Fibromyalgia and the Fluoride Connection

Posted by Art (California) on 07/22/2024 2298 posts

Oral Melatonin Plus Melatonin Lotion For Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

Recently, I wrote about a woman who had posted about how Melatonin Lotion (ML) had helped her more than any supplements or the prescription medications she had tried, including the potential side effects that came with those medications for Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS). I am writing about this use for ML separately from the two main articles because FMS is fairly common and the pain associated with it is quite debilitating and can constantly move to multiple areas of the body. Doing this separate post will add it to the Fibromyalgia remedy section of EC. I have already written about it for general use for pain relief here :

And Here :

In the case of FMS, the available prescription medications are not always effective or not effective enough and they do come with the potential for significant side effects. Based on studies, it is my belief that taking oral melatonin in conjunction with melatonin lotion may be synergistic together and more effective than either form alone.
Here is a link to a review that suggests that oral melatonin in the dose range of 3 mg to 15 mg/day may be useful in relieving pain associated with FMS :

Here is a relevant quote from the multi-study review :

' The numerical pain scale, which is commonly used in clinical practice, revealed that the intensity of pain perceived by patients decreased remarkably after the intake of melatonin in a range of doses, from 3 mg/day to 15 mg/day for 10 days, specifically obtaining a dose-dependent effect . Thus, the decrease in pain could be related to an increase in circulating melatonin, indirectly measured as urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6-s), the major urinary metabolite of melatonin that accurately reflects nocturnal plasma melatonin . The analgesic effects of melatonin have been confirmed in FMS patients, but with longer treatment periods: 3 mg/day for 30 days; 5 mg/day for 8 weeks ; and 10 mg/day for 6 weeks. '

As the above multi study review shows, as little as 3 mg of melatonin per day can help relieve pain caused by FMS, but the positive pain relief response does seem to be dose dependent with the higher doses showing a better response .

It is also worth noting that FMS has mitochondrial dysfunction, elevated oxidative stress levels and increased inflammation levels as discussed here : stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation are implicated in the, could be involved in anhedonia.

Here is a relevant quote from the above link :

' Recent studies have shown some evidence demonstrating that oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation may have a role in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia. Despite several skin-related symptoms accompanied by small fiber neuropathy have been studied in FM, these mitochondrial changes have not been yet studied in this tissue. Skin biopsies from patients showed a significant mitochondrial dysfunction with reduced mitochondrial chain activities and bioenergetics levels and increased levels of oxidative stress. These data were related to increased levels of inflammation and correlated with pain, the principal symptom of FM. All these parameters have shown a role in peripheral nerve damage which has been observed in FM as a possible responsible to allodynia. Our findings may support the role of oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation as interdependent events in the pathophysiology of FM with a special role in the peripheral alterations. '
Importantly, melatonin has repeatedly shown in many studies that it works to help maintain mitochondrial homeostasis, significantly reduce oxidative stress and inflammation as discussed here :

Here is a relevant quote from the melatonin review article :

' Since the main symptoms in FM (pain, stiffness and fatigue) are located in the muscles, muscle biopsies, mostly from the trapezius, have been studied. Biopsies of muscle have demonstrated inflammatory markers, subsarcolemmal mitochondrial accumulation, abnormal mitochondria, higher incidence of ragged red fibers, and defects of cytochrome-c-oxidase (complex IV of oxidative phosphorylation) [119, 120]. Most recent studies have shown the implication of mitochondrial oxidative stress in the peripheral nociception described in FM as an important symptom which is mediated by inflammatory activation [32]. '

Another consideration with FMS is that people with FMS appear to be at increased risk for osteoporosis. Melatonin has shown benefit for osteoporosis as I wrote about here :

We have already seen on EC where melatonin lotion can relieve pain from many various causes including FMS. It is my belief, based on the above review of human studies that combining melatonin lotion with oral melatonin in relatively low doses may be very useful for alleviating pain from FMS!


Even though melatonin has a very good safety profile and a multitude of potential health benefits, it is not compatible with all medications and because some people are very sensitive to melatonin, you should always get your doctor's approval and supervision before trying this remedy for FMS pain or any other health issues.

