Granuloma Annulare Home Remedies

Hair Dryer and Heat
Posted by Mary (Usa) on 12/06/2018

My husband has had GA for years. He tried everything but the best by far was using a hair dryer on his arms where the GA is located. It has taken a few months but a few of the rings have disappeared. This is not a quick cure all.

This information is from Doug Kaufman on "Know the Cause" on youtube.

Posted by Linda (Canada) on 02/09/2018

After 1 year of my husband having the worst case of GA the dermatologist had seen and after being ask d to attend a Dermatological convention for further consultation which had no results, he starting taking a supplement for candida made of multiple enzymes (Amylase, Cellulase,Glucoamylase,Hemicellulase ,Invertase, L-Leucine) which is an enzyme therapy with no side effects.

In days my husband stopped itching(he was itching constantly) and after 5 days his GA is disappearing and he feels so much better. I believe that this condition may be related to Candida. We tried numerous remedies after the usual steroid treatments did not work such as coconut oil, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, colloidal silver and though these helped relieve symptoms and did help some of the spots lessen, the disease persisted. It is a relatively inexpensive supplement.

Posted by Sally (Tennessee) on 09/16/2016

I am a 63 yr old female with generalized granuloma annulare for 15 yrs now. It began as 1 lesion above my left knee and several on the back of my neck. Of course I've seen multiple doctors in multiple disciplines and tried countless medications. The only somewhat effective treatment has been oral steroids which can only be used temporarily. Over the yrs the lesions have spread absolutely everywhere. Symmetrically on hands, feet, shins, forearms, elbows. Showed up, stayed for months, destroyed the collagen and moved on to torment the next location. For the past 5 yrs my entire torso, upper thighs, and the back of my neck have been solidly covered.

I've tried removing several possible dietary offenders with no success, UNTIL 3 wks ago when I went gluten free. I can't believe this! My skin is actually clearing up! This is the most wonderful thing. Why has no one tested me for gluten sensitivity in all these yrs?

Posted by Karen K (Orange, Ct) on 03/07/2016

I have GA - going on 8 years. It started with one round spot on my left shin and spread to two more spots on my lower left leg. It eventually spread to my right leg. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's - hypothyroidism over 35 years ago. Took Synthroid for many years, now taking generic Armor thyroid. I thought that I might have an allergy to the Synthroid causing the GA. I have tried a dozen creams, mega doses of B3 prescribed by a dematologist, which did nothing for my spots, but gave me acid reflux. I have recently been applying tea tree oil and thyme oil with a cotton ball to my spots. I am going to try applying the ACV topically on my legs, which are sometimes itchy. I also have fibromyalgia. Eating organic, getting a good night's sleep, avoiding sugar, processed foods and gluten all seem to help.

I recently developed symptoms of arthritis and psoriasis. I discovered that cashews and walnuts are high histamine foods, so now I'm not eating those anymore. I am also taking a multivitamin supplement, turmeric, MSM, calcium, magnesium, Vitamin E and drinking green tea. It's too bad that doctors seem clueless as to how to treat GA. It is comforting to know that there are other people out there with the same issues. Thank you for sharing your stories.

Helichrysum Oil
Posted by Carol (Delaware) on 11/01/2015

I stumbled upon helichrysum oil trying to heal poor hearing. It is supposed to do marvelous things, so I put it on my hands where the Granuloma Annulare is. I put in on maybe 3-5 days in a row just before bed and it immediately went away with no scaring or anything. I have just noticed a small spot on my hand so I will use the oil again tonight and think it should be gone in a couple of days. It had remained gone originally for over 2 years.

Treat as a Blood Condition
Posted by Dennis (Florida, US) on 02/18/2015

Note that I'm not a medical person. I'm a person who had granuloma for five years. It went away by itself but now I understand it.

I truly believe the problem is that granuloma is treated as a skin condition when it is NOT a skin condition. It is a blood condition like left-shift Leukocytosis (increased white blood cells). There have been no direct studies that I know of but I do know that a dermatologist can not cure it. Perhaps a hematologist can treat the Leukocytosis and that will cure the symptom, I.e., the white blood cells clumping up to the surface of the skin appearing as a rash.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ninatoughill (New Jersey) on 04/24/2014

I started with this ailment about 3 yrs ago when I notice it under my arm pit! I went to the Dr.s and was told this is GA. Prescription cream took it away in time but now after about two yrs of remission I now have all over stomach going into my groin area and some on back of my legs and again my arm pit! It doesn't itch or anything but the appearance of it is very upsetting! Im going to try the apple cider vinegar first to see if it helps first! I'm so glad I found this site and know many others have to deal with this ugly skin rash also! Thank you for the suggestions!!!

