What helped me most was applying organic castor oil with some DMSO externally on the area of my neck that was hurting so bad. I then went and did rebounding on my mini trampoline...gently but firm bouncing, my feet remained on the trampoline at all times. It made the knife stabbing pain and throbbing go away within minutes!! Until then, I'd been up all night sitting on the side of the bed in pain and unable to sleep...God is good?
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Also, my SCM muscles kept swelling up because of these and then wondered if it was Fibromyalgia after seeing some posts on earthclinic. Then I started a Sugar free, diet with minimum brown rice, lentils, beans, steamed veggies etc alternating with Carrot/Beetroot juice fasting intermittently ACV water, I had significant improvement in the swelling. I almost always felt better with the Juice fasting. But I was losing weight a lot. I was down from 160 pounds to 130 in 4 months and I put on almost all the weight in the next 2 months when I resumed my regular diet (high carb, occasional junk).
Then I started Cold CASTOR OIL application on the neck daily for 5 minutes and doing mild Excercise (Stretching, spot jumping) for 15 minutes before bathing for exactly 1 month while on a Zero Sugar, med carb, med protein, veggies diet while trying not to lose weight.
The Results were AMAZING. The Swelling around lymph nodes reduced significantly though not disappeared completely I'd say I feel much better. The SCM muscle swelling and no more flaring up which happen after meals earlier.
I halted this remedy after I had a scare yesterday after I reading in some post about castor oil application might spread certain cancers which might spread the disease.
I would definitely resume this method once I am sure I am not doing more harm by spreading bacterial/malignant conditions.
Would love Ted's or anybody elses feedback.
Castor Oil
I've had extremely good results with Castor Oil. I'm a big believer in this stuff. I buy big bottles of it at a time, it's great. I use it, whenever I have a problem. Edgar Cacey was a Christian, and always gave credit where credit was do, to God, and he felt motivated by him. There have been many, many documented reports over the decades of Castor oil really helping a lot of people for a wide spectrum of ailments. I put her on Castor oil packs about 4 times a week for two months, and the cyst went WAY down, and has stayed that way for a while now. Now, I'm not 100% sure that was what worked for her, but we seem to notice it beginning to shrink and a response from her as soon as we started her on the packs.
The packs are messy, and it's not easy to get a child to hold still for a pack on their abdominal area. So, I used an old throw away shirt, and safety pins. I safety pinned the saturated flannel section on the inside of the front of the shirt to cover her stomach, and generously massaged a large amount of the oil all over her cysts on her neck and throat. I did this regime at night, and in the morning gave her a bath or a shower. The heating pad is not really necessary, but helps, a lot. I did not do a heat source on her, because she is so young, she would never sit still for it. The first few nights, she was restless, and agitated, and was running a mild fever. Then in the morning, the fever would break. We noticed it getting smaller from than on. It really seemed to help her those packs. She seem to have a lot of energy and be in a good mood, the mornings after the packs. If and when this happens again, I'll try the packs again. Castor oil is great. Hope this helps her. Like Cacey said, Do the packs along with a prayer for healing.
Castor Oil
Castor Oil