Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 09/05/2021
This is a God send herb. It decreases my menstrual cramps by 90%. I like the swanson brand. I take 3 capsules on sight of my cramps. This works like nothing else. But you should still talk to your Dr.t o get to the bottom of the reason why. And try to eat healthily and exercise etc. I know caffeine and dairy can make cramps worse.
Posted by Sherie786 (Uk) on 01/29/2015
I have suffered forever with severe stomach and back pain during my periods lasting for 24 hours along with heavy bleeding. Sometimes I have even thrown up and or fainted with the pain. It did get slightly better after having 2 children, however every month it would wipe me out as I could not function during this time.
I've done lots of research, some of which has helped but not enough to write about until I came across cramp bark extract. I started taking it the day before my period to get into my system (following the instructions on the label) and I felt 90% better which was like a miracle for me. I still had some cramping but what I would consider 'normal monthly cramps.'
This is the first time I have wrote a post as I'm hoping it could help someone else experiencing the same thing.