Along with ACV if I exercise, it helps in getting it down and to me the breathing machine resperate seems to help as well.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Vitamin K2
Apple Cider Vinegar
Sesame Seed Oil
About 1-1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with a severe case of hypertension. I was put on diuretics and B blockers which for a while brought my blood pressure down to the normal range. In the past few months the drugs haven't been as effective and my pressure started trending up. Accidentally, I ran across info that sesame seed oil could bring a person's BP back into the normal range. I've been using it for the past month and my BP has been trending lower. I'm not back at normal yet but about half way there. I'm hoping in another month to 6 weeks I'll be back there and maybe be able to reduce or eventually give up the drugs altogether. Time will tell.
EC: Hi Scott,
Can you please tell us how much sesame seed oil you are taking each day and how you take it (cook with it, etc.). Thanks!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have begun the ACV protocol and I am noticing substantial improvement over the last few weeks. But more importantly, several studies have been done in Japan (medically accepted double blind studies). Please note that in Japan, vinegar is a part of the food (sushi has vinegar/rice). Here is one such study.
The key is to look for impact of acetic acid on hypertension. Acetic acid is the primary component ACV. Acetic acid has a substantial and sustained impact on high BP AFTER SEVERAL WEEKS. I have quoted one study here. There are many more. No wonder there is not a whisper about these studies in the medical circles here - the drug companies cannot make a buck on this. There are may causes of hypertension, I suspect that ACV affects only a few of the pathways, hence the variation in results.
BTW, it would appear that acetic acid is used to reduce tumors on the adrenal gland (functional adrenal adenoma) by injecting acetic acid directly into the tumor using Computed Tomography. This fixes a condition called aldersteroma (?) which lowers BP for people who have essential (cause unknown) hypertension.
Life is Good.
I worked for a conventional veterinarian and saw the same thing. Yearly vaccines are a scam, they are not needed. I heard from an old time vet who was retiring the reason yearly vaccines were started was to get pets in for their yearly exam. They knew if they sent out a reminder card for an exam it would very likely be ignored, but if they made you think vaccines were needed you would be more apt to make an appointment. Yearly vaccines can cause more harm than good. The current information is vaccines have a memory and are good for life. Veterinarians need to be very careful "pushing" vaccines. I also worked for a holistic veterinarian who taught me so much. She hated vaccines and saw the results of overvaccinating everyday. She practiced conventional medicine for over ten years, when I asked her why she stopped she said, "Because it doesn't work!"
As Hope said, we can be in control of our health and our destiny and it's so nice to know others feel the same way I do.
I have, in fact, buried my blood pressure cuff in a drawer for a good year and have, instead, pursued a number of healing modalities:
Walking 1-2 miles daily
Iodine supplementation protocol plus companion nutrients
Changing my mind patterns to positive thinking especially with the help of the writings of Ester Hicks and Abraham
Healthful eating
Appreciation for all I have
It seems we can be in control of our health and destiny, if we are willing to take responsibility for ourselves, and do a bit of homework...
If not, perhaps it is not a part of ones path at this time....that is ok too....we all must go at our own speed and in a direction that seems appropriate.
Baking Soda
ACV had zero effect on my blood pressure, but quite by accident I found that baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) has a dramatic effect. I tried Xylitol, and it gave me such severe heartburn that I took baking soda to remedy it. I now add a pinch of soda to each glass of water, to my coffee grounds, etc. and I don't sense any taste of it. Anybody with a blood pressure monitor can test this. Test BP, take a glass of water with 1/8 or 1/4 tsp. baking soda, test BP again after 30 minutes. It will cost you about $1 per year to control BP this way, and most people already have the soda in the house.
The need for bicarbonate indicates that kidneys need to be detoxified... if you want to be less dependent on remedies.
Bill McL
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
All I have to say is that the results for me were amazing. After 4 days of taking ACV, my numbers are already lower. I just took my BP this morning and it was 110/63, and this is the average since I've been taking ACV. My fiance and I work in the medical industry and have a very expensive, trusted digital BP cuff we use here at home, so I am not worried about these results not being accurate.
EC: Cuff:
"The cuff consists of an inner layer made of rubber that fills with air and squeezes your arm. The cuff's outer layer is generally made of nylon and has a fastener to hold the cuff in place." Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/high-blood-pressure/HI00016
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks for your site and all the responses.
I was diagnosed with exercise induced hypertension about a month ago. I am very lucky as the cardiologist told me he believes in natural medicine and he gave me until February to get better before he would put me on blood pressure meds.
The apple cider vinegar has worked. I love it so much I drink it at least 3 times daily. I put 1 tablespoon in about 8 oz.water. I add 3 packet of real lemon and 2 packets of truvia. I add ice and it tastes like a tangy lemonade.
Initially when I was worked up they had to stop the treadmill because I went in with normal BP and in 2 minutes it was 220/118. I was shocked. Never in my life have I had this problem.
Last week I was running many errands and walked back and forth across Target twice..I felt so tired I thought uh oh I better check my B/P. I went to the pharmacy and it read 130/80. That is still not my usual low BP but I think that is great after running around all day
There's a lot of disinformation on the web and what follows may have some.
Calcium Ions go into a muscle when we want to do something and exit the muscle when it's relaxed, and so it is with the soft muscle surrounding the heart arteries, the soft muscle surrounding the bronchiole. Calcium entering the ears vestibular is a cause of vertigo and I believe calcium entering the eye is a cause of cataracts.
Wanting to pick up a glass, a message from the brain sends calcium ions into the muscle. Would it be the same with muscles surrounding heart arteries? If it is as simple as 'wanting' as it is with picking up a glass, why is it not as simple with heart arteries? Why not send the message -just once- for the heart arterial muscles to relax now? Messages should be that simple. Treating high blood pressure with addictive medication is only treating the symptoms.