Posted by Nomore (Richmond, Va) on 11/15/2012

Hi all... I just had to pass on my success with getting rid of Granuloma Annulare. I had it for about 3 years. I can't say this will work for everyone, as many medical professionals think this could be related to Diabetes and Lupus as well.

Go Gluten-free. I tried everything prior to my discovery of my gluten-intolerance. I tried things such as blood tests for diabetes, lupus, celiac disease plus allergy prick tests. Nothing helped me until I got a stool test. This test showed a significant intolerance to wheat. Once I removed this completely from my diet (and you definitely have to read all food labels! ), it went away. It also seems I have an intolerance to almonds too. I think with all the almond products out there, my body doesn't quite like them either. The removal of these two things completely cleared my skin.

I hope this can help someone! Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nizac (Mid Hudson Valley, Ny) on 03/30/2011

My wife developed severe Granuloma Annulare (GA) about 2 years ago on her arms, hands and chest. After visiting a dermatoligist she was prescribed prednesone which put it in remission. However when the Prednesone was stopped it started reapearing. This happened twice both times it reapeared. I read on a forum a dermatoligist had a patient who told her that ACV put his 35 year case of GA in remission 1 oz in the morning 1 oz at night. I know that's a lot of ACV but it worked. My wifes GA is vastly improved her arms and hands, chest are almost totally clean. It's been about a month since she started taking it but saw results in about 1 week. Good Luck

Change of Diet Caused Condition
Posted by Alyce (Calgary, AB. Canada) on 05/21/2019

Thanks to all for your posts. I found them all very interesting. I was diagnosed Celiac (blood tests) November, 2018. This precipitated a Gluten Free Diet, which I started immediately. My Doctor gave me numerous pages of ingredients to eliminate from my food intake. The usual Wheat Barley, Rye and all their derivatives (which are numerous), where on these lists. As soon as I went on the GF diet, I started to get a rash on my upper thighs and arms. Biopsies showed Granuloma Annulare. Never, had any rashes before this. I am 80 years old.

Initially, I went on Corticosteroid creams. That made the situation worse. I also started on ACV, ( organic, with the Mother). that did not help me, it only gave me an acidic stomach. That went away as soon as stopped the ACV. I am eating probiotics like Kimchi, and Sauerkraut. That has helped the Celiac enormously. Counts have gone down from 253 to 93 so far. I am very strict in what I eat.

However, the GA is doing it's own thing. It is now all over my body. It never did itch, hurt or ache, it doesn't matter what I eat (only GF foods) or not eat, it is JUST THERE!! Celiac is an Autoimmune Disease. GA is also classed as an Autoimmune condition. It responds to what you put into your “MOUTH”. It's not what you put ON TOP of your skin that really helps, It's what you put into your gut system, (food, or so called FOOD).

I have tried numerous creams and ointments on my body, hoping that the rash would somehow subside, This has not happened yet. I try to not eat STUFF that is not real food and right now, that doesn't seem to help either. I feel that all those derivatives in the GF food may be responsible for my Granuloma Annulare.

I am now trying the CBD Oil (Hemp FX, legally available in Alberta and Canada). Have been using the salve and ointment now for only 5 days. I don't see any improvement at all.

MY Dermatologist has suggested numerous procedures, I have refused them. I am completely convinced that this is STILL about “what I put into my mouth”. Until I diagnose what that is, I feel that this GA will consume my entire body surface area. Like I've mentioned, the Gluten Free Food has so many unknowns in their products, one cannot figure out what they are. From Cellulose, (wood dust, chips) to tartizine, (coal tar) to other undecipherable's, along with the pesticides that are sprayed on almost all foods, before they are harvested, to Glyphosate sprayed on grain products. The Liver and the Skin are two organs that tell us what is going on inside our bodies. I am still convinced that the Gut System is also a good indicator.

I have had numerous tests which are all normal. If this CBD Salve doesn't help, I MAY try Sea Buckthorn Oil, and eatable Hemp Seeds, which I have eaten in the past years.

I may also add that on Oct. 25th, 2018, I had a Pneumococcus injection, and to this day, I feel that may also be what brought on the rash!!!

