Muscle Cramps
Natural Remedies

Muscle Cramp Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 02/21/2013

My husband gets leg cramps at night sometimes. Usually he takes Blackstrap molasses and that helps immediately. (1 T. ) Well, he was out of town and dind't have any Blackstrap. He woke up with a cramp. He thought... "Well, my wife would tell me to take Apple Cider Vinegar." So, her drank a glass of water with a T. or so of Apple Cider Vinegar in it. It worked! He wasn't surprised as he has seen how well it works for so many things.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kortni (Sonora, Ca) on 05/09/2011

My grandma taught me this trick. Both she, my dad and I get horrible cramps (doubling over) and within minutes of taking a shot (or making a hot lemon, apple cider vinegar, honey tea) the cramps usually go away. Sometimes I have to do it every 30 min but my body is pretty out of whack because I have lyme and cirrhosis so I am just thankful to have relief. It helps my dad, he only needs to take it one time.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 11/01/2010

Olivia, be aware that when you are tested for something it often doesn't mean much because the levels they find normal are maybe not! These are conventions. The same goes for the amounts of vitamins and minerals you need a day, they are conventions too and often far off what your body really needs. This is the reason I am not so keen on testing my blood anymore unless I would have a doctor who really knows the true levels. Just look at cholesterol, it needs to be lower and lower (they say)although it is known that low cholesterol is more dangerous than high and that in women and older men you should never try to lower cholesterol. Still.... There are already tests which suggest that normal cholesterol can start at 0. If molasses helps you, no matter what the blood test says you must be low on something!

Pickle Juice
Posted by T Byrd (Milan, Tennessee) on 10/04/2010

I accidentally found a "cure" several years ago. I woke up in the middle of the night with leg cramps as well as a terrible taste in my mouth. So I hobbled to the fridge to drink some dill pickle juice to chase the taste from my mouth. Lo and behold, my leg cramps went away. I now take 2 to 3 tbls of ACV with warm water and 1 tbls of local grown honey and don't have cramps like I used to. When my stomach acts up, I add 1/2 tsp of baking soda to the mixture and drink it down while it's bubbling. Works every time. If you like dill pickles, I suggest making your pickling recipe without the pickles and keep it in your fridge. I still drink dill pickle juice cause I like it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Redhen (Euclid, OH) on 07/10/2009

Thank you so much. I took two tablespoon of ACV and followed it with a cup of hot water.The cramps stopped immediately. The cramps start in my hands and feet and then my legs. I usually use mustard, it works but not as fast as the ACV

Pickle Juice
Posted by Lani (Eugene, OR) on 03/29/2008

Pickle juice cured my leg cramps - immediately! I have been having severe leg cramps (mainly at night) for months.They wake me up many times each night.Tonight, as I was watching TV,the cramps came on hard. I decided to get on internet to look for a cure. I eventually came upon pickle juice and decided to try it because I had some in the refrigerator and I like the taste.I poured a small glass (4 ounces of sweet pickle juice) and drank it.I sat down to watch TV again and the cramps were gone. It is hard for me to believe that pickle juice would work so fast and so well, but it did.I just poured another glass and put it on my bedside table to use in case the' leg cramps return tonight. Shall let you know what happens!

Pickle Juice
Posted by Reenee (KY)

my sister in law had told me about pickle juice. i know it works! potassium helps but pickle juice dill stops it in its tracks.

Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 12/24/2023

I had the same problem and my chiropractor suggested checking my iron. I was very low. Still within limits the dr said was ok, but low. So, I started taking dessicated liver pills and, voila! Cramps are gone.

Posted by Elena (Dallas ) on 12/24/2023

There's a great homeopathic medicine Hyland's brand, for legs cramps that work. Sold pretty much everywhere. Also explore Cell Salts.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Bebe (Monticello, FL) on 08/13/2023

My son experienced vicious leg cramps after football practices. The coaches started providing dill pickle juice along with water. They would encourage the athletes to drink a half glass if they had cramps. Recently, I have had leg cramps at night. I now have a glass of pickle juice by my bed. After drinking 1/4-1/2 glass, the leg cramps go away.

Pickle Juice
Posted by lisa (idaho) on 08/29/2023

Acid ( in pickle juice) frees up the calcium, by removing it from the bones, then the muscles stop cramping.

not a good long term solution.

Probably the problem is Oxalates tying up the calcium, I would suggest adding extra calcium / mag to each meal and even extra more if lots of oxalates in the meal.+

Lemon Juice
Posted by Mister (EUSSR) on 11/04/2022

When I was doing a prolonged fast, I got serious muscle cramps in my legs at night. These became painful, kept me awake, and also persisted during the day. I drank water with a lot of mineral salts added (sodium, potassium, magnesium, chromium) but the cramps persisted.

This was not sustainable, so on the second or third night, I was about to break the fast. But first I tried drinking various herbal teas with liberal amounts of lemon juice (from concentrate, with sodium sulfite preservative). The cramps disappeared quickly and continued drinking of lemon juice allowed me to continue the fast for a total of 10 days.

The remedy must have been the lemon juice, because the herbal teas were very watery by themselves. I don't know why fasting caused such terrible muscle cramps, but I bet it's either the citric acid or vitamin C that completely relieves the symptoms.

