My remedy is a combination of 3 things. First try apple cider vinegar I have great belief in it.( not braggs since they changed it now) 8/1/24. If that doesn't work. Try whole plain yougurt with blackberries and minced garlic like 1-2 small cloves. Try it together or separately. I just put the garlic in a spoon and chug with water. I saw people post these remedies separately. Here's the logic. The yougurt has good bacteria that balances the gut. The garlic kills bad bacteria in the gut, and the blackberries have tannins that give an astringent affect. I rather try Natural things first than medications. This worked for me! Not sure which one did it, or if all but it worked. I tried not to eat the seeds of the blackberries and spit them out. I also wore a pad on the back of my underwear in case I pooped my pants when I went out. Lol! Drink plenty of Electrolyte liquids!