I'm having Hair loss from few years and I'm almost bald now. I tried many remedies from this web site and others but none responded. I'm Vegetarian and healthy otherwise.
I take ACV two teaspoons in warm water with 2 teaspoons of Lemon with honey daily from past year before brush in the morning.
I also did lot of other remedies like Tea tree oil, rosemary essential oil, Peppermint E oil daily night for 3 months mixed with Castor oil and Coconut oil.
I also tried Cayenne pepper mixed in the castor oil and rubbed in scalp thrice a week fro almost 6 months.
I'm also taking supplements like - Zinc, MAxi-Hair suppliments, NAC 60 mg
I'm not sure what am I doing wrong here.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Jojoba, Tea Tree Oil
Multiple Remedies
I've been facing progressive hair thinning near my crown and top part of the scalp since 2005 or so. It used to itch due to dandruff/fungus infection. As a kid I used to apply gel for an year or so. I also had asthma and was on sulbutamol, fluticasone inhalers.
Fast forward from 2007-2011, I was in college. Hair loss was worse due to bad nutrition staying in hostel. It thinned more. Used to wash my head with a ZPT shampoo as advised by my doctor.
I discovered this site and came to know about SLS and stopped shampoo immediately. From what I could figure out:
1) using aloe vera gel+tea tree+lavender oil helps to cure dandruff
2) taking biotin, silica, vitamin c, zinc, iodine, selenium supplements should help too
3) Diet wise: eliminated sugar/wheat and dairy
Am I missing anything? Please suggest me ways to cure my hair loss and get rid of fungal infection. If I stop tea tree for a while it starts itching again. I can go to any extent.
Multiple Remedies
Here are some Antifungal foods that are unique in their ability to eliminate fungi and yeast from website https://knowthecause.com/7-of-the-most-potent-antifungal-foods/
The Kaufmann Diet is designed to do two things very effectively. First, it is designed to eliminate foods from the diet that are commonly contaminated with fungi, yeasts, mold, and the poisonous byproducts the organisms sometimes produce. These poisons are known as mycotoxins and have been shown to have serious, negative effects on human and animal health. Some, such as aflatoxin, are among earth's most carcinogenic, naturally-occurring substances.
Despite how toxic these compounds are, there are still certain foods they commonly contaminate, even in developed countries like The United States. Some of these foods include corn, wheat, soy, and other foods.
The Kaufmann Diet's second goal is to starve any existing pathogenic yeast in the body that may contribute to any symptoms. In order to do this, the Kaufmann Diet restricts sugar and foods high in carbohydrates; these are the kinds of food that pathogenic yeasts and fungi thrive on. When these foods are in steady supply, these organisms can flourish in the body, often causing an array of miserable health symptoms.
While eliminating certain foods that feed pathogenic fungi is important, it is also important to include foods that contain anti-fungal––or fungus-killing––properties. While some foods, such as lean proteins are useful for starving fungi, they do not necessarily actively kill fungi. This is an important distinction from foods that actively work to kill pathogenic yeasts and fungi in the body.
Ideally, your diet includes both foods that are good for starving yeast and fungi, and antifungal foods adept at killing yeasts and fungi.
Anti-Fungal Foods
In reality, many foods contain powerful, anti-fungal nutrients. These foods just happen to be particularly adept at helping rid the body of pathogenic yeasts and fungi.
Garlic contains a variety of anti-fungal compounds, but the alicinin garlic is among the more potent anti-fungal compounds.
Carrots are higher in sugar than most vegetables, but the phytonutrient, falcarinol, is a known, potent fungus killer. For this reason, carrots are included on both The Kaufmann 1 and Kaufmann 2 diets.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is rich in a compound called caprylic acid, which is known to kill yeasts. Coconut oil is effective also as a topicalanti fungalagent, as well.
Like garlic, ginger contains some excellent fungus fighting compounds, such as gingerols andshogaols.
Onions contain a number of sulfur compounds that may provide some benefit against yeasts and fungi.
Pumpkin Seeds
The fats inherent in pumpkin seeds can help eliminate yeasts and fungi.
Lemon and Lime
These citrus fruits contain loads of vitamin C and can assist in killing yeasts and fungi.
Biotin, Silica, Zinc
Aloe Vera
How is your hair now? Has it all grown back? Are you still using aloe vera?
Your message is from 2012... did milk kefir help regrow all of your lost hair? Thank you
Since you have already bought great grains from someone can you please share the sellers info?
you can e-mail me privately at diyac87(at)gmail.com. I would also love to hear any other tips you may have. My brother has taken this condition very seriously and I need to do anything possible to make him better. Thanks!
Good Health, thanks
You can also coconut water kefir. I make this often and it is highly recommended by Donna Gates who is an authority on fermented foods and coconut water kefir to heal the gut. If you google her you will learn a lot on healing the gut and also ridding candida.
Hope this helps. Lisa
I used water kefir as well. For me, I like the Milk Kefir very much because of the improved well being I noticed in the 2nd day. I did not feel the same in water kefir.
In both water kefir and milk kefir the sugar is completely broken and/or converted (too much of chemical reaction to explain) So, you don't have to worry about sugar. In yoghurt both commercially made and home made lactose is not completely converted, so still there is lactose present in it.
Even, in the days when I was lactose intelorant I can take milk kefir without any issues. So if you take milk kefir the chances are there to cure gluten intolerance. Once the intestines are healed it can digest wheat.
But I recommend to view the gluten intolerance page in EC. There is a particular type of wheat (traditional variety - non GMO) can cure and make your body to tolerate gluten.
Good Health
At any rate, your water kefir drink sounds delicious! And I'm glad you're having fun making it. Lisa