Coconut Oil and Baking Soda
He was becoming increasingly anxious about the painful cancer continuing to grow. After watching a youtube video, I offered a remedy to him and said I could not guarantee results but it was his decision alone. I was only "sharing a solution. The remedy is 50/50 baking SODA (sodium bicarbonate) and coconut oil, applied to area under a bandaid. I suggested changing the bandaid 2x a day. He decided to take a chance a did it diligently.
After 6 -9 days the pain completely disappeared and the sore started to shrink. After two weeks it was 85% smaller and he said he knew it was definitely healing. He didn't track the length of the treatment but I am pretty sure he put this "salve" on for about two full weeks. He said he could feel it working and the baking soda did feel like it was burning some. We decided it would be best to surround any non-cancerous skin with vaseline if he was to do it again. The baking soda somehow worked to create a highly alkaline environment where cancer could not survive and the coconut oil soothed the skin and was protective. I am posting pictures of before and after. Family members didn't really believe it could be true and said go back to the oncologist. My dad did go back in April for a followup and his doctor said 100% cured and that he was absolutely astonished.
So the picture with the purple dots is the area his doctor said would have to cut out under general anesthesia. The other photo is after the treatment.