Effective Natural Remedies for Hiccups: Quick Solutions

Posted by Jess J (Boca Raton, FL, USA) on 08/10/2008

As an adult, I've found myself getting hiccups more often than I used to (once every week or two), especially over the last 3-4 years.

Whenever I get the hiccups, my boyfriend is there for me with the sugar because it really, really works.

When swallowing the sugar, I try to make sure it goes to the back of my throat so I can swallow it rather than just eating it. Otherwise, it doesn't work as well. As a previous YEA responder said, you should make sure you swallow the sugar at once or it may take a 2nd packet/spoonful or not work at all.

I've never had a bout of hiccups last past 2 packets of sugar since I found this remedy a few years back, and will carry sugar with me wherever I go for the rest of my life.

Wonderful cheap, fast remedy!

Posted by EL (Chicago, IL) on 07/11/2008

I had hiccups for two days with my only relief coming when I was asleep. I found the remedy on this site and decided to give it a try, especially since the remedy for tonsilitis worked so well. I took a tbsp of ACV and the effect was immediate relief! The hiccups were gone upon ingestion! Amazing!

Posted by Patricia (Detroit, Michigan) on 07/03/2008

My husband is undergoing chemotherapy right now for large Bcell lymphoma. He experiences hiccups after he eats which started right after his first treatment. He doesn't eat fast or gulp air when he eats so we ruled that out. Seems to be a common experience as we read on the internet. We found that a teaspoon of sugar really works! Once he took it the hiccups stopped immediately. Hope other cancer patients read this.

Sweet Potato
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/03/2008 495 posts

Hi there, If the tsp. of sugar stops working for your husband's hiccups, you might try something I remember a doctor telling me about years ago. He said he was involved in caring for a patient severely injured in an automobile accident. One day the man's brother came to visit and asked how he was doing. They told him the patient seemed to be doing ok at the present but they were unable to stop his constant hiccupping. He said the brother replied, "I can fix that" and left, returning with a sweet potato which he cut in half and placed the cut side of 1/2 of the potato over the patient's navel. According to the doctor, the patient's hiccups stopped instantly and they threatened anyone who dared to move that 1/2 sweet potato from his umbilical area with mayhem.

Holding the Breath Technique
Posted by Chelsie (Nashville, TN) on 05/08/2008

I hate the hiccups and upon getting them this afternoon, I quickly looked up this technique on EC.com --I am quite relieved to say, yes, it worked!!

Posted by Brigitte (Houston, Texas) on 01/11/2008

Hiccups really do go away with sugar under the tongue. It works no matter what your age. I have used this technique on my children, my husband, and myself. It works great.

Drink Upside Down
Posted by Penny (Columbus, Ohio, USA) on 12/20/2007

I am 56 years old and my grandmother taught me to drink water upside down. It works 100% of the time. As previous posts mentioned you must drink with your upper lip on the rim and drink while bending over and sucking air at the same time. It's weird sounding until you finally figure out that it works every time.

Drink Upside Down
Posted by Bryan (Port Vue, Pa) on 05/08/2010

it doesnt matter how you get the liquid in your mouth.
just get a mouthfull of any drink. look down almost like your trying to turn your head upside down.
it will feel like the liquid is gooing to flow into the nasal pasage.
hiccups are gone!!! everytime!!!

Posted by David (Hastings, New Zealand) on 12/15/2007

after one week of hiccups the cure has been a level teaspoon of honey which stops the undesirable effect after two to three minutes, overall condition improving. Tried most of the above cures but to no good effect.

Peanut Butter
Posted by Christine (Belle Plaine, MN) on 11/12/2007

My husband had an epidural shot done and the next day he had the hiccups which continued for 4 days and we became alarmed and called the doctor. The doctor said it was nothing to be concerned about and just to deal with it basically. Well his chest was starting to hurt real bad from the constant hiccuping so I started to research remedies for this. I am just AMAZED that a teaspoon of peanut butter did the trick! Wish I would have researched sooner but he is happy they are gone!

Peanut Butter
Posted by Marla (Buffalo, NY) on 10/03/2007

It's the first thing I try and I always suggest it to other people. They are amazed. I take a heaping tablespoon of creamy peanut butter all in one swallow. Its hard to swallow a lump of peanut butter but thats just what makes it work, it forces your diaphram and esophagus stop spasming. Plus who doesnt love an excuse to eat that much peanut butter by the spoonfull?

Drink Upside Down
Posted by Ajeeth (Toronto, Canada) on 01/20/2012

This was a great help from earthlink comunity. Swallowing mouthfull of water by bending down immediately stopped my hiccups. Worked like a charm!

Drink Upside Down
Posted by Zuely (Batavia, Ny) on 05/18/2012

I can't believe this actually just worked for me!

Posted by Koren (Radcliff, KY) on 06/30/2007

I was a bartender and there is a cure for hiccups I did not see. A shot of lemon juice and the hiccups are gone.

Posted by Wendy (Grand Rapids, MI) on 06/04/2007

Vinegar worked for my hiccups! Had them for over 20 minutes - tried holding my breath and drinking water with no avail. Took one shot of organic ACV and they were gone. I'm amazed! Thanks!!

Peanut Butter
Posted by Marty (Canoga Park, California) on 05/28/2007

My 12-year-old grandson was having a bout of hiccups, and complaining noisily that it wouldn't go away. I took him with me to the computer, checked your web site, saw the remedy about a teaspoon of peanut butter. We went to the refrigerator and found a jar of peanut butter. I dug out a teaspoon of the peanut butter and gave it to him. Within a couple of minutes the hiccups stopped. Amazing!!

Posted by Dr Murtaza (Mumbai, India) on 04/19/2007

It's wonderful to know the amazing effects of Vinegar. One man 72 years old had constant hiccups for 2 days and more when he consulted me. I gave him this bit of advice to take 1 tsp of vinegar and his hiccups stopped instantly ... It's almost a month he has never had it again

Posted by Brenda (Somerville, Ohio) on 04/11/2007

Rick from Vegas is absolutely right. I have been using the teaspoon of sugar remedy for hiccups for at least 20 years. You must try to swallow the whole teaspoon at once. For severe cases, it does sometimes take 2 spoons, but it always works for everyone.

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