- Olive Leaf Tea ( cold soaked over night in water)
- Licorice root tea ( root soaked overnight)
- Cats Claw Bark tea
- PRAL Diet for an alkaline body
- Milk Thistle Seed Tea (Soaked overnight)
- Ginseng (Panax & Asian)
- Burdock root
- Bloodroot
- Brazil Nuts (for selenium)
- Zinc
- Colloidal silver
- Oregano Oil extract
- D3
- Ashwagandha
- Astragalus
- Sage
I believe in the holistic medicine, I have seen it work. I believe I had it for around three years before I was first diagnosed. I have been dedicated to herbal medicine for 7 years, so when I was finally diagnosed last year, my CD4 level was 429 and my viral load was 10,000. I do believe that my herbal upkeep is what keeps my condition at bay. Please let me know if you've benefited from any of these herbs listed above.