This is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kirsty Ann (Us) on 02/11/2017

When I was around 21-22 (8 or 9 years ago), I developed a hard wee bump on my knee. It hurt when I knocked it but otherwise didn't affect me. I went to the doctors maybe 6 months after I first noticed it start to grow in diameter. My Dr had never seen GA before but knew of it due to a family member of his having it. From then on it was assumed it had GA. It grew into a 2cm round ring of raised bumps that further concern me so again I went to another Dr who used liquid nitrogen on it which did nothing other than leave a horrible scar. I gave up trying any more treatments as I was told it wasn't any. Over the years the GA on my knee has flattened out looks less red and sore but I now have GA on my elbows. The hardest part about it being on my elbows is every single time I put my elbows on a table or hard surface the pain is enough to drop The Hulk. My description of the pain would be similar to that of kneeling down hard on a sharp stone. It subsides reasonably quick but wow it's sore straight after. I'm super excited to try the ACV topically and if that doesn't work I'll try it orally. I can't wait to see if this actually works. Feeling hopeful :)

Posted by Erika Rose (Woodbury, Ct) on 02/08/2016

HI, I have had this condition on and off for a few years got worse as I got older. Last year I had a flare up and not knowing what it was I suffered for months. I went to many Dr's no help. I slathered everything on me to no avail. I was finally told to try no gluten. (I also have a thyroid condition) Well no gluten, no rash!!! Just a thought to try. It took about a month for the rash to go away and if I eat gluten I immediately get a rash on my legs.

Good luck!!

Treat as a Blood Condition
Posted by Dhanishta (Australia) on 03/09/2015

I've had chronic Granuloma Annulare for 44 years and in all that time it only disappeared for 2 years and then came back with a vengence. I have tried all the treatments including injections of cortisone over long periods of time to no effect. I then turned to natural therapies but still have not found anything that's effective, including apple cider vinegar. But now I'm beginning to agree that Dennis from Florida might be onto something regarding it being a blood condition. Now if only we could find a suitable treatment for that then there might be a chance. Another thing I've noticed is most articles say GA is not painful. That's not true. I suffer great pain in my hands when I do things and also when I knock or bump them. Please tell me I'm not the only one who experiences this.

Vitamin D Spray, Probiotics and Vitamin C
Posted by Amy (Idaho, US) on 12/04/2014

My now 8 year old daughter has diagnosed with Granuloma Annulare 3 years ago. We found that using a Vitamin D spray at about 3 pumps at a time 1x a day, children's probiotics and 500-1000 mg. of Vitamin C that she is now symptom free.

My son who is nearly 19 is now breaking out all over with GA and I'm suspecting that it's because of his extremely high stress level and eating college food. Normally we don't eat any junk, but that has been added to his diet since eating dorm food. So he is now taking the Vitamin D spray. I do believe that since this is a auto-immune problem that the Vitamin D, probiotics and Vitamin C should help with his immune system and also help his "gut" where we need to start. It all makes sense. Why I have 2 children with GA doesn't make sense to me however. We are also starting Krill Oil and Oregano oil in capsule form to see if they have any benefit.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheila (Colorado) on 08/29/2015

Hi Cmm,

Have you looked into diet? You could have a response to inflammatory foods like gluten, fried foods, sugar or dairy. I am an acupuncturist- but I would suggest a nutritionist who specializes in inflammatory and/or immune issues. As some brought up earlier- this could be related to viral diseases, or diabetes- which would indicates immune or sugar imbalances.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sallyk (Phoenix) on 01/10/2014

I am a Granuloma Annulare (GA) sufferer too; the first lesion cropped up 15 months ago on the top of one foot and has since spread upwards on my legs and also appears on my elbows.

I would like to emphasize GA is NOT a fungus. It is an auto-immune disorder that manifests itself in a skin rash; basically our white blood cells are working overtime. If ACV helps you, wonderful (it hasn't had a significant effect in my case), but be careful about taking it in liquid form as it is highly damaging to tooth enamel. ACV pills are available which I take twice daily.

I have also been trying a gluten-free diet, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Although I am by no means rash-free, the condition has not spread beyond my limbs.

Best wishes, everyone. This is one miserable skin disease.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jason (Stratford, Connecticut) on 05/10/2012

Hey congrats on helping with the GA's! I am currently on night 3 of the topical Apple Cider Vinegar regimen. I was wondering if your daughters GA has come back since her last ACV treatment? Also, how severe was her GA? Did she have a ring? Thank you for your response!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kristie (Chattanooga, Tn) on 06/30/2011

My husband has GA and started the ACV 3 weeks ago after I told him about your post. Most of his rashes have faded to very light pink, and he has hopes of them completely disappearing in a short amount of time. He has had it a couple years, but had no interest in taking steroids to try to get rid of it. This seems to be working for him. Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Linda (CA) on 05/19/2023 2 posts

I give credit for this review to Linda I. from Washington on her Turmeric remedy:

This is what she wrote: In response to the comments on granloma annulare, I have my own experience to add. I too, had the rash on my hands, but also on my arms and back. I would get worse in the cooler months of the year, and much better in the summer. I'm guessing from the sunlight. I saw a dermatologist and got a topical cream and got cortisone injections in the worst spots, neither of which did anything to reduce all the large bumps. It wasn't until I started taking turmeric supplements that I noticed a difference. All of the spots disappeared fairly quickly and have not returned. I have been taking turmeric (with pepper extract) for over two years now, and haven't had any flare ups at all. I hope this helps someone.