The disease - if it is a disease - comes from the brain. How to treat this?
Think of all the precious things I had to give up, for normal BP. Buying drugs every month at the hospital. Waiting 3 hours to see the doctor. Waiting another hour to pay for and receive the drugs. Think I'll miss the following?
Amlodipine: oedema (feet and ankles, headache, palpitations, dizziness, tremor, nausea, muscle-, stomach- or, dyspepsia; blood disorders, breasts in men (gynecomastia), impotence,tachycardia , hyperglycemia, insomnia,erratic behavior, hepatitis, jaundice - in 1 in 10,000, depression,
Verapamil: Oedema Ankle, Headache, constipation
Nifedipine: oedema, headache, palpitation, peripheral oedema, vasodilation,nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain, chest pain, malaise, pain,angina pectoris, postural hypotension, syncope, tachycardia, constipation, diarrhoea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, vomiting,arthralgia [jointpain], myalgia [muscle pain],Insomnia, nervousness, paraesthesia, somnolence,[sleepy] tremour, vertigo, dyspnoea [hard to breathe], pruritus, rash, skin disorder, sweating, nocturia, [piss night lots] polyuria [kidney], abdomen enlargement, allergic reaction, photosensitivity reaction, hypotension, flatulence, gastrointestinal disorder, GGTP increased, purpura skin bruising, hypesthesia, urticaria, abnormal vision, ambyopia, urinary frequency increased, gum hyperplasia, agranulocytosis, gynaecomastia, erythromelalgia, exfoliative dermatitis anaphylactic reaction, hypovolaemia a distinct fall in blood pressure can occur as a result of vasodilation.
I won't go on with the others that I tried but Nifedipine-R was the least worst of them. Remember the doctors advertising from about 5000 years ago? "First do no harm" You see anything harmless about the above?
Of course I have also iven up all starch including rice and that means cakes biscuits too. And milk, butter, eggs, sugar, and all meat containing di-ethel stilbestrol, antibiotics, Ventolin [it's given to pigs to make the meat look redder] Coffee, coke, pepsi, fanta. Yup! You've guessed it. Vegys and fruit and about 30 grams of a very small sea fish. I figure my brain is stuffed already so what the hell harm can a little more mercury do?
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Acceptable Range. What is it? Mine goes from 117/65 to 144/82
We can't take what the doctor says as too high or too low. The only range you see quoted, heads up, into the danger zone. It implies pressure can only go one way. Not true. Our system is not on idle all the time. We are working, worrying and relaxing, all of these, all the time. My heart and the whole system adjusts to the varying loads.
My lows happen 20 minutes after exercise, ACV, breakfast, flaxseed, magnesium, potassium, fish oil, and sitting and reading. The highs are usually after I get home from driving around, or are a bit angry. For example, I've just begun swimming again after decades of not doing it. After the first time I drove home during lots of after school traffic, waited 5 minutes and BP was 146/93. Sat and waited another 10 minutes and BP was 130/80.
A range doesn't only go up, it also goes down.
What are the dangers [?] if any of too low? What's too low? All I know is, a bit dizzy.
Doctors tell us, 95% of high BP is "essential', which only means they don't know what the cause is. Breathing, eating, sleeping are essential not high BP. The medical jargon is designed to scare us into buying more drugs that cause "rebound' [addiction]
Is there any time when high BP is necessary? When running 300 metres for example, or being attacked, should my pressure be sitting nicely at 120/70, regardless of what I do?
How about an activity related bar graph [not age related] plus a poison related graph directed at those with a reasonable diet. Bars would be green, orange, red with the double numbers underneath. A double bar for the double number.
If you have information on an acceptable range please tell EC. John.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
If you're using this combination and your BP is lower, look elsewhere for the reason. These two ingredients shouldn't be mixed together.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Some points never addressed by doctors or pharmaceutical companies, for obvious reasons.
1.When taking BP measure, how much 'mmhg' to deduct for doctors 'white coat syndrome'?
2. How much to deduct, for the smaller stress of taking your own BP measure?
3. How much to deduct for circadian highs at - 6 a.m., 1200, 1700 p.m.?
4. How much to add due to side effects of drugs, such as, nervousness, fear, worry, anxiousness & stress?
5. How much to add for being 76 y.o. but deduct for being 52 kilos & exercise?
All doctors don't take any of this into account. It makes the difference between a good day or a stressful day.
My BP began with 2 vertigo experiences, a month apart. The second one, I went to a doctor, who frightened me with talk of strokes & heart attacks & sold me lots of drugs. From then on I was taking drugs for the last 4 years with all the side affects, plus 'inactive ingredients', which cause rebound, dependency, which is medi-speak for addiction. BP at the beginning was 160/99. Drugs got it down, around 140/80, but with odd peaks of 160/85. This last year they average around 135/83. No big deal but I continued to work on it with ECs help & recently touched 113/65. This with 10mg. a.m. Nifelat-R, a slow release Nifedipine & nothing at night. Side effects are, tremors, worry, anxiousness, stress which you have already guessed, pushes up the BP a little & you should have guessed also that 'side effects' are not - but are intentional. Paranoia? Think what you will.
My BP lows are due to one tablespoon [15mm] of Apple Cider Vinegar plus same water, plus teaspoon honey, plus 1/8 tsp. bi-carb soda [Pong Foo] 3 times a day. I like the way it froths & bubbles before I drink it. Tastes good too. Yum!
Earth Clinic, is so damn good if it was a woman, I'd marry her. John
Apple Cider Vinegar
I would recommend any of the green cereal grasses or the algaes to take to combat hypertension. You can take as much as you like as they are considered to be SUPERFOODS and are never toxic in any amount.