1. Willow Balm pain cream buy it on amazon/the itch cream is less effective, but willow balm emliminates the itching for about 8 to 10 hrs and help heal my grovers.
2. Hydrogen peroxide wipe the effected area 2 times daily before treating it.
3. Uva and uvb exposer once a week for 10 mins.
4. Cotton shirts, no micro fibers.
5. Marshmellow Root/NAC/Querciten/Vit d 5000 to 10000/
6. No oral meds at all to many issues.
Multiple Remedies
1. While the dietary changes may not create an instant 'cure' for your skin condition, eliminating known inflammatory foods and foods with a high sensitivity reaction (i.e. wheat, artificial sweeteners, dyes and chemical ingredients) will improve your over-all health and reduce your whole body inflammation making you less susceptible to flare ups of any dormant condition.
2. Coconut oil can be very soothing...it usually has an impact on skin repair due to it's anti-bacterial properties. I am a huge fan of both the topical and oral benefits of coconut oil but do be careful about extensive long term topical use as some people actually end up with extremely dry skin after repeated daily use...the rash will be gone but the skin will be dry.
3. Probiotics- If there is any bacterial imbalance or lack of beneficial bacteria your immune system will be less than optimal...again, setting you up for a flare up of anything dormant in your system. If you have taken anti-biotics, had a stomach virus or a colonoscopy in the past year then you will benefit from use of a good probiotic.
4. Neem Oil. This stuff stinks to high heaven (unless you are a garlic lover) BUT the healing properties are fantastic...it can be used directly on a severe skin outbreak of any kind (acne, psoriasis, dermatitis of any kind including Grovers) or a few drops can be added to a carrier oil, shampoo or other body care product.
5. Support your skin from the inside out...if you are older and have 'fragile' skin, or are of any age with moderate to severe dry skin you can support the health of your skin with any of the following supplements (or foods)- Skin Ceramides, Hyaluronic Acid, Bone Broth or high Quality bone broth protein (for the collagen) and Astaxanthin.
Stop using body care products that contain chemical ingredients...keep it simple so that you don't end up making your skin worse!
Almost everyone that I have ever worked with to heal a skin issue has had success after working with a combination of these lifestyle changes, body care and supplementation.