Colloidal Silver
A few months back due to environmental problems I had picked up lung infection, which under normal medical treatment they said clinically I have nothing wrong, so I did not take any treatment. The symptoms which were bothering me were low grade temp. max 99 and dry cough. Life was going on, the other day after three day's swimming ( I had read that swimming improves the lung capacity which did help me ) I developed earache in the right ear. I used some ear drops and that came under control and at the same time I took Colloidal silver one tea spoon in 200 ml water, my lung problem there was great relief but I have started running high temp. like 101.8 and to subside that I have to take Brufen which is also bringing lot of weakness, so all my sporting activities have come to stand still.
Could it be because of colloidal silver, if yes then what is the antidote for this. Incidentally I am 78 yrs. young, generally with no health problems.