Natural Remedies to Cure Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

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Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/30/2024

Sage and Cayenne for Gargle for Sore Throat - Very strong sage tea, ½ pt.; strained honey, common salt, and strong vinegar of each, 2 tablespoons; cayenne, the pulverized, one rounding teaspoon; steeping the cayenne with the sage, strain, mix and bottle for use, gargling from 4 to a dozen times daily, according to the severity of the case.

This is one of the best gargles in use. By persevering some three months I cured a case of two years' standing where the mouths of the Eustachian tubes constantly discharged matter at their openings through the tonsils into the patient's mouth, he having previously been quite deaf, the whole throat being also diseased. I used the preparation for "Deafness" also, as mentioned under that head.

Book - Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everbody by A.W. Chase M.D. page 89,1920

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jack (Toledo, Ohio) on 05/06/2006

The below give up to 32 hours of asthma relief as well as cleans your blood of impurities while you sleep. if yr eustacian tubes are plugged up they will open in a few minutes, and you'll feel your sinuses draining down yr throat, you'll need to blow yr nose because this will drain your sinuses.

Take 2,8oz glasses, fill one with cool to cold water the other with no more warm to hot water you can swallow in one gulp, in the hot water, put 1/8 to 1/4 level teaspoon of "cayenne powdered red pepper", mix very well, then pick up both glasses, down the hot water and red pepper in one gulp "quickly". as soon as you've done that, put the cold water into your mouth and rinse vigorously and swallow, repeat the rinse with cold water until your mouth is warm to hot, quit rinsing, fill your lungs with all the air they can hold, and hold your breath for as long as you can, then let the air "slowly out your "nose" repeat the breathing exercise 4 to 5 times, by the fifth time your pain will be gone!!
