It was torture. For 4 months not one of us slept as we all scratched all night. After trying every natural remedy and ultimately resorting to toxic stuff from the chemist, all without result, I was absolutely desperate and saw no way out.
Then on Earthclinic I read about oil and tried and we were all cured overnight. I assume it smothers the mites but does not kill the eggs as two weeks later it flared a little. So I "soaked" them and myself all in oil again and now 2 months later it is a forgotten episode.
Also handy to tell is that olive oil has also saved many of my rescue puppies who came down with Parvo virus. I squirt one syringe of high strength dissolved vitamins into their mouth and follow 30 minutes later with a syringe of olive oil. About 2 tablespoons. And you will be shocked to see them vomit and poo tons of worms too, shortly afterwards. This knowledge is the reward of a long lifetime of loving and observing dogs.