I have read that cinnamon and honey help restore hearing loss? I have searched but I can't find what types of hearing loss. All I keep seeing is this: HEARING LOSS: Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restore hearing. " Two of my children have a sensori-neural hearing loss and I was wondering if this mixture would benefit them.
Dooright17, be aware of the dangers of cinnamon. I didn't know about them till I read a posting here, did some research and indeed, cinnamon shouldn't be taken in big quantities. One thing is a bit in a cake or a pudding, another one is to take it by the spoonfull.
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Do your kids have one sided or both sides, is it unexplained and sudden or have they always had it?
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What if you made the cinnamon/honey weight-loss tea? You take 1/2 tsp. Ceylon cinnamon (available online) and let it steep for 1/2 hour covered. Then add 1 tsp. raw honey (also available online). Drink it right before bed. Actually, you're supposed to drink half at night and the other half in the morning after you refrigerate it overnight. Try that method. You don't want to ingest a straight teasponful because, as I understand it, it could be harmful to the liver that way.