I had a laser treatment a few months back that went very badly wrong,and I was left with patches of hyperpigmentation all over my face. Nothing worked, and in fact, my face seemed to have become hyper-sensitive to many things. Finally, through research on the net, I have found something that is lightening and curing my face significantly. I am making my own niacinamide cream, and in the mornings and evening I make a poultice with a slice of cucumber and crushed almond paste. I am still interested in exploring other things, though, and I would like to try adding lemon to my poultice, but I am very afraid of a bad reaction. Can anyone explain exactly HOW lemon bleaches the skin? is it just the acid? Also, I have heard that it does induce photosensitivity- if I use the lemon only at night, will the photosensitivity persist into the following day? any info would be much appreciated.