back and tell you all, it has been almost a year and I never thought I would be free of it.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Lauren (Glenside, Pennsylvania) on 04/20/2011

About 8-10 drops of grapefruit seed extrack in a glass of water 2 times a day and my PD was gone in 2 days. To keep the dry skin from cracking I put a small amount of calendual on. But that was it. 2 days and I am back to normal! Just dont pick or scratch your face too much.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bunnylebowski (Seward, Ne) on 03/12/2011

First off, let me say that what I suffer from does not really appear as the bumpy, acne-like rash around but not directly touching the mouth like classic PD. Mine is just inflamed, red patches that border and even sometimes involve the lips. At one point a doctor diagnosed me with PD, but I am not sure if this is what I actually have.

The first time this flared up, over 5 years ago, I got rid of it with vaseline, as it was just above my top lip. The second time, I let it get way out of hand by hiding it with makeup and putting on perfume-y lotions and even using exfoliating facial scrubs. Yikes. I looked like a leper! It spread to under one eye and a patch on my forehead. The doctor didn't diagnose it but prescribed me a strong topical steroid. Of course, it went away but soon I noticed I needed to keep using it to keep the rash at bay. I went on using it for about 8 months. Then the rash flared up again. I finally broke down and put hydrocortisone on it, as I had done some reasearch by that point and knew steroid creams were just a vicious cycle. Well, I started that around October. A doctor gave me some Tetracycline, but it didn't really help at all. In May, I moved into a new apartment (not sure if there was a correlation, or maybe the weather?) and the patches gradually became smaller. By July I had actually managed to wean myself off the cream.

Fast forward a year and a half, and all of a sudden I woke up one morning with my top lip inflamed and the area above it as well. I thought I was done with pd, so I was pissed! This actually happened after I had been drinking ACV for a month or so for other reasons, (which seems opposite what many people on here are saying) but I'm not sure if it's related. I had also been brushing my teeth with baking soda which leads me to believe I may be allergic to it. Regardless, I wanted it gone and did not want to go the hydrocortisone route again just because I happened to get lucky last time.

Topical ACV and Grapefruit seed extract just made it much redder and worse. I bought some cardiospermum cream from a health food store because it said it was an alternative to hydrocortisone. It seemed to sooth the redness, but didn't diminish it. I started using Peelu toothpaste (no Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Fluoride) also. I then bought some zinc diaper rash cream. It definitely hid the redness, but didn't really take it away. I also got some calendula cream which helped the redness and chapping directly on my lip, and was very soothing.

Finally, I bought some rosacea gel called Prosacea from Walgreens. I put in on clean skin before bed, topped it off with some Calendula cream, and a little of the diaper rash cream. I woke up and it was much less red! I am hoping this continues. I have gone awhile with no hydrocortisone and it seems the worst is over. It is barely noticeable today. I will update if anything changes.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Mass.) on 03/13/2011

Sometimes illnesses and diseases including pimples etc. do not always come from the outside, it too needs healing from the inside out, it also could have some thing to do with your diet. We are what we eat...... We become what we think.
good luck

Diaper Rash Ointment
Posted by Sasha (Seattle, Wa) on 05/04/2012

I had small bumps on my face and I'm not sure what caused it. Anyhow I was going to go to the store to buy the diaper rash oinment, I looked up the active ingredient in the diaper rash ointment which is no other than Zinc oxide, which I always have on had for summer sun put some on my face and it works!

Diaper Rash Ointment
Posted by Linda (Fl) on 10/29/2015

I was prescribed Mometasone Furoate Cream .1% for a mild case of perioral dermatitus which came and went for 2 months before I went to dermatologist. Used the cream for 4 weeks as directed but the red bumps returned with 2 days. Continued use of cream once a day for another couple of weeks but upon slowing application rash always returned. Stopped cold turkey after I found this site and a closed Facebook group and decided on using non-rx products. My face broke out horribly from stopping steroid cream. Red blisters on sides of chin. Found relief using Butt paste 40% zinc oxide by night and California baby calendula cream by day. No makeup! It's been 3 weeks post steroid and I still have red and flaking spots but the blisters are gone. Please don't use steroid cream. PD can be managed naturally, I am confident of that now.

Diaper Rash Ointment
Posted by Jrheats (Nebraska) on 03/17/2016

How is your dermatitis now?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Sulphur Clay Mask
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 01/17/2011

I've had an outbreak of dermatits on my face, on either side of my nose and underneath my nose. I remembered I used ACV and bentonite clay for a rash I got from a swimming pool and it cleared it up in a matter of days, so I thought I would apply the same principles to my face. This is what I did:

Wash face every AM and PM with gentle soap. Used cottonball to apply H2O all over face and let sit for about a minute. Then applied ACV, full strength, with cottonball over the H2O. Let air dry and put on lotion and mineral makeup For the day ( I have a customer service job). At night I would apply the H20 and ACV, Let it dry and apply a sulfur/bentonite clay mask to only the affected areas and leave on while I slept.

I started this 5 days ago and I'm about 85% clear. Not to mention the ACV/H2O has exfoliated really well so I have smooth skin.

Hope this helps someone!

Things to Avoid
Posted by Tracy (Fort Worth, Texas) on 12/19/2010

I have found that the beeswax is a problem for my perioral dermatitis. My lips would swell and become even more dry and sore after using it.

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