Natural Remedies

HIV and Immune Health: Natural Support and Medical Care

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Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 11/10/2007 490 posts

I also caught another co-worker alone one day and said, "I don't want to embarrass you but I do want to tell you that if I'm ever diagnosed as HIV I would be taking l-lysine like it was going out of style" after observing him cornering one of the doc's , to look at his throat for the umpteenth time. His reply, what is it, where do I get it and how do I take it". Answer Walmart, Kmart, Walgreens, GNC stores, etc. Try to find the l000 mgm or 1 gram tablets, take 2 tablets breakfast, lunch, supper and bedtime. He was also told that if it didn't help him it wouldn't hurt him. I never asked if he got it, but he started looking better, missing work less often, and turned in his resignation stating he was going back to art school. Sounds like he expected to have a future. Unfortunately this story did not have a happy ending - seems he had a little too much to drink, backed his wife into a corner, and died from a stab wound inflicted by the butcher knife she carried into that corner with her for self-defense.

The reason I suspected that it might work was because it works against the common cold, mono (kissing fever), influenza. herpes type i & 2, chickenpox, shingles (herpes Zoster), all viruses, so just maybe it would work against HIV also, since it is a virus. An interesting little aside here, I recently read where some psychic claimed to have asked the other side about a cure for AIDS and was told that it had been around for centuries, that the cure was at hand and involved a protein. L-lysine is one of the amino acids which are protein. just maybe it would work against HIV virus.

Maybe we should post the benefits of L-lysine on Earth Clinic before orthodox medicine learns that it works well against viruses and starts debunking it because they can't patent it and keep you coming back to them for prescriptions.