Iodoral (Iodine & Potassium Iodide)
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 07/18/2021

I asked about cures for leg/foot cramps and got many good responses, but nothing worked. I finally learned that thyroid can cause this problem, so I started ioderol. Fantastic, brain fog cleared with the first tablet (12.5 mg) and the cramping gradually got better. I had a dr appointment anyway and mentioned to the dr that this had helped, so he tested for thyroid (the dr who refused to test before! ) and it was low, so he started me on levothyroxine and told me to stop the ioderol.

Did that and, within 3 days, the leg and feet cramps are worse than ever. So, I added back in the ioderol, and, voila! the cramps are better. I go back in 2 weeks for a recheck of the thyroid, to see if the levo is helping.

Any thoughts? I will tell him what happened and what I'm doing for it, but I need to cover all the bases and need input. Thanks.

Posted by Heidi (Cumming, GA) on 02/23/2021

I have a bottle of Vitamin B6 pills next to my bed. When I get a cramp I take one vitamin B6 and as soon I swallow it, the muscle relaxes and the pain is gone.
I have usually cramps in feet and legs. Hope it helps other people as well.

Magnesium, Tonic Water
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/01/2020

Rebecca, one more thing to try is eating a banana a day.

Nettle Root Tea
Posted by Bioh4ck (England) on 06/16/2020

Having bad leg cramps most of my life, I finally found the solution that works by mistake while drinking nettle ROOT tea for something else.

I started drinking nettle root tea for my low blood iron levels, only to discover it cured my night leg cramps or charlie horse cramps as some call it. I collect the nettle roots from a near by field, wash them, dry in the sun for a few days and then grind them up which is the tough part of the process. I try to find the older nettle roots in big patches because they grow their roots over the ground and not in the ground, so no digging, I collect a big bag full which will last me the year or so. Just make sure to wear gloves and long sleeves so not to get stung when ripping the roots out.

If I go on a long walk, or a hard days work or take a hot bath or sunbath for to long due to the sweating out of minerals, I would get bad cramps in the evening mainly when in bed, so I make sure I drink a cup of nettle root tea. Drop a couple of teaspoons of dried nettle root in a saucepan and boil for 5 to 10 mins. Strain to a mug and drink. Taste is good too.

Works every time for cramps.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 09/26/2017

Runners use vitamin E for muscle recovery....

When did they start and what was happening to you, your environment or diet when they started....information helps a lot when trying to find solutions. Does an aspirin or blood thinner like galic capsules help it....might be blood clot...

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/26/2017

Grace, try eating a banana a day for leg cramps.

Hypothyroidism Link to Leg Cramps
Posted by B From Tx (Texas) on 06/11/2017

I was diagnosed as hypothyroidism 20 years ago. I visited my daughter in Montana and went to see a naturopath. He suggested thytrophin pm from Standard Process which I still take every day. Also, I take vitamin d3 because it is low. I would just like to say if anyone has leg cramps (charlie horses) it could be your thyroid and therefore best to check. Its a bummer, but better to be safe. I will never take medication from the main stream doctors. My thyroid issue is under control and so is leg cramping of which is a symptom of low thyroid and low vitamin d3.

Posted by Stuman (Oceanside, Ca) on 12/29/2016

Mustard provided immediate relief for my night time finger cramp. 2 teaspoons of mustard at the time of the cramp has given me relief within 10 seconds of ingestion.

I am still looking for a preventative solution to my overnight, middle, finger cramp.

Posted by Lily (Atascadero, California) on 12/27/2017

Reply to person with middle finger cramp... I had a severe cramp to my middle finger that caused me not to be able to move was bent and I could not straighten it. A friend got me to try a parafin wax bath (In which) you coat your hand with hot wax) you cover your coated hand with plastic (a baggie will work) Immediatly after the treatment ..I was once again able to move the finger. I had the condition for approximately 2 years..and am happy to say that it has never returned even after 11 years. I now own one of those wax baths but haven't had to use it since the friend let me use hers!

Loosely Tied String
Posted by Deb Nelson (Aws) on 08/22/2016

For muscle cramps, I don't know why it works, my family ties 100% cotton string loosely around the ankle. We use string used to tie roasts in the meat market. Can be purchased at any kitchen store. This remedy has been used in our family for five generations or more. I keep my strings on at all times. We put them on children with growing pains, pregnant moms, and older friends.

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 07/29/2014

Greetings Ruth,

About your Hep C and hives and calf cramping...

My guess is that the hives goes back to the Hep C as the cause and not the use of magnesium. I've used Mag for decades with no hives issue. Never heard of one.

I suggest that the neuropathy that you also mention is related to the cramping. Peripheral Neuropathy is being caused by some underlying condition; often sugar issues or myelin sheath damage (MS styled problems). For that, I like to take 2Amino Ethyl Phosphoric Acid (AEP), also called "membrane integrity factor".

It comes in different forms but the most common is Calcium AEP: Read about it "nutrition review calcium AEP"...this is super in dealing with the leg pain issue related to neuropathy.

So: Again my thinking is that the Hep C is causing the hives; that the Peripheral Neuropathy is caused by another underlying problem (could be liver) and the cramping might be helped by AEP.

By the way, have you checked out on this EC site all the posts of "Oscar" on Hep B and C? He uses BHT. You might want to go to EC's "ailments" and scroll to Hep B and Hep C; or to the "remedies" section and see the BHT section.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stan (Las Vegas, Nv) on 10/18/2013

For muscle cramps, I use 2tbls apple cider vinegar (acv), 1/4 tsp baking soda, 2tbls aloe vera and 8 ounces of fresh pressed apple juice. it works every time for me.

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