I myself have been looking for a cure also. Mine keeps coming back on my legs especially my knees. Sometimes it is gone for several months. I have used apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, golden seal, oreganol, tea tree oil, clear nails topical because of the great ingredients and head and shoulders. They all seem to help. But I do believe we are all dealing with a type of blood desease so though we attempt to address this topically and it seems to go away for a time, it eventually comes back. At least it has for me. It makes me think it is in our foods. Who knows. The doctors sure don't know yet.

Posted by Violet (Cerrillos, NM) on 12/30/2020

My daughter has been struggling with GA since right before her Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis in 2012. Hers is on her lower legs, so it can be hidden with pants or long socks, but she still is self conscious about it. We somehow decided to try Noxema on it a few years ago. The spots, which were large, deep, and very red are now mostly skin colored and look more like scars. Some spots have disappeared and all remaining ones are much smaller and lighter. She puts the Noxema on before bed when she thinks of it (she's a teen so consistency is not at it's finest) and just leaves it on. She also has vitamin E oil she puts on as well.

While this remedy seems to be working at a snail's pace, it is working. At the rate of improvement we are seeing, hopefully in a few years her legs will be all clear.

Posted by L09 (Arizona) on 03/07/2018

I have GA going on 3 years it's depressing and not much fun to be In AZ and not wanting to wear shorts in 110+ degree weather. I came across this article

Successful Treatment of Generalized Granuloma Annulare with Pentoxifylline

I am going to try this if I can find a Dr. who will help me. Let me know if anyone has experienced with this treatment.

Posted by Lucy (USA) on 11/14/2020


Since you have not gotten a response about the enzymes, I wanted to tell you that our family has had very good results from an enzyme blend called Neprinol by Arthur Andrew Medical. We followed the instructions on the label. You should take them on an empty stomach, or two hours after a meal.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bonnie (Chicopee, Ma) on 10/28/2017

I've been living with GA for 5 years now from my neck to my toes. It developed immediately after an operation, but of course doctors said it wasn't related. My dermatologist has had me on light treatment, ointments, clobetasol, steroid creams. I've been on prednisone, plaquenil and dapsone for 5 years which are the only meds that keep it under control and from me tearing my itchy skin off. I'm tested constantly and for diabetes (obviously because of the prednisone and plaquenil which can affect my retina) but so far so good. It started to go away so I started to lessen the doses, but it came back with a vengeance. I'm so glad I came across this site, since my next step was to go to Boston Medical, but afraid that will just mean more meds. As soon as I post this, I'm going to try the ACV. I'm sure willing to try anything that is a lot healthier than medication.

Posted by Sm Hughes (Chesnee, Sc) on 07/07/2016

Have had some issues since 2010, minor and didn't worry over, as small spots came and went from arms and legs. About 2 years ago, I had major patches start on legs and connecting to each other from ankle to mid calf. Noticeable enough for people to ask about. Very Red and very noticeable. Arms which are freckled are scarred (I guess that would be correct) with small plain white circles because when a small circle leaves, it takes the freckles with it. Kept reading all of these posts and trying different things.

I have zero clue if 1 of these 2 things are the reason I am in fantastic shape or if it is a combination of both. I take 30mg Pregnenolone w/ my daily meds. I also spray Colloidal Silver on a cotton ball at night and rub it on legs and arms. I know nothing about these 2 items other than since I started about a month ago, arms are pretty clear, and my legs are smooth. You have to look hard to see anything now.

However, if I forget to swab the silver, they appear to get redder and can be seen. I am assuming if I can continue, things will leave. I have struggled with 2-3 fingerpads on each hand having the GA under the skin where it leaves a major ridge and is VERY painful. Since doing this, all fingers are clear. I did see a dermatologist, did the creams, said they would probably go away on their own, etc. and no real cure. Let him put shots into finger (thought I was going to die from the pain and I have a high thresh hold). Nothing helped. I am convinced my 2 options are working beautifully. I could be one or the other, but since I started them together, I don't know! I am thankful for this website and posts.

Posted by Danielle (Pa) on 03/08/2016

I am also comforted finding this page today. I have had GA now for 2 1/2 years. It started on both my knees & elbows, then one large circle on my foot and now little ones on my legs and other foot. It is so upsetting b/c I ( as I read many here ) have tried so many different creams, oils, supplements etc.. and the only thing the dermatologist recommends is a steroid cream, which I don't want to use and can't now b/c I am pregnant. I am determined to heal this before summer so I can wear shorts and not feel self conscious. I am going to try the ACV topically and internally to start and see what happens-- if I notice any change. I am slightly jaded b/c nothing ever works to change this-- they only get redder and spread. It's so disheartening.